Disney and the crew behind the Pirates of the Caribbean series bring The Lone Ranger back to the big screen, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and directed by Gore Verbinski. Armie Hammer (the Winklevoss twins in The Social Network) puts on the mask as the title character, while Johnny Depp plays his trusty partner Tonto. How much Disney paid Depp for this is anyone's guess. Also starring in the film are William Fichtner (Ken Rosenberg in the Grand Theft Auto series, bank manager in The Dark Knight), Ruth Wilson (Jane Eyre, Princess Betsy in Anna Karenina), James Badge Dale (Chase in 24, Eric Savin in Iron Man 3), Tom Wilkinson (Falcone in Batman Begins, IMF Leader in Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol), Barry Pepper (Jonnie Tyler in Battlefield Earth, Pvt. Jackson in Saving Private Ryan), Helena Bonham Carter (Marla in Fight Club, Bellatrix Lestrange in the Harry Potter series), and James Frain (Jarvis in Tron: Legacy). The Lone Ranger premieres on July 3, 2013.
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