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Less than Super Ostrich

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Everything posted by Less than Super Ostrich

  1. It's some preliminary painting plus a coat of future. I've scuffed up the paint job something awful, so there are some parts I gotta repaint. I also need the white stripes down the arms and some more airbrush weathering. Then I'll coat it with Future again and do an oil wash. I'll finish up with some chalk pastels and some dry brushing. Perhaps even a little paint chipping with a silver colored pencil. Lots to go and I'm still waiting on the decals from our buddy Anasazi.
  2. Couple updates: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c269/bbe...arctrooper2.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c269/bbe.../arctrooper.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c269/bbe...arctrooper3.jpg
  3. some updated pics http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c269/bbe...er/Monster1.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c269/bbe...er/Monster2.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c269/bbe...er/Monster3.jpg
  4. not to open up a can of worms... but what modeler ever modeled in 1/60th scale? I can honestly say that I think an odd scale would be a big mistake.
  5. You could basically count me in for anything Macross, Mac Plus, Mac Zero, and Mac II. I don't do Mac 7... even that is too cheesy for me. Keep in mind that I have a hard time paying over $150 for a 1/72nd scale kit. 1/72 VF-1 Platypus conversion 1/72 VF-1 Stampede conversion 1/48 VF-11 1/72 VF-0 Armoured Battroid 1/72 Destroid Cheyenne 1/72 Star Goose Shuttle 1/72 VF-5000 Fighter 1/72 GPB kit (for Hasegawa battroid) 1/72 Missile Phalanx 1/1000 ARMD-01 1/72 Regult by Tyranus (reissue) 1/72 Glaug (with detailed cockpit) 1/72 DYRL Queadluun-rau 1/72 Cat´s Eye (a new one) 1/72 OCTOS Amphibios Destroid 1/72 VF-9 Gerwalk fixed pose model 1/72 VF-9 Fighter fixed pose 1/72 Phalanx 1/72 Defender 1/72 Tomahawk 1/72 Spartan 1/72 VF-3000 fighter 1/72 VF-2JA fighter 1/72 RENEGADE POWER ARMOR 1/72 Variable Glaug (fighter version) 1/72 VF-X-4 1/72 YF-19 Battroid 1/72 YF-21 Battroid
  6. That really looks amazing. The cast quality looks top notch. I really like the Yukikaze style. High quality! Thanks! I'll be following your progress.
  7. don't really think you should be this blatant about recasting... I was under the impression that the Mods wanted to keep it off the boards. Is that correct or am I mistaken?
  8. All the subassemblies are done. All pre-shading done. Will start the major painting this week. Hopefully I'll get some pics to share.
  9. Yeah, CHAVAKAISER, I remember that scene. That's the scene where the SDF-1 Steps in all that Tamiya tape after trying to dodge a humungous floatie that was thrown in his direction
  10. We're geeks with the details... but at least we don't zoom around the room with our masterpieces. I can see them now transforming all their 200 Yamatos all into Gerwalk mode.... just because their bored. "The Yamatos told me they preferred Gerwalk today, Mommy!"
  11. Nope... it's 1/100 scale, but its still one big Monster. It goes with all the 1/100 scale destroids that are available.
  12. Wow... you tee'd that one up perfectly for Grayson and I. Shall you swing first or me, Grays?
  13. thrown away... any questions on any individual parts?
  14. Take it easy guys. He'll tell ya when he's ready. Seems like so many are eager to be parted from their cash.
  15. For those of you in the U.S. I'd recommend you patronize the Starshipmodeler.com store for the VF-0 Battroid. John does a great job at keeping prices really low (lower than you could get it for at HLJ + shipping). The VF-0 is only $35 w/o shipping. They also have excellent customer service and quick shipping. The FMMF arrived 2 days after they received it at their warehouse. The VF-0 Battroid at Starshipmodeler.com UP FOR PREORDER
  16. Then you cover it with Styrene sheet or do you just make a mold out of the balsa foam piece?
  17. Absolutely wonderful job. Everything looks very crisp. Proportions look spot on.
  18. Haven't decided on the paint scheme, but I imagine I'm going to keep it dark green. I anticipate it being heavily weathered. One question about the instructions, Joe. I noticed the chain gun in the instructions you sent me. I've never seen that on a Monster... is that original to your sculpt? I can't find it on this image:
  19. Just thought some of you might be interested in seeing the other Monster come together. This is one of the few SMT Destroid Monsters that were made. The master of this brilliant kit was none other than our buddy Gundamhead. He did a great job with the sculpt. And SMT did a pretty good job with the casting of this large kit even though it took over a year to get to my doorstep. Clean up was essentially pretty easy, except for the rear hatches that had a seam line running through them. The mold must have slipped because the resulting shapes were oval. Lots of my cleanup time was spent on the rear hatches. The only criticism I'd give is that the legs are pretty boring. I know the other Monster kits aren't any better, but you'd think you'd have some visible hydraulics in the legs. What I do like about this kit that I'm a little wary about with Mike's is the length of the arm guns. This kit has some badass long arms. Mike's look a little shorter (and/or fatter) in comparison. Just my opinion although I've never closely examined the lineart. Well... here's my pics.
  20. I'd be interested in the YF-19 and YF-21, but I need to see a test shot before I'd commit.
  21. Seam lines are no big deal... little more creative sanding never hurt anyone. The seam line on the SMT Monster created some problems on the 2 rear hatches... the mold slipped and created ovals, which had to be worked out. With the weight of the main fuselage... do you anticipate the model being too top heavy?
  22. THat's because Kylwell's unbuilt kit pile is incredibly low!
  23. After doing a few casting of some small greeblies... i know how much that stuff costs. It AIN'T CHEAP!! Especially that Alumite stuff
  24. Just kidding with you Limbo... I haven't gotten this riled up in awhile. I'll calm down. Too much coffee today.
  25. And Limbo... don't call me pal.
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