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Everything posted by t040484

  1. t040484

    Hi-Metal R

    Can i take over?
  2. t040484

    Hi-Metal R

    Lucky all of you who get to preorder this. I don't even know they make VF-4 until a month ago. Been focusing on DX chogokin for a while. Now, hopefully they make DX chogokin VF-4 next.
  3. t040484

    Hi-Metal R

    What is that small vf-25? The original hi metal release?
  4. t040484

    Hi-Metal R

    Much less original price? Im willing to pay your original price pluss all your shipping expenses. Remember to message me.
  5. t040484

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    That is crazy, the amount of money we pay. Maybe i should start making unboxing video everytime. For returning purposes, if something does go wrong.
  6. t040484

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah, thats exactly what i have in mind.
  7. t040484

    Bandai DX VF-31

    These 2 color combination reminded me of gundam heavyarms and gundam leopard
  8. Okay thanks for the explanation. I will get that booster set now.
  9. Guys, anyone ever tried putting the gallia fold set on the renewal vf-25? Especially the speaker pods? I can't find any reviews online anywhere. Will it fit? Need to know before i buy it. Thanks
  10. By this logic, if they make vf25 armored then...
  11. This looks way better than the OOB figure. Aoshima really should make the girl with full body suit. Btw, does anyone think that Aoshima overdid it with the bust size?
  12. t040484

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I think that Bandai just want to know how far they can abuse the new joints
  13. t040484

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I seriously doubt that thing will stand on it's own feet.
  14. t040484

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Knowing bandai, they will release a super parts for 31A instead driving the price way up. Sometime, i think the chief at bandai just evil person.
  15. t040484

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Color coordinated? It's like power rangers lol. I'm just gonna get Hayate, or Messer in that case.
  16. Does anyone here ever try to use the model kit weapon with their DX chogokin? I just bought Alto's armored messiah, and it comes with sniper rifle. So i thought of giving it to my DX chogokin.
  17. t040484

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Please dont give bandai more ideas. Im begging you lol
  18. t040484

    Bandai DX VF-31

    It's great I'm sure. But i was hoping 1 siegfried would be enough. I've been down that path before with Vf25. I bought 3Alto for each armor. Looks like bandai got me again this time.
  19. t040484

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Ah, darn it. That mean i have to buy Arad's siegfried. Thanks for checking that up for me.
  20. t040484

    Bandai DX VF-31

    And they all using the same armor? Same color and everything? So i can buy this armor, and stick it on my Hayate's 31J? I'm hoping that i dont have to buy another siegfried
  21. t040484

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I haven't watch the movie yet. So, this armored vf-31 is only show up for like a few minutes right? Also it's only 2units with armor parts?
  22. I would rather bandai start making variable fighter from other series. We need YF-21 now. And VF-1 in same scale as other DX chogokin.
  23. The girls are generic girl. I'm assuming, if aoshima want to use macross girls then we would have to pay more. If this line going well, i hope aoshima would release the characters as a separate releases. And not just the girls of course.
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