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Found 5 results

  1. Post your links for your build ups or completed models threads here. Resin kits, plastic injection or scratch. Let other kit builders know where your thread is or if you want, post pics here.
  2. My second project: Build a variable alpha legioss resin kit (approximately 10 inches high for the battroid mode ) The right leg and landing gear prototypes were build with cardboards. I will make the real ones with plastic cards. Landing gear deployed Landing gear retracted The leg's design has been refined,it looks better than the 1/45 legioss : I like it.Softline design... B))
  3. Hey Folks! Just wanted to share a tiny bit of scratch-built fun! A bunch of years back I got an old 1/5,000 IMAI SDF-1 Cruiser Fortress kit & thought it'd be neat to have a few Valks lined up for launch on the carriers. Bear in mind that the Tiny valk itself is no more than 1.74 mm in length (.0685") & really has no surface detail, just waay too small to even try ya know? It was made by Supergluing a super thin piece of sheet styrene down to a thicker sheet & then, using powerful opti-visors, little by little carving away til I had a semblance of a Valkyrie! Id love to cast it up & see if I couldn't add tiny Fast-pack boosters to the top of it. I had thought about getting a pair of ARMD carriers in scale to swap out for the Daedalus & Prometheus to go for more of the DYRL look but no dice. I Guess I could scratch-build one & cast it up twice but if someone had already made one up, it'd make my life a lot easier! Anywho, just thought id share, hope you guys enjoy the mini-madness!
  4. Hello, Here is the very beginning of a long time project : create a 1/700 scale model of the stealth frigate SSV Normandy SR-2, seen in the video games "Mass Effect" 2 and 3: source : http://www.deviantart.com I have found some documents on the web, with some 3 view sheets, but nothing immediatly useful. So, I have decided to start from an official desk model I have ordered, pretty well done and detailed for the size (17 centimeters): With little efforts, I have started to make my own plans, with the only data I have found concerning the "real" ship, the total length, 384 meters. With an excel sheet, I transform the desk model dimensions (1/2259), in order to have the datas for a 1/700 model: Thanks for reading. Regards,
  5. Looks like a kit though...come to think of it...it's from this image.... very nice...anyone here get one of these? more here....Seem like from WonderFest 2010....but some I had not seen before.... http://trudge.blog100.fc2.com/blog-entry-147.html
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