Coming to theaters on January 23 is Strange Magic, an animated comedy fantasy film by Lucasfilm and Touchstone Pictures, directed by Gary Rydstrom (Lifted, Hawaiian Vacation) and written by George Lucas. The film features the voices of Alan Cumming (Boris in GoldenEye, Kurt/Nightcrawler in X2), Evan Rachel Wood (Stephanie in The Wrestler, Mala in Battle for Terra), Kristin Chenoweth (Rosetta in Tinker Bell, Gabi in Rio 2), Maya Rudolph (Rapunzel in Shrek the Third, Aunt Cass in Big Hero 6), Sam Palladio (Gunnar in Nashville), Alfred Molina (Otto/Doc Ock in Spider-Man 2, Satipo in Raiders of the Lost Ark), Elijah Kelley (Darnell in 28 Days, Samuel in Red Tails), Bob Einstein (Super Dave Osborne), and Peter Stormare (Meltdown in Transformers: Animated, Dracula in The Batman vs. Dracula).
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