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Less than Super Ostrich

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Everything posted by Less than Super Ostrich

  1. Yeah... i was surprised by those votes too. Not even that great of a design IMHO. I voted for the Monster. I always wanted one, but I want a good resin kit instead of the old ARII pieces of @$#!%
  2. C'mon Neova... let's not derail this thread. Don't get too hung up on the price issue. Who knows what these guys would charge... I just wanted people to understand that resin kits aren't cheap. Clearly the Monster would be alot more... but we have to start somewhere. The key here is to show enough interest to get a resin kit maker to actually WANT to make the effort.
  3. This is a continuation of the previous thread seen HERE. What we are trying to accomplish here is simple. Many of us would love some resin kit manufacturers to make some more rare kits of the Macross series. However, many garage kit makers won't do it unless they know there is a real market for the piece. If we were able to point them to this thread as proof that there is a real market for these model kits, then I think we could really get some interesting new kits. The poll choices were made from top ten picks on the aforementioned thread. These picks seemed to be the most popular as well as realistic in terms of size, cost, and difficulty to sculpt.
  4. ok... the voting is closed now. I will post a new thread with a poll for the top several kits. Hopefully we will get lots of votes, which would be used to let the model makers know how many the MWers would be purchasing.
  5. Going Once, Going Twice.... any more suggestions before we put the top several to vote?
  6. I'll let this thread go for another week, then I will send the results to my contacts. Once we have a consensus for top picks... I think I will do one more thread to determine what we think orders would be. In other words, given our top 5 picks or so, how many people would buy a reasonably priced kit? Does this sound appropriate?
  7. frickin' hilarious! Awesome Valk!
  8. The resin casters ain't gonna do anything "Variable." I think you have to let go of that dream. I'm not adding any Variable ideas to the list.
  9. great job. and welcome to the club of frustrated modelers! I just got back into it last year. its good to have company!
  10. We're talking resin kit models as it says in the lead thread. And yes, there are 1/48 kits made in resin. 1/60 is very odd for a model, but I'm just writing down what people ask for. Personally, I'm a little surprised at the responses so far. Most of these are so obscure that a model maker will never make it. I thought that the Monster and more Macross and Macross Plus Valk Battroids would be the preference. I'd also have no use for the booster, but it would be easy to make and alot of people seem to like the idea.
  11. Not to criticize your great ideas, but lets keep this thing really simple/realistic. How am I going to put your ideas on the list? What we are trying to accomplish here is much more basic. This list would go to some resin casters, not to Bandai or Hasegawa. While I would like to think Bandai or Hasegawa would like to know this, they are going to take their cues from the home market (ie. Japan) rather than us jokers.
  12. is it just me or do people not understand what the word three means? just kidding, y'all. but please... keep it to your top three wish list If you see something you like better, please let me know and I will change your vote.
  13. VF-4 seems to be popular... is everyone aware of Valkyrie's recast of the Club-M kit? it is very nice. So nice... I bought two.
  14. As part of an inquiry that will be passed on to several model manufacturers(see this thread), please provide your top three kits that you would like to see made for mass production. Please consider your request in terms of what would be realistic in both size, popular acceptance, and COST (most important). In other words, don't ask for a 1/32 Monster kit... it just won't happen, because the size of the kit would make the cost in excess of $3,000. Think of a kit you would definitely purchase if it were made and was reasonably priced. I will update this section of the thread with a running count of what people want. Vote (Count).....MODEL and SCALE (12)...........Valkyrie Booster (fits VF-1 Hasegawa kits) (1/72) (10).............VF-5000 (1/72) (9).............VF-11 (1/72) (6).............VB-6 Konig Monster Gerwalk (1/100) (6).............VF-1 GBP Armor Conversion (1/72) (5).............VF-4 (1/72) (5).............Fan Racer (1/48) (5).............Launch Arm with portion of launch bay (1/72) (5).............QF-9000 Ghost (1/72) (5).............VF-2SS (1/72) (4).............Cat's Eye (1/72) (4).............Battle Pod Glaug (1/60) (3).............VF-1 Thunder Hammer Armor Conversion (1/72) (3).............YF-19A Battroid (1/72) (2).............VF-14 (1/72) (2).............VF-1X (1/48) (2).............VT-1 Super Ostrich (1/48) (2).............Queadluun Rau (1/72) (2).............VF-5000 Battroid (1/72) (2).............VF-1X Battroid (1/48) (2).............Fz-109F (1/72) (2).............VF-3000 (1/72) (1).............VF-9 (1/72) (1).............VB-6 Konig Monster Gerwalk (1/72) (1).............VB-6 Konig Monster Battroid (1/100) (1).............Glaug Regult (1/60) (1).............Neo Glaug (1/72) (1).............Glaug Booster (1/72) (1).............VF-17 (1/72) (1).............VF-1 Stampede Armor Conversion (1/72) (1).............Dragon II (1/72) (1).............VF-19 with Booster Packs (1/72) (1).............VF-19S (1/72) (1).............VF-4 Battroid (1/100) (1).............VF-2J (1/72) (1).............VF-17 (1/72) (1).............VF-3000 Battroid (1/72) (1).............Zentreidi Warrior (1/72) (1).............VF-? Platypus (1/48)... Not sure if this is a REAL option, but oh well. PLEASE PROVIDE ONLY YOUR TOP THREE OPTIONS
  15. you want to make a sticky new thread regarding our wish list? My top 3 include; 1) 1/100 Monster (hopefully we'd get it) I'd like bigger, but 1/100 scale is still ALOT of resin. 2) YF-19 Battroid 1/72 3) VF-5000 1/72
  16. Nice... I was only able to carve out a small portion in the unfinished side of the basement. I have a model work table, a spray booth, and a shelving unit to hold all my unfinished models. I have to keep the finished models in a closed cupboard up high... with two kids under the age of two, they tend to mess up daddy's stuff. My wife got me a trophy display case to display my finished models, but I have no place to put it yet. Ahhhhhh... and GET YOURSELF A SPRAY BOOTH! You'll die of fumes.
