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Mr. Troska!

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Everything posted by Mr. Troska!

  1. I'm really looking forward to seeing a few VF-0's in American livery myself.
  2. My statement was meant to be more of a joke than anything else, but aside from the shoulder hinge, I am quite impressed with my valkyrie. I just wish that a strong spare or recast could be found without resorting to buying a newer issue and scraping that one for parts.
  3. Has anyone tried that yet?
  4. I did apply some epoxy to the offending joint and it seems to be holding for now; it was actually quite fun tearing the thing apart but I digress...
  5. Just pulled my standalone VF-1S out of the box 15 minuets ago and while loosening the shoulders, I discovered the tell tale crack. I'm seriously never buying another toy from Yamato again. Those Mother F*ckers did it to me this time, and I don't care whether or not I get banned for slinging epithets and pajoratives about, and frankly with the amount of cash that I sank into this thing on my budget, I do deserve to be angry. All animus aside, I will be putting some epoxy on the shoulder tonight in an attempt at saving this piece of junk, if it fails, I'll order a spare, and if that fails, I'll be folding my macross tent forever. P.S, I did however, enjoy my Halloween night and thinking of the scantily clad girls that wouldn't have danced with me with had I not been wearing a bedsheet with two eye holes has been comforting through the whole of this ordeal. I'll report back with pictures later, but this has by far, been a disappointing cap to an otherwise favorable weekend. C.S
  6. I once knew a MCPO through a VP squadron that my father was in back in the 90s that made it across the wall when he was 15; he left everything behind to reach the United States and his stories always had a profound effect upon me that later on in life, induced me to abhor the totalitarian savagery of communism and it's many, subtle permutations. But on a lighter note, I have made provision for 1 V2 1/60, a set of S&S packs, and hopefully a Q rau if one can be found on the cheap...
  7. My standalone VF-1S is inbound, yet I'm still apprehensive...Guess I'll just loosen some screws and see what happens.
  8. I'm sorry about Ootis Jason, I thought to myself, "What an appropriate name for a boxer" Gus's funeral will and memorial service will be coming up soon and I'm still in shock, 2 weeks ago I saw him at the computer in the adjunct office, and now, he's dead. I could say something cynical or acerbic, but I'd rather not, I'd just as soon maintain the solemnity of these of these circumstances than take the stage.
  9. I'd like to think that at least some, if not all of the U.S.N's aviation squadrons would comprise the naval and aerospace wings of both the U.N Navy and Spacy, due to the sheer amount of experience accumulated over 90 years of carrier operations.
  10. I know how you feel Jason, when I walked into class this morning I was greeted with news that the speech fellow had passed away over the weekend, it was a hard day in the adjunct office, so I'll be praying both for you and Gus. Chris
  11. Talos, I'm just wondering if you have a full size mockup of the german flag you used available? And might I commission one too if possible?
  12. I'm sitting on my hands in anticipation for looks like the best valk yet, and I'm especially looking forward to being able to remove the head as a sloppy ttransformation took the headlasers off of my 1/48 VF-1S a few years back. All criticism aside I'm looking forward to getting at least 3 plus S&S packs.
  13. I just ordered the 2.0 Vf-1S from him yesterday; perhaps I should have misgivings, but I'm willing to wait a while longer.
  14. Well, I did manage to find one retailer online that still has stock of the VF-1S strike version here in the U.S, but I'd remiss to purchase it. http://www.animewild.com/product_info.php?products_id=300179
  15. I'm quite crestfallen with this new development regarding the QC of the v.2 Valkyries. I was looking forward to purchasing one but after noting the repeated failure of the right shoulder joints, I might buy a tascam in lieu of the VF-1S I've been eyeing.
  16. A $1,500 plastic dome should at least have a Farraday cage; IMHO, fandom has its limits.
  17. "Here's my secret plan..." Lol
  18. I've got a wide range of tastes myself, though lately I've been preferential to Joy Division and Bessie Smith among others; I often find that the latter half of Transeurope Express by Kraftwerk meshes perfectly with the long shots featuring the Super Ostrich skipping along Saturn's rings in DYRL. Oh and by the way, my name is Mr. Troska and I'm new to the forum, I couldn't find an introduction thread so I thought I'd just jump in and see whats up.
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