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Less than Super Ostrich

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Everything posted by Less than Super Ostrich

  1. calm down. its a very valid argument. think about it this way... if every artist knew that their pieces would be replicated and sold, then we wouldn't have as many new kits. i'm not saying that it doesn't suck, but from the scratchbuilders perspective, you can understand why they would be upset.
  2. I agree. Gundamhead has a very valid opinion. I'm still buying his Monster sculpt from SMT. I'd hate to discourage any of his work towards advancing the craft.
  3. I'm so excited about both these projects!!
  4. I don't know enough about the kit. I very much like the subject, but I don't know how detailed the kit is or what would be a normal price for the kit.
  5. Anyone know how much this kit is worth? Thanks, LTSO
  6. Could you also use baking powder instead of oven powder? I think I heard someone say you can use it.
  7. cart in front of the horse, cart behind it.... i'm still in.
  8. I'm in too. Just let me know how much!
  9. I'm all for this project. keep in mind that smt is going to be releasing its Monster for pre-order any day now. It is the Gundamhead sculpt. Its not the IHP, but it looks pretty great to me and likely affordable at about $150-ish I think.
  10. Grayson, We are not going to tell you the answer to this question until you do an online build of one of your MANY resin kits! We are so jealous of your stash! just kidding, LTSO
  11. absolutely fabulous. great job on both models. i have the MN recast, but I have a long line of kits ahead of it. Thanks for sharing!
  12. It was me. thanks to valkyrie for the great kit. I'm just a rookie at this, and I didn't find the kit too difficult. John Lester asked me to do the review. You guys should contribute some of your stuff to SSM as well. Its a great group of guys over there. Valk and I know many of them through this local club we belong to.
  13. whoops... looks like there was a thread on this already. My bad. Mods... do your duty!
  14. check http://www.mechadream.com http://www.hobbyfan.com http://www.childofmecha.com
  15. SSM posted my VF-4 build up on their site. http://www.starshipmodeler.com/mecha/bb_vf4.htm Thanks Valkyrie!
  16. nice... i like it very much. those front "bra" missile doors look like they will have a hard time opening fully. we need your skillz with the models... don't waste your time with the TOYS!!!!!
  17. man... i just love this one. pardon the bump!
  18. if you can afford it... I recommend the $110 G-Systems recast of the Yellow Submarine 1/4000 scale SDF. It is high quality.
  19. Thanks for the comment about the