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Everything posted by t040484

  1. t040484

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I missed the preorder. Damn, i wished bandai make these easy to get like their SOC line.
  2. https://www.gundamplanet.com/1-72-vf-31j-super-siegfried-hayate-immelman-custom.html https://www.gundamplanet.com/1-72-vf-25f-super-messiah-valkyrie-alto-saotome-custom.html These 2 don't need glue. And they also transforms to all 3 mode
  3. Does anyone have the vf-31j ver 1.3? What are the differences?
  4. I also don't understand why they all gotta wear swimsuit. It would be better if they have bodysuit like from Gantz series.
  5. I honestly think Aoshima will use generic girls. If they use macross girl, it would mean paying more for the license. I do hope that they will release the characters as a stand alone releases, and that they will still be compatible with all the valkyrie.
  6. Anymore news about this one?
  7. i didn't get mine yet, but i'm sure i will get it soon. they only have 5 pcs from bandai? i thought this is supposed to be a restock, not a tease? darn you bandai!!!!
  8. Thanks! Gatoooooo!!!
  9. wow, bro you should copy me and sleep on the floor. that way you won't just throw yourself like on a bed. now you can see that there is a valk on the floor. but seriously though that is crazy, i'm glad i'm not a member of this club
  10. yes, you absolutely do!!! one more is always better, go for it man!
  11. hmmm, thanks for the hlj tip. btw if you also searching on ebay, then we might get into a bid wars LOL go easy on me man ok
  12. ok, so there is quite a lot of difference then. my plan was to get tv version, since it is cheaper but i will have to go for the movie version i guess. thanks for the input guys
  13. i need to decide between vf-1s tv or movie version but i don't know what the difference between the 2 versions are i tried to look from macross mecha manual, it seems like the difference are the hands design. but is there any difference in the actual toys? marking or paint perhaps? anyone that knows, please give me suggestion i need to make this decision before the item sold out. thanks
  14. sorry to go off topic, but a while back there is a side cover for vf-0. did anyone know how and where can i order this? i believe it was available briefly on shapeways, but it was taken down before i can order. if someone know, please forward me to the right direction. i appreciate it. thanks
  15. let's put it this way, if you call yourself a macross fans then it is your duty to sit down and watch the entire saga of macross 7. it would be way worse than watching the entire twilight saga, but you will be proud of yourself afterwards.
  16. please, please make the 2 small spikes under the nose near the landing gear bay on vf-0a. i broke mine, here is link to picture http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/31/imag0087pe.jpg/ it's not clear with my cellphone camera, will try to take better pictures tonight. oh, and also make the antenna for vf-o. i have a feeling, that thing is going to break easily.
  17. oooooo is that replacement for the vf-o problematic shoulder? if it is, everyone hail veef!!!
  18. it sure it looked like 5 times bigger than that in the tv show......
  19. nice!!! april release is birthday present for myself!!!
  20. can anybody read what the signs says? release date i hope i need that vf-1j and vf-1d
  21. wow, that super packs look crispy and delicious.
  22. what? when? where can i get one now?
  23. ummm, i'm a newbie... can somebody explain how i can attend MW con?
  24. that canopy is extremely hard to pull up. transform it first and when you get to the part where you swing the cockpit block, that's when you have better position for your finger to get from the back. and don't forget to pull straight up first, before you swing open the canopy. do it couple time to loosen it, took me half hour to get it just loose enough how did you get the fold booster to attach?
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