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Found 25 results

  1. Old Thread: This thread is for non-Macross "just purchased" toys. Just Purchased Macross Toys thread here: ========================================== New rules for this thread for the New Year of 2025. 1). Maximum uploads of 3 pictures of a toy even if you bought two. That means if you bought DC Batman you can post a combination of boxed and opened pics of up to three here. Anymore than three will get the post deleted. If you bought another copy of the same DC Batman toy that does not constitute as a different toy and does not earn you three new photos. The moderation team considers that spamming and will be deleted. Text link to an external photo gallery if you have more than three pictures to share. 2). Image size: Height maximum per toy will now be set to 2400pixels for 3 pictures combined. That means one high resolution picture at 2400pixels or three decent resolution picture of 800pixels each. Choose your picture(s), less is more.
  2. Old thread, retired. This thread is for MACROSS-toys ONLY. New rules for this thread for the New Year of 2025. 1). Maximum uploads of 3 pictures of a toy even if you bought two. That means if you bought DC Batman you can post a combination of boxed and opened pics of up to three here. Anymore than three will get the post deleted. If you bought another copy of the same DC Batman toy that does not constitute as a different toy and does not earn you three new photos. The moderation team considers that spamming and will be deleted. Text link to an external photo gallery if you have more than three pictures to share. 2). Image size: Height maximum per toy will now be set to 2400pixels for 3 pictures combined. That means one high resolution picture at 2400pixels or three decent resolution picture of 800pixels each. Choose your picture(s), less is more.
  3. My friend's VF-0S toy has fallen off to the floor and the metal hinge has broken. I was thinking to write to Mr. K about it but I'm from South America and I doubt he or Arcadia can send me any replacement. Any solution?
  4. It's confirmed at Wonderfest Summer 2011. Yamato is planning 1/60 scale VF-19S, VF-19F and VF-19P for production. Let's share ideas and news about new variants here. VF-19S and VF-19F (with new head sculpt) VF-19P in fighter mode Differences between VF-19Kai and VF-19P VF-19P's nosecone has little diamond shaped parts. Also notice the different parts for the sides of the legs. Larger image of VF-19P
  5. Yamato webshop exclusive Will be fully assembled and painted. Discuss here. Graham
  6. I decided to go heavy with this no paint kit that I had built a couple of years ago, I was thinking it lacked character, finally it is complete.
  7. Hey everyone! Just wanted people who don't frequent the Building/Customizing Macross Models & Toys section of the forums to be aware that slowly but surely - items I've made and produced from Shapeways.com are becoming available to you. This started initially as my own custom pieces meant just for me - but as the items grew in ambition and complexity, I thought it a waste if no one else got the chance to have these in their collection. As mentioned above they came about in 2 of my own threads customizing a Queadluun Rau and a VF-11C; http://www.macrosswo...showtopic=35459 & http://www.macrosswo...showtopic=36209 - shapeways pieces and WIP at the end of the threads. Currently I've finished 99% of my DYRL to TV Queadluun Rau conversion pieces - with only a new hip/waist articulation to go and have finished wing-clip attachments for VF-11s to allow attachments of any current 1/60 missiles and the freshly made HMMs. I have also completed a 1/60 Queadluun Rhea Impact Cannon and pieces to attach to a Q.Rau and for a VF-25 to use as a rifle. More items will become available as I get them and inspect them personally for detail fidelity and material properties to ensure the best product possible. They are available here; http://www.shapeways.com/shops/RPG Without giving too much away - expect much more love for the VF-11, VF-0 and Zentran Mecha. I am open to suggestions or requests - but they're subject to my work load. I will update this thread when items become available. I will continue the above custom threads with the build-ups and eventual completions in their respective threads. Peace! EDIT: Trying to add a poll!
  8. I am doing the celshading in an old beat up Yamato, I got it very yellowed and some parts missing but it is coming along. Some of the fotos have really bad lighting.
  9. Hello people, the other day browsing the web https://www.bigbadtoystore.com I found some interesting models in 1/60 scale. They look pretty good and with multiple purposes I leave some images and the page where makes a complete review of them. https://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/rihio-multiabyss.1161750/ I think I'm going to buy some to see how it looks with my valks on the same scale LOL I leave some link that I have got out there in case anyone is interested in addition to the one of bb. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Search?Company=959 http://www.rihio.com/col.jsp?id=103 https://es.aliexpress.com/item/Show-Z-Store-Rihio-Multiabyss-MM001-V-Link-Mecha-Striker-Logistic-Set-Green-Blue-Desert/32932428835.html?spm=a219c.10010108.1000016.1.471450935qziqj&isOrigTitle=true See you
  10. Finished VF-0B here and here. Finished VF-0C here. Hello. I always wanted both a VF-0B and a VF-0C but I doubt Arcadia will do them (though one can hope!). I bought extra D's and A's in the hopes that the canopies could be swapped so I could make both a B and C. Thankfully they could and posted a couple of pics in the toys section. Although they looked okay I thought "both of them need a paintjob" so here I am. Bear with me as I'm a noob at these things so some of the ways I do things might not be the best way but it worked for me. Some helpful tools to have are: Spudger/Pry tool kit for the tiny screw hole covers and areas that need a little gentle help. Roll pin set and a small hammer to access the pins in the swing bar and to separate the chest piece. Don't need to do this using the new way. Extra plastic containers with lids labeled to keep all the small parts together. Don't do what I did and leave them in ziplocs as I found out the hard way as my darling wife threw a bag of small parts out into the rubbish and I spent half a day sorting through bags looking for it First thing I did was to take apart as much of the valks as I could so that I could mask and paint. Here is a pic of it apart, primed with Tamiya fine grey, and sprayed in AS-16 light grey. The legs are together and hanging. The rest of the time was masking and painting the various colors. I decided not to do the SPW scheme and instead do the VF-8 theme in the Master File. I sprayed the nose and lighter colored parts AS-20 insignia white, TS-16 yellow, and TS-29 semi gloss. After I let everything dry I put it all back together. Here's some pics of it in gerwalk and fighter modes. There's still a lot of stuff I need to touch up and put on some decals but that's where I'm at now. Thanks for stopping by! Here is the scheme for the VF-0B: This is the VF-0C scheme: 3/13/17: I added on the VF-0C to this thread so that I don't need to do another one. Edit 3/22/17 VF-0B Colors: Tamiya fine grey primer, AS-16 light grey for the main color, AS-20 Insignia white for the lighter parts, TS-18 yellow and TS-29 Semi gloss black. TS-80 flat clear. VF-0C Colors: Tamiya fine grey primer, TS-81 Royal light grey for the main, AS-7 Neutral grey, TS-15 Blue, TS-16 Yellow, and TS-29 Semi gloss black. TS-80 flat clear. EDITED: 8/26/17 I want to thank fellow member Ratatarse as he also did conversions but had a different way of converting. The difference is that he showed an easier way to convert than the way I did it. All he did was swap the cockpit sections along with the cockpit shields. Disregard all the rest of the instructions as my method was trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Lol.
  11. Updated with web store prices for the normal release version HLJ at 21,800 yen http://hlj.com/product/aca82131 Hobby Search at 21,800 yen http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10443718 Cdjapan at 20,710 yen http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-221795 Biginjapan at 20,270 yen http://www.biginjap.com/en/completed-models/18403-macross-vf-1s-hikaru-ichijo-with-strike-parts-movie-ver-160.html AmiAmi at 20,240 yen http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-027240 Anime-export at 19,620 yen http://www.anime-export.com/product/34637 Nippn-Yasan at 18,580 yen https://www.nippon-yasan.com/19844-macross-1-60-kanzen-henkei-vf-1s-strike-valkyrie-ichijou-hikaru-custom-movie-ver.html Updated with web stores prices for the Premium finish ver. Nippon-Yasan at 28,600 yen https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/19852-macross-1-60-kanzen-henkei-vf-1s-strike-valkyrie-ichijou-hikaru-custom-premium-finish-ver.html Anime-export at 27,864 yen http://www.anime-export.com/product/34709 Hlj at 25,800 yen http://hlj.com/product/acagk-01/Act Early Review and photos of the Premium Finish ver. https://www.forbes.com/sites/olliebarder/2017/04/01/vf-1s-strike-valkyrie-hikaru-ichijo-custom-toy-review-better-than-any-jetfire/#fe0b11a1c4bc Released short youtube review of Premium finish (in chinese) Info from Arcadia website: Arcadia: 1/60 VF 1S Strike Valkyrie Hikaru Ichijo Special Movie Ver Tentative price 21,800 yen (excluding tax) Release Date: Release 2017 April "Normal version" can be purchased at each retail store, net shop. http://arcadia.ac/products/detail.php?product_id=240 Arcadia: 1/60 VF 1S Strike Valkyrie Hikaru Ichijo Premium Finish Tentative price 27,864 yen (including tax) Release Date: May 2017 will be released ※ regard "Premium Finish version" will be products of our online limited. ※ The closing day for orders will be until 2017/2/8 (Wednesday). " it's suppose to be pre applied tampo markings so you don't have to put any stickers. similar to what Bandai do on their DX Chogokin" http://arcadia.ac/products/detail.php?product_id=241
  12. New thread since the old thread has been retired. http://www.macrosswo...showtopic=35038 Nothing really new but here's another photo of the poster shown at WF2012 advertising the 17D. Earlier pics of the 1/60 VF-17D made the stripes look white but they look to have a slight tinge of blue in this photo.
  13. Hi I am new to the forum, but I hope this topic generates some feedback as I am currently working on shoulder hinge & forearm replacement parts for a VF-0A by Yamato ( now Arcadia ). I have included some shots from my current progress. I should have a new set of replacements parts in metal here in the next few weeks. If anyone has parts they'd like to see redone in metal or plastic please PM me and let me know. We can move forward from there. PS these are precise replicas built from existing plastic (albeit - broken) parts from original 1/60 figure. NOTE: if you are interested in a quote for custom work, I will need at least one of the following: 1. a detailed set of hyper accurate illustrations including the top, side, front, and possibly bottom of the piece / part in question. and or 2. The piece mailed to me so I have it in my hands to produce sail illustrations / take measurements. I cannot do it from just a photo. Cheers! RocketBoyStudio
  14. Hi everyone. I just wanted to start a proper thread for this. I put up adapters for Gundam stands that can hold up Yamato valks. Here's some images that CoreyD posted on http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=37622'>his thread. Heres' the link for them: http://www.shapeways.com/shops/exodigital'>http://www.shapeways...hops/exodigital And here's the HLJ link to the stands: http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?Word=gundam+stands&DisplayMode=images&Dis=2&Sort=std&qid=IHYE32P2QUVS4Q&set=1&q=1&MacroType2=displaybse'>http://www.hlj.com/s...ype2=displaybse It's an inexpensive solution for your display needs. Thanks! I've uploaded the adapters that removes the need for the hinge. It makes for a more sturdier stand and can actually hold a 1/48 with Fast Packs. I had to create ones with angles that bank because removing the hinge means less pose-ability There should be enough variety to suit your needs. I've also renamed the product so the number of different ones won't be confusing. B2Y - Bandai to Yamato B2Y classic - the original ones that people have been purchasing that goes on the hinged part of the stand. Allows more pose-ability but won't hold heavier valks B2Y unhinged - comes in three varieties: level, Starboard (banking) and Port (banking) I've also bundled them up in different sorts for price breaks.
  15. So I'm working on making individual micro missiles that would usually shoot out of the UMM-7 pictured here: Here is my progress so far: These Micro Missiles should be in 1/60 scale. The rocket pod is from a 1/60 VF-1 ver.2 toy. Please let me know what you think I should design off of these particular Macross designs pictured below: #1 #2 If you have any questions please feel free to post a reply Edit (06/18/2017): I am in the process of printing out more. I'll be able to showcase what it could look like in a couple of days when they get here. I'll be sure to keep you guys updated Edit (06/23/2017): finally got the parts in here's what they look like also working on making beer missiles as well Edit (06/25/2017): got a progress pic of the smoke trail I'm designing for it down below The tan colored cylinder is supposed to be the missile.
  16. Hi all, I'm kinda new here. I was telling a friend of mine that I've been hunting for a Yamato 1/60 Perf Trans VF-11C without luck and he recommended that I try my luck on here. If anyone is willing to part with theirs/or know where I can get one, I would really appreciate it! I've got a DX Chogokin YF-30 Chronos and a 1/60 Yamato Perf Trans Super Ostrich to trade if anyone is interested in them as well.
  17. After a long time of deciding if I was still obsessed with the ugly VA-3 I finally decided to print it in 3D. I hope this motivates many who helped me with the model and can do it in better quality, to prove that this ugly valk that many do not like is really interesting. The same is only in combat mode and when it is finished, bonded, sanded and painted I hope to change a lot for the better. It is really big especially for the length of the wings and gave a fight when it was printed. I hope you like it and upload the captures when finished. enjoy it
  18. Dimis


    Hi guys, Anyone who owns this since 2010, how is it holding up? For a brand new one i would have to spend serious money so i'm hoping someone can deter me... :-P. Is the skull white plastic prone to yellowing? PS. I never wanted a VF-11c until i realized it was going to be even harder now getting one = macross collector's logic! D
  19. Hey all - this one's been itching (in my head) to be made for ages - so this morning I put aside my 'real' work and started to make this kick-ass head sculpt by Tenjin-sama. Still needs some angles to be tweaked and the back portion and internals to be made, but it will be done soon - but we'll have to wait for a while for a print to get to me to make sure it's all good. Unless people trust me enough to just make it available. I will include a few laser options - as the concept art has them splayed at about 15 degree each side where as the current 1/60 are nearly parallel - they're also 2mm wide at the tip, just like the current one - but may be too fragile. Seeing if I can make the visor removable for separate painting too. Anyways, progress as it happens, enjoy. Feedback welcome.
  20. I've been working more with hand-sculpting lately, and I decided my next project would actually be macross related, which of course means I share it here. I've really only just started, but I'll be sharing WIP shots as I go. Since I love enemy mecha far more than is probably healthy, I decided hell with it and am going for the gold, starting out with the unamed Zentreadi battlesuit from the first episode of Plus. Still a lot of refining to go, and of course this is just the first part, but my plan is for it to eventually be a full scale 1/60-ish piece. Let me know what you guys think!
  21. http://www.yamato-to...3/list2012.html and VE-1
  22. Custom or Arcadia getting into the itasha mood after the 30th anniversary VF-1J? http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-208271-1-1.html
  23. Hi all, First I'd like to apologize if I'm not posting in the right section since it's my very first post on this forum. I've searched for that subject but coudn't find anything releavant to my problem. My question is "Where can I get spare parts for those Magnificient-yet-(often)-crapy-jointed Yamato's Valks V2?" I came here on a friend's recommandation who said that you might be able to help me with the cracking shoulders (left & right) and knaped canopy of a Super Ostrich (YMT00126). It's quite hard to find precise and releavant information on the Internet for that problem. Actually I was really looking forward a nice answer from parts@hlj.com since I have an account there but they informed me that this service was suspended because of the earthquake and they didn't know when they where going to run it back on. I also gave a try at over-drive-inc.com since they have a form specially made for that but I've never receive any answer. Could you guys give me a hint on what to do? Have these spare parts for sale or an address to contact to get them? Am I doomed to keep it this way? Thanks for the useful advices you could give me (and sorry for my english, I haven't pratice for centuries, maybe even more ;-) )
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