Thanks for the comment about the collection and the job hunt. If ANYONE thinks they can help please feel free to email me and I'll be happy to send you a copy of my resume. I've been a process engineer in the semiconductor industry for 7 years and as so much of that is headed over seas I'm more then ready to jump ship but I don't have much in the way of contacts outside the semiconductor industry and as they say "Its who you know far more then what you know." Here is a direct quote that's stuck in my head. A friend of mine outside the semiconductor industry showed my resume to his boss trying to help me out. After looking at my resume he said "Just about everybody who does what he does has moved to India. There are precious few jobs in his area in the U.S. anymore." I consider myself a bright guy that went to school to learn how to problem solve. I think I could apply my skill in many different fields. In my past job I came in strait out of school and the previous guy had been gone over a year so without anyone to train me I was up and going at full speed on my own in about a month. If any of you have kept up with my TRON art, all that GCI is stuff I've taught myself in the months after losing my job. My mind just refuses to sit still. I'm now up to the point I'm playing with animations. So please if anyone here thinks they can help by all means email me. I'd love to help you get a nice employee referral bonus and I'd be more then happy to help you get any Macross kit your heart desires.
Thanks again,
I'm going through the same thing... My firm just got bought and I'm on the job search trail again. Looks like I may be heading back to NYC. The only problem with that is finding a home big enough to house my family AND my hobby!