This thread is for people to discuss Game of Thrones OPENLY and actually enjoy themselves. This is to celebrate the works of GRRM and the creation of the Game of Thrones TV show that came from those works.
The show is 98.9% caught up to the books, and the latest book might not be out for another 6 months or so. Season 5 is also over so if you haven't seen it - don't post here if you wish to stay spoiler free. As many fans are TV show only and will never read the massive book series, it's always helpful for them to get background information when they request it, and this is a place to do it.
Feel free to discuss the books. All books related to A Song of Ice and Fire.
The show. All 5 seasons.
What the show has left out and changed from the books. GRRM vs the Double D's.
Tinfoil theories and SPOILERS.
Speculation of the ending.
This thread is for open discussion, so if you come here you have already seen all the episodes and read all the books, or don't care about spoilers. No spoiler tags needed.
If you don't want to be spoiled - don't post here or read this thread.
It's really just that simple.
Now that that is out of the way - if you want to catch up on the theories this is an excellent place to start:
ALT SHIFT X on youtube compiles most of the major book/show theories into very helpful and visual videos.
Here is a cool article about enjoying spoilers: