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Less than Super Ostrich

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Everything posted by Less than Super Ostrich

  1. Lemme think about it. As far as what's on my workbench. It would be easier to say what's not on the workbench! As you can see, we gotta: SMT 1/100 scale Monster Hasegawa 1/48th scale F-15 Alternate paint scheme Bandai 1/100 scale Yukikaze Mave The aformentioned Cat's Eye ... and my little pet project... my first sculpt... trying to replicate the Gentle Giant Clone Wars Maquette series. It's an ARC trooper with the Z-6 Rotary Blaster.
  2. I recommend washing your resin in Formula 409 to make sure you get all the mold release off. It can be a real pain on paint jobs. You're fine for your situation since you used a primer. That should be sufficient to make your paint stick. I pinned my Cat's Eye wings with brass rods. In retrospect, I don't think you have to, but they looked a little heavy just gluing to the fuselage. Is that an original or a Mike's special?
  3. you'd have to snap the fuselage to get the cockpit tub out.
  4. dontcha think Platz will do something with the Normal Sylph??
  5. I doubt you want a half built Cat's Eye!
  6. Looking good so far Mech... I have that kit as well. It has some major fit problems. Lots of sanding on that one. My radome isn't perfect either, but it would be too difficult to fix properly.
  7. I like it. Simple landing gear is what you see on most drones.
  8. when is the last time you heard that from a major resin kit manufacturer? Way to go, Mike. <Insert sloppy kiss emoticon>
  9. Has anyone heard of heating their spray cans up before you prime? I hear this is a good thing to make them spray well... particularly if they are stored in a cool place (in my case my basement/hobby area is very cool).
  10. Still looks great. Looks like the scribing on the rear needs a little work, but otherwise looks real nice.
  11. go to starshipmodeler.com store for all your Tamiya tape needs in the US.
  12. Look what our very own MeyersJesse has been up to: Raptor Thread Way to go, dude! I think I know the sculptor who is also a big friend of MW as well. Don't know if he wants to be named.
  13. Jesse has been moonlighting as a BSG fan. Git yer arse back to Macross, pal.
  14. I'm officially in. Mike... will you rotocast this one? Or will this be solid resin??
  15. What stops you from your building? Here's a little picture showing 2 out of 3 of my biggest impediments to my macross model building. Without kids, I think I'd have my entire fleet done. Don't get me wrong... I love my crew. By the time they are all bathed, teeth brushed, hair combed, story-read-to, and tucked in... it's 8:30. I have to eat still, spend time with my wife and do some work at home. By then it's 10:00 and then I get about a half hour of good modeling in before I get too tired (wake up at 6:00 AM). Picture below: NO DAD DON'T GO INTO THE BASEMENT!
  16. and somehow the Ostrich was bumped off? hmmmm. was it that toy comment that got me? I knew it. Seriously, though, Grayson... where's the amor?
  17. I tried Duplicolor and didn't get a good result. I may have put too much on.
  18. a good healthy bump any chance we can sticky this mofo?
  19. Leave it... I've seen better.
  20. I'm very skeptical of the whole Mandible Conspiracy theory about the angle of the inside wall.
  21. sean... i was just kidding, buddy. to each his own. That falcon looks amazing. Any fun modifications on that one?
  22. Ugh... star trek kits. Leave 'em.
  23. Sean's got a full bench! Boy I thought I had alot of WIPs!
  24. Yep... I had to gently sand the main fuselage and wings. No damage to the details, though. It is still the best resin kit I've ever bought.
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