  17. I'm kind of excited here. I wrote SMT and they seem interested in hearing what we want. Here is the note I sent to SMT: > I have talked with several members of the macrossworld forum, and we were > thinking of putting together an order list for the item... I know the > project is not even official yet, but I was thinking we could give you an > idea on how many orders you could get on this item. I thought this might > provide some incentive for you to work on this project. Do you think that > is appropriate? If so, let me know so I can communicate this to the folks > on the forum. If not, no problem. There is just a lot of folks who are > VERY excited about the project. > > Thanks again, > Brian This is the note they sent back: > Hello Brian, by all means. All input is welcome. The Destroid will be up > with pictures very soon so hang in there. Also other Macross or Mech suit > ideas are welcome. WE don't know what folks want unless they tell us > Sincerely, Colin Omilusik > Scale Model Technologies > www.smt.theshoppe.com
  18. I sent an email today to SMT. It basically said that I wanted permission to put together a "order list" for the monster when it's finished. I told them that I thought there would be a good deal of interest, in my opinion. My thought is if we can get enough orders, then they will prioritize the project and get it to us sooner than later. Hopefully I will hear from them soon.
  19. I think the Monster is an amazingly great start. Maybe the scale is off, but I think a 1/100 scale is stil ALOT of resin.I think we should push the Monster, so they know to focus on this product... get the molds ready and start production. Jesse... you think we could put together an order list (I hate to ask this in light of the Tanmen fiasco)? My other wish is a fully armored battroid. Maybe a YF-19 or VF-11 just to be different.
  20. Back on topic... do you think it would be wise to put together a Wish list for SMT and give them a size order that makes it worth their while? I don't know what that number is, but I suppose we could talk to them. I guess what I'm envisioning is telling them we have a 30+ piece order for a certain piece (use the Monster for example). Then they know that it would be worth their while to try the project. I'm not sure how the money would work, but I suppose a 25% down payment would be appropriate. This is just a guess... tell me what you think
  21. You said it. If you look, the "Betty" they did was the ship from Aliens 4 Resurrection. Of course, you never see the word Aliens in the description.
  22. My fellow modelers out there have the same frustration I do about the more obscure Macross models out there. Hard to find and VERY expensive. We are left at the whim of guys like Tanmen with the best intentions, but some of the worst marketing skills. However, now I think we may have something to cheer about. As many of you know SMT (Scale Model Technologies) may be putting together a Macross Monster based on Gundamhead's Scratchbuilt Monster. I really hope its true. More importantly, I hope SMT gets enough orders that they rethink their strategy and continue to make Macross models. I have to think that if they do well enough, perhaps they would expand the product line-up. So BUY THE MONSTER!!!! and then write them letters saying how great that they are making Macross stuff. Finally, perhaps we could commission some work by organizing something on the MW boards. If we could get Alfred Wong (one of the main designers of SMT's models) to work on some original Macross pieces, then we would have some model kits that would make Tanmen smile! Take a look at SMT's website for some of their stuff. They had a wonderful array of Star Wars products, but were slapped with a Cease and Desist order by Lucasfilms on copyright issues. They were some of SMT's best stuff! http://smt.theshoppe.com/
  23. Hi there! Where did you get the clear acrylic rod for stand? I ordered it from U.S. Plastic... they were a couple cents each... very very cheap.
  24. I got it from HLJ.com. I think you can also find them on Ebay for about $30, I think. If you want to trade up to the Platz 1/72 scale resin kit (high quality) then you have to pay up to $100.
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