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Less than Super Ostrich

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Everything posted by Less than Super Ostrich

  1. Whooooah. Ok. It's actually just at the beginning stages. I haven't really done much research on the conversion, so I'll I've done is put together the battroids legs and booster pack and begin putting the fighter fuselage together. I just finished with the Monster, so I'm going slow with the Gerwalk.
  2. Here's the final pics.
  3. I'm not an expert, but can't the online polls be manipulated?
  4. I'm doing a VF-0B Gerwalk conversion. Having trouble figuring out how to modify the legs. Would you use the Battroid Hip and Legs instead of cutting off the fighter hip and attaching the Battroid legs? Will have to do some major reconstructive sugery to make the booster pack attachment work.
  5. Got an email from Graham. He said we can go ahead with this. However, I'm beginning to doubt our abilities to do a contest on this site. Voting would be too difficult unless we set up a panel of a few members (they wouldn't be allowed to vote on their own entries). I'd prefer a popular vote, but I don't think we are set up to handle that without help from the admins. Anyone think we should do it on Starshipmodeler.com? They are more set up for contests... and I know onezero (proprietor of SSM) would be excited for a Macross contest. Any thoughts?
  6. sent PMs to Shawn and Graham... no response. Should we just go ahead with this contest on our own or do you think we should get board admin blessing?
  7. 8?!? You've got a long way to go to catch up with my problems.
  8. Cool, man. But you seriously have some major modeling ADD (I know because I have modelers ADD too!)... whatever happened to that VF-11 project?
  9. Unfortunately, I knew the decals wouldn't be perfect because they are scaled up from 1/200 scale on Photoshop. The decal paper is a little thick too, but still ok. I think Anasazi did a good job for what I asked him to do. Unfortunately there weren't enough people who owned this kit for him to make them from scratch. I hadn't thought of an overspray. I am weathering now, so perhaps I can do something like that.
  10. I assume you're doing a Gerwalk conversion, too?
  11. Sounds interesting for a contest down the road, but since this is our first one, perhaps let's keep it simple. EDIT: By the way, I PM'd Shawn and Graham about organizing this. I'll organize the rules, but I'd prefer having their blessing first.
  12. Hon is handling it... PM him
  13. Welcome to the boards Fly4victory. introduce yourself to the crew. nice bunch of people on this board. just don't talk to the toy boys... they can be kinda spooky sometimes.
  14. I'd state your interest in buying it in this thread. Then I think Thorsten will contact you with the details.
  15. i think keeping it confidential is fine, but soo many of us post our progress on stuff. For example, I think everyone knows who the VF-1 1/48th super detail diorama belongs to (way to go JFG!). Still, we'll try to do it anonymous
  16. Do we need permission for Graham or something like that? Would Graham like to know? I don't want to steal the Mods thunder by organizing this, but if they don't care, I'd be happy to set the rules up.
  17. JFG... you're dio looks absolutely awesome. Good luck with the figure conversion. I don't have much experience with this, but I recently picked up Sheperd Paine's Building and Painting Scale Figures, which is really helpful.
  18. Ok some updates. Threw in a half finished 1/100 scale Phalanx for scale purposes. Will still need to do alot of weathering. I just applied the decals, so I will add another future coat and then do pastel weathering and drybrushing. Yes, I know I took major liberties with the decals. I just thought it looked better like this. Should've resized the pics, but here they are:
  19. Great pic! I too have mine ordered from SSM. Actually I have 2 for the Gerwalk conversion. Looks to me that they have a nasty seem going down the center of the intakes... pity they didn't make that a separate like in the VF-1. By the way, does anyone else feel bad for the VF-1 in that picture? And oh... only 8 left at SSM VF-0 Battroid at SSM
  20. I'm gonna try a Gerwalk when I get the Battroid from SSM. I bought 2 battroids for that very reason.
  21. Anyone up for a Macross contest? With all the new Mac Zero Hasegawa kits as well as some awesome resin garage kits (the Ghost and the 1/72nd Monster), I think a contest is due. We could theme it (e.g., a Mac Plus contest), but I think that might limit the entries since we haven't done one (at least since I've been active here). We could have it just a show and tell or actually have members vote on it. If we get enough interest in this thread, perhaps Graham or someone could pin a separate rules thread. Questions. 1) Would you participate? 2) What should the end date be? 3) Should it be themed? 4) Should it be show-and-tell or a vote? 5) Would you be interested in a $5 entry fee and the winner gets the cash? 6) What is the average flight speed of a unladened swallow?
  22. I'll be taking some liberties with the decals. Personally, I think there are waaaay too many decals. You'd never see that many markings on normal armor. I think the "decal overload" makes it seem more cartoonish... yes, i know it was an anime, but c'mon.
  23. Will try to take some pictures tonight. Model work: Added several decals made by Anasazi. I'm still having trouble identifying where alot of them go. Thanks, Thor, for posting that scan, but there are alot that I just can't see in that picture. If anyone has spare directions lying around, I'd like to borrow them. I'd be happy to mail them back with a couple bucks when I'm done. Base work: I've stained a wood base from Hobby Lobby and sealed it with a urethane coat. I masked the edges and added some terrain with that foam you use in flower arranging. I mixed up some Durham's Water putty until it was thin and painted it on over the terrain. Before it was try, I added some ballast used for ground cover for model railroads.
  24. i just love this everytime I see it. I bump it just for the heck of it.
  25. Looks really really nice. You did an excellent job painting!
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