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Less than Super Ostrich

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Everything posted by Less than Super Ostrich

  1. geez, nerv. the guy is pretty busy. I think his scuplt does pretty well in detailing how nice this kit is.
  2. Well done, John. Very well done. Your sculpts are flawless!
  3. Yep. Great customer service. I know these folks personally... they are good people. Also, its a great source for tools and other stuff. I've bought lots of Tamiya tape, Aves Apoxie Sculpt, and several scribing templates from them. All reasonably priced... particularly including the shipping cost you'd have to pay if you ordered them from HLJ.
  4. Regardless of what they are... they are almost mandatory on anything Macross!
  5. wow. great stuff, billy. sheesh... and they used to call Walter Payton... Sweetness. Much more fitting for Master Cheng.
  6. Coby... I'm shocked and appalled!
  7. For those of you who don't venture to the For Sale forum... ya gotta check this out: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=17583
  8. go back and play with the kids in the toy forum. just messing with ya. No modeler wants anything except 1/144, 1/100, 1/72, 1/48, 1/32 (or 1/35 for armor). We want things to be inscale with all our other models. Most popular are 1/72 and 1/48, but as a rule bigger is always better. Personally, I get annoyed when people do things in odd scales. .
  9. Count me in... let me know the cost.
  10. Looks like Anasazi would do the decals for around $7. He said "1/100 sets would most likely be around $7, if I am remembering the size of the decal sheet. Definitely no more than $10." If you're interested, let me know. Thanks, Brian
  11. That's for sure... toys are for kiddies. It's all about the models baby! Seriously, when people talk about their toys and talking about playing with them, I have to scratch my head. Maybe its because I'm 32 with 3 kids. I can't imagine zooming around the house with my Valkyries. That being said. I have 2 Yamatos... so I'm a hypocrite.
  12. UN SPACY, that's why we have to turn you away from the evil side of the TOY FORUM. anthonyk, Looks great!!
  13. I don't usually do these kind of kits, but me likey.
  14. Depends. Not all scratchbuilders do the casting too. The original master is more important to keep since the molds break down over time and the number of times you use them. Not sure how wise this is since most of these aren't licensed by Big West. We wouldn't want to draw too much attention to them. Depends on the situation. Most of these are one time. Most of the makers are not in it to make lots of money. Most do it because they are fans and they want to give their fellow fans a unique piece of art. Some do it for the money, but I gotta think that the $$$ are not enough to feed your family. I know for a fact that Mike could be making lots more by doing some other projects. Correct me if I'm wrong Mike, but I think you are doing this just because you love Macross and you love big scales!
  15. I found the original thread when I got the kit and bumped it.
  16. GH... did ya ever get the Masters back?
  17. You'll have to ask Joe (Gundamhead) on that one.
  18. Since the folks who got the SMT 1/100th scale Monster didn't get decals with the kit, I asked Anasazi to do some for us. He agreed and said the more sets he can make, the lower the cost would be. For all of you that got the SMT 1/100 Scale Monster... please let me know on this thread if you'd like to get some decals made. Thanks, Brian
  19. I'm attempting my first sculpt. I'm using Sculpey and Aves Apoxie Sculpt. The latter I like very much. I've only worked with renshape once, but it is very very good stuff... EXPENSIVE too, correct?
  20. John... what are you using as your sculpture medium? Very well done.
  21. I use a little Tamiya Gunmetal... maybe add a little flat black to darken it up a bit.
  22. welcome to Macrossworld. I'd just check ebay occassionally. Its your best bet. Besides I doubt someone is going to give their kit to anyone they don't know on this board.
  23. sweet. good to see some new blood post some pics
  24. nice red accents in the fast packs. love it.
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