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  1. That's pretty much how high demand pre-orders go at AmiAmi.
  2. HLJ is sold out, wasn't able to successfully check out.
  3. SHF are usually pretty readily available so I probably wouldn't worry about it too much. I've placed at least 40 orders with N-Y since 2012 and haven't really had any issues (knock on wood) besides the long VF-31A delay.
  4. Did anyone ever figure out what the deal was with the VF-31A Kairos pre-orders from NY? It seemed like most people were eventually able to get at least one unit, (mixed results for multiple unit orders), but it was really weird how it seemed like they were getting a couple units at a time every couple of months over the next year or so. I think I got mine after 9 months. Given their customer service and price gouging track record, I highly doubt they were buying more units on the secondary market (VF-31As were expensive everywhere) just to honor everyone's pre-orders and it wouldn't make sense that Bandai would still be producing small quantities over the next year. To this day, I'm still really curious where those VF-31As were coming from.
  5. Got one from Amazon.co.jp this time but this has also been my experience with AmiAmi. Once it's in your cart, just keep trying to check out serially from the same session. Don't open a bunch of browsers/tabs and keep refreshing in parallel as this sometimes leads to your cart being reset.
  6. Bit the bullet and just ordered from N-Y at 25,800 yen so I could just get it over with. The VF-1J was much easier. I was actually able order one from both CDJ and HLJ so I just ended up canceling my HLJ order.
  7. potatobbq

    Hi-Metal R

    VF-4 available at CDJ again - http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-308850
  8. Mine shipped on 8/23 and has had no updates since it left Osaka on the 8/25. There was also an additional note re: the delay on the Japan Post tracking page, but this is probably the longest SAL has ever taken for me. "Delays are expected in the delivery of international mail and EMS addressed to the areas in the United States of America listed in the table below due to delays in processing at the Office of Exchange (OE) of Los Angeles and a subsequent increase in the backlog."
  9. A couple of people on this thread have definitely gotten multi-unit orders, but I think they were very early orders. IIRC, someone in this thread actually asked customer service about converting their order to a single unit and they actually said they would be able to fill it sooner if they did, but I'm not sure whether or not it actually panned out.
  10. For anyone still waiting for their VF-31A from N-Y, I finally just got a shipping notification so it looks like they're still slowly filling orders. I have no idea where they're even getting these from, 6 months after release, but I have to give them a lot credit for eventually following through instead of just cancelling everyone's order and marking up any new stock that arrive later.
  11. Has N-Y shipped any 31As in the past couple of weeks? It's been pretty quiet for a while... wondering if it's about time to give up.
  12. Finally just got it from HLJ
  13. finally successfully checked out and received email confirmation from cdj
  14. finally got one, thanks!
  15. CDJ proxy fees are pretty steep... I think it's 500 yen + 10% of the item price and since it's shipped within Japan from seller to CDJ, you also have to pay tax (normally CDJ to outside Japan = no tax).
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