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Everything posted by leon

  1. Hey guys, i was clean my vf 25f with thinner(for model kit use). and after a while,the wing just broke apart,the part that the small metal incert in it.Do thinner really soften the pastic???
  2. I think the best way is to ask yamato to change the metal pin to a thinner one,so the pastic will be thicker enough to hold it.my 1A left shoulder crack and the burr side are facing up. But so far no problem for my 1S roy.
  3. Eh...the right one i think its facing up,can't really comfirm as they look quite the same when it is not broken.
  4. Just to comfirm,epoxy is something that have a "A" mix with "B" and it will harden right?sorry because i m not too sure what it is...
  5. Its on the top when in robot mode.
  6. thanks yamato for nothing!!! My VF-1A shoulder just have a crack line!!! and its on the left one,and it is on the thicker metal pin side,n too i had already loosen screws!it happen during my transformation from fighter to gerwalk. Bro here with the problem,can check with u guys,i had applied some super glue from those gundam kit,do u guys think its ok for using that type of glue?
  7. Wow,thats cool 1d,n they even remold the chest plate..must get it!
  8. Wow,that really cost more then $10k..
  9. ok,i will try n send them mail...thanks.
  10. hi..guys,just to check,is this available to all customer even if the toy is not purchase from them...can someone comfirm for me?thanks..
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