Despicable Me 2 is the upcoming sequel to Illumination Entertainment and Universal Studios' 2010 animated blockbuster Despicable Me. Returning to their voice roles are Steve Carell (Andy in The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Michael in The Office) as Gru, Russell Brand (Katy Perry's ex-husband) as Dr. Nefario, Miranda Cosgrove (iCarly) as Margo, Dana Geier as Edith, Elsie Fisher as Agnes, and director Pierre Coffin as the Minions. Kristen Wiig (Vicki St. Elmo in MacGruber, Ruffnut in How to Train Your Dragon) also returns, but plays a new character named Lucy Wilde. Joining the cast are Benjamin Bratt (Det. Curtis in Law & Order), Steve Coogan (Octavius in Night at the Museum 1-2), and Ken Jeong (Leslie Chow in The Hangover I-III,Jerry Wang in Transformers: Dark of the Moon). Al Pacino was originally cast in the film, but was eventually replaced by Bratt at the last minute
The film premieres on June 12 at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival before a wide release on July 3.
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