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  1. G'day lads, just thought I'd pop in and let you guys know that we are are looking at producing a line of canopy masks for the Hasegawa 1/72 and 1/48 Valks (at least to start with). Personally I could never get those decals they give you work without looking like a huge mess, so I always masked and painted by canopies which is a huge PITA. While prototyping I can say that masking up now only takes a few minutes before you're back in action. Anyway let me know if you are interested or if you have any input/suggestions or goo and bad experience with canopy masking sets. EDIT: These are starting to become available now so I'll list details here in the first post so they are easy to find. So far we have the following sets available (or will be soon): 1/48 scale VF-1A/J/S DYRL(Hasegawa canopy part N -1) - AUD$8.25 each. 1/72 scale VF-1A/J/S (Hasegawa) - AUD$5.50each. All orders include postage within Australia. International orders add a flat AUD $3.00 for postage. I can be PM'd here or via email here. Cheers, Brett
  2. Pursuing ambitious scratchbuild endeavor for SK's brilliant prototype & concept designs, but not sure what some of the accessory items are... In this first set of images on the VF-1SOL are these mini-missiles? Or something else? And the expanding/retracting vanes on the shoulder units?
  3. Hi All, Here's the completed build. It's the CAG bird of the (doubly) fictitious Sundowner squadron based out of the SDF-18. I went to great lengths to make the markings as authentic as possible as I could not find any decal sheets. I must thank Mark Wright for sending me an f-14 sheet, which sadly had deteriorated, but was very helpful in cutting my own masks and as guide for real decal placement! The serial number is the first part of the number and the '15' at the end represents the roll-out year, 2015. The weapons are in fact plumb and level to the plane although they look a little off kilter due to the angle is some of the pics, lol. The asymmetrical loadout is out of the Master File. There's also a couple of silvered decals I couldn't quite melt despite poking and soaking several times! Anyone have any other tricks? The kit really did have thick panel lines, but whatcha gonna do. I initially wanted to scratch build the VF-4 gunpod but then I didn't bother; I do enjoy the look of the GU-11 and I added brass barrels to it. The AN/ALQ-184 (Short) ECM Pod is a resin one from Brassin. I made up the pylon for it and the GU-11 from the spares bin. Someday I'll learn how to photoshop out the brass mounting rod, but pretty happy to have this one done as it has been a 'grail' design for me. Thanks for looking.
  4. I know..It's Kids Logic.. It won't be called Macross, It will be probably expensive and Their Cockpit speaker is horribly delayed + $450 shipping But hey, they are trying to make cool looking stuff based on Macross mechs. Gotta give them that. Here are 2 images from their Boss's facebook. 2 busts they are preparing for Hong Kong Toy Festival this weekend
  5. hachi

    HMR VF4

    From the album: Macross Stuff

    HMR VF-4 Lightning III
  6. Welcome to the Macross Delta Mecha/Technology Thread Guildlines Please limit your discussion of mecha and technology to this thread. This thread is not for discussing individual episodes or the story. Do not cross post. Please limit your discussion to mecha and technology seen in Macross Delta. Do not post any links to episodes or full soundtracks anywhere in the forum. This thread contains spoilers about mecha. Don't say we didn't warn you.
  7. Hey everyone! Just wanted people who don't frequent the Building/Customizing Macross Models & Toys section of the forums to be aware that slowly but surely - items I've made and produced from Shapeways.com are becoming available to you. This started initially as my own custom pieces meant just for me - but as the items grew in ambition and complexity, I thought it a waste if no one else got the chance to have these in their collection. As mentioned above they came about in 2 of my own threads customizing a Queadluun Rau and a VF-11C; http://www.macrosswo...showtopic=35459 & http://www.macrosswo...showtopic=36209 - shapeways pieces and WIP at the end of the threads. Currently I've finished 99% of my DYRL to TV Queadluun Rau conversion pieces - with only a new hip/waist articulation to go and have finished wing-clip attachments for VF-11s to allow attachments of any current 1/60 missiles and the freshly made HMMs. I have also completed a 1/60 Queadluun Rhea Impact Cannon and pieces to attach to a Q.Rau and for a VF-25 to use as a rifle. More items will become available as I get them and inspect them personally for detail fidelity and material properties to ensure the best product possible. They are available here; http://www.shapeways.com/shops/RPG Without giving too much away - expect much more love for the VF-11, VF-0 and Zentran Mecha. I am open to suggestions or requests - but they're subject to my work load. I will update this thread when items become available. I will continue the above custom threads with the build-ups and eventual completions in their respective threads. Peace! EDIT: Trying to add a poll!
  8. In order to vent my excitement for Delta just around the corner I put together these Valk Replicas in KSP. Tell me what you guys think, did I even come close? Sorry for the potato like quality my computer is crap. VF-31F Siegfried old version VF-31A Kairos SV-262Hs Drakken III old version, new one TBA SV-51y old version VF-0B Phoenix VF-0D Phoenix SV-51y w/Boosters VF-0 Phoenix "Angel" QF-2200D-A Ghost VF-1J Valkyrie VF-4G Lightning III VA-3C Invader VB-6 König Monster VF-5000 Star Mirage VF-9 Cutlass VF-11C Thunderbolt VF-14 Vampire (Macross7 P*L*U*S* Version) YF-19 Alpha1 YF-21 Omega1 X-9 Ghost VF-19ACTIVE Nothung SV-52 Oryol QF-4000 Ghost VF-171 Nightmare Plus VF-25F Messiah VF-27y Lucifer AIF-9V Ghost YF-29 Durandal YF-30 Chronos old version (Heres a couple of the old albums with more pics) http://imgur.com/a/a3laY http://imgur.com/a/IL2LO http://imgur.com/a/d39cL Heres my Steam Screenshot page for a good portion of my KSP creations ranging from WWII prop planes and bombers to F-15's and the superplanes from the Ace Combat universe to of course Macross Valkyries. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198074068035/screenshots/?appid=220200 Just updated with new Pics
  9. some models of Macross that i have made for 3d printing and assemble. the link to my page by if someone has interested. https://www.facebook.com/ermax3d/ all comments are welcome!
  10. Hello guys, I am a robot collector, new in this forum and I do not know if I am at right place. I want to sell this very rare Valkyrie. It has been made by Lansay with the Bandai Mold. (So technically it is possible to say it is a KO). The problem is that I do not have an idea of what price will be fair because it is very rare. According to what I read it is the rarest version for Valkyrie. Mine is in good shape but unfortunately on loose... if you can help on it it will be great !!
  11. Early morning take-off. Hope Dunkin Donuts has a "Gerwalk lane" in their drive-thru...
  12. A piece based on a design I did from about a decade ago. I decided this deserved a second chance:
  13. Welcome to the Macross Delta News Thread Notes and Guildlines This thread contains spoilers (episode descriptions, magazine info, etc). Don't say we didn't warn you. Please limit your comments to the contents posted in articles, websites, or news reported in this thread. (i.e. Do not post a critique or comment about episodes when this thread covers an article about the series or spend entire pages talking about mecha specifically). Please keep talk of mecha to the Mecha thread and story or episode talk to the Episode thread. Do not cross post. Please remember to post pics as attachments or use a 3rd party image hosting service. DO NOT link directly to image boards like 2ch's image forum or 4chan.org. This thread is for promotional materials only (magazine articles, commercials, website updates etc.). Please do not post any links to episodes or full soundtracks anywhere in the forum.
  14. For anyone with a GearVR or an Oculus Rift, I took my very old Macross Valkyrie cockpit and rendered it in a 360-degree 3D view. The viewer sits in Hikaru’s VF-1J, and wingmen are visible to the left and right. This was a quickie, and there are issues with this old cockpit model that I only noticed once I was “sitting” in it. Some panels are definitely wrong. I had to make stuff up, or interpret things from screencaps of the show back then. Quick hacks were made for visibility purposes, and the front instrument monitors have yet to be textured. But it’s an interesting, if slightly incomplete, experience. Also, I've never sat in a fighter cockpit, so is it natural for the nosecone to obstruct the view so much? I cheated and moved it down out of view because it kinda bugged me.
  15. From the album: IMAI VF-1A

    I had this model in line to be painted for 2 years, I decided to try some modern paint techniques on it such as the popular: "color modulation" used by modellers so indiscriminately today, (BTW, the correct term should be actually "color gradation"). I used Gunze and Tamiya paints, despite being an old kit (1983 or so), panel lines are superb and help a lot with the paneling process. Its a very fun weekend project. I used the kit base and made a hole backwards for mounting as I did not want to drill the gunpod.

    © Warlock Team

  16. vlenhoff

    Old vf1s

    From the album: Lenhoff's mental macross images & collection gallery

    Original drawing. Drawn by hand, an d painted in Photoshop. Roy stands his ground in macross island, as the first contact was made with the aliens. Clipped in the right arm, Roy's valkyrie bleeds slowly.

    © My interpretation of it, not for profit.

  17. Hi!! Long time since my last post. I want to share my VE-1 Elintseeker, it´s been like 2 years since I finished it, it was in my shelf an eternit - like 10 years or so- waiting to be built), It has some scratch build here and there, specially in the cockpit. Let me know what you think guys.
  18. The VF-1 Riders. I've seen a lot of their work on the net, and it's pretty phenomenal. But does anyone know more about them? How many members, where are they located, how can you join? Even if you don't know, click the link and enjoy their work.
  19. Last night I was messing around with my Isamu YF-29 and thinking about some of the criticisms it's received for being very "Super Robot" like in many respects. It obviously has a lot of pointy bits hanging off of it and it's bristling with weapons. It got me thinking about the different weapon load-outs on all of the Valks and I realized that it took iterations from the 19, 21/22, 24/25/27 to eventually reach weapon load out parity with the VF-17. Something I found funny considering the 17 is about the opposite of the 29 in look (though no less pointy.) But look at it. The 17 has medium cannons in the forearms, the 29 has the high bore cannons on it's back. The 17 has the smaller cannons mounted towards the cockpit/chest. The 29 has smaller cannons in the wing roots which become the greeble bits on the hips in Gerwalk/Battroid. The 17 and 29 both have their main gun pods. They both also have rear facing light lasers as well. In addition the 17 has internal mini-missiles launchers in the shoulders. The 29 has the same. The 17 has internal room for heavier missiles as well, the 29 instead has more mini-missiles mounted to the legs. And that's before either of them have their Fast Packs mounted, which gives them both a lot more missiles. That's some pretty effective craft when you consider how little some of the other fighters carry. The VF-1 and 11 both only have their small bore lasers, gun pod and wing mounted missiles on their own. They seem positively defenseless. I thought it was interesting one extremely showy Valk and one very utilitarian looking Valk both wind up having very similar loud outs.
  20. Hi, Does anyone know now to change out the canopy on a 1/60 v2 VF-1 valk? I have a crack on one, and would like to switch it out with another valk that I use as spare parts. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  21. From the album: Macross Minecraft Updates 2-22-16

    A view of the ARMD 01 with some lighting in place
  22. From the album: Macross Minecraft Updates 2-22-16

    A view of the 2 Valkyries on the elevator from a catwalk
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