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Everything posted by meninge

  1. mmmmm, OK you right. But i dont have a side view of the VF-9 cutlass and its size (Lenght). If you can tell me this info I apreciate a lot. F-14 or F-18 , mmmmm OK no problem but .... But i dont have a side view and its size (Lenght). Can somebody help me in this FAN work????
  2. mm, OK. wait and you'll see.
  3. OOOHHH MY GODD!!!! almost 3 years, waw, Excellent work. CONGRATULATIONS!!! PLEASE KEEP GOING!!!
  4. Here i leave the new chart, i hope you like it: I need some info, but not now!
  5. NO no no no, they are ok, LOOK: I see your chart talos, I think probably is the scale that we use to make our charts, but it's ok, yours and mine!
  6. OHH, I see. So, the All the VF11s models are in the same length of the YF19. I'll fix that!
  7. The emulators from Macross II lover's again! Enjoy!
  8. The VF-0D Shin type.... Ready! Enjoy!
  9. Thanks polidread, About the parallel plane.... mmmmm, yeah you right and i can arrange that. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, ehh sure, you right again, BUT! what if a make the Box form??? HAHAHAH!!! In the fourth episode of Mplus, sharon talks to myung in hologram form (The same form that I show in my chart), and she was very big hologram, but I prefer to do her form like the height of myung simply!! Thanks anyway!
  10. NO, this is the request: I finish the vfod shin type, and now am completing the shin type with the ghost.
  11. I found the same image 20 minutes ago, and I'm painting the zero D like that scheme, but not so detailed, Just like my chart's fighters, but i think is not too bad at all. THANKS talos, the image is too good for the task! And what about my request???? PLIIIIIIIISSS!!!
  12. So, do you have the VF-0D shin type color scheme??????
  13. the third one is........ WENDY RYDER from Macross 2. And yes, that is Sharon Apple naked, jjejejejeje, remember... she or it is only an Hologram!!!
  14. OHHH, yes thanks, I already use them, but I have a little problem with the VF-0D + ghost, i can't find a picture with the right colors and the two of them. Maybe i leave it and paint only the vf-0d alone. mmmmm, i want to make a petition, to you Talos or anyone, I need the side view of the metal siren, The VF-19 custom (BASARA's) and the VF11 MAXL (Mylene's) to complete my chart!!!! Right Now, i'm working to add new side views to my chart and the fighters that already mentioned still missing to me. Thanks talos !!
  15. This Topic is dedicated to all that pretty singer ladies in the macross universe!! This is a fan work i made 1 year ago, I think this is the right place to show it! I hope you like it and i'll wait your opinions about it! ( I need the heights of Ranka and sheryl ) BYE!!!
  16. Well, the truth is that I am use several programs but.... the elemental thing is made in Paint! I'm very happy for the help and the technical data you bring to me!!! Please... give me more!!!!
  17. mmmm, and where you see this???? the last fighter is the vf-5000. And i think you pick the wrong chart, JAJAJAJ!!! But if this info about the vf11 is true, i thank you. I'll make a new chart with all correct. AAAAAHHH, one last thing, the sizes of all fighters are in the new un spacy overtechnology page and i took for references.
  18. Its a fan comunity of ROBOTECH!!! And thanks to you misterryno!!
  19. JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJ!!!! speak of the devil! Gracias señor por la bienvenida y la introducción! Y asi es , muchos proyectos.... y este era uno de mis favoritos y que mejor lugar que este para lucirlo!! Y ya he visto muchas cosas geniales que me ayudarán bastante para completarlo!!
  20. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH, OK, I'll make that ghost and the Booby Duck soon as posible!!!! Thanks for the explanation dude!
  21. mmmmm, what ghost???? booby ducks??? mmmmm explain me that Please well, here is the second part: The same scale as well!! OK!!
  22. YES, i want that vf-25 but dont have the side view, i was looking in other topic (very nice work) and the view is not complete, but i like the work! soon i think, i!ll put the rest of all the fighters that i have! Talos, your size chart is interesting, Why dont you put some color on that fighters???
  24. Well, here is it, my size chart of the Macross fighters: Any suggestions??
  25. WAW, the size chart is really good looking, mmmm, in fact, I made one with the fighters, i hope you like it. OOHH, this is my first post!!!!
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