The Interview is an upcoming action comedy film directed by Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen (This Is the End) and stars Rogen (The Green Hornet, Dale in Pineapple Express) and James Franco (Saul in Pineapple Express, Will in Rise of the Planet of the Apes), along with Lizzy Caplan (Claire in Marvel One-Shot: Item 47, Amy in True Blood), Randall Park (Governor Chung in Veep), Diana Bang, and Timothy Simons (Jonah in Veep). Also appearing are Eminem (overrated rapper), Rob Lowe (former '80s sex tape scandal figure) and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Don Jon, Blake in The Dark Knight Rises) as themselves. In the film, Rogen and Franco play celebrity journalists who travel to North Korea to interview Kim Jong-un, but are ordered by the CIA to assassinate him.
The film opens in theaters on Christmas Day.
Official Site
The Interview @ IMDb