Takeshi's Castle (風雲!たけし城) is a Japanese game show that aired from 1986 to 1990, and is one of the pioneers of the extreme Japanese game show phenomenon. In the show, hundreds of contestants storm through various obstacle courses for a chance to defeat Takeshi Kitano (Mr. Kitano in Battle Royale, Takahashi in Johnny Mnemonic) and win a million yen (somewhere around US$8,000). It can be heavily argued that this game show was one of the inspirations behind Battle Royale.
The UK broadcast was edited with majority of the comedic sketches trimmed out.
At least it's closer to the original than the American edit, known as MXC (Most Extreme Elimination Challenge).
Oh yeah, ABC attempted their own version of Takeshi's Castle, called Wipeout. That only got them sued by TBS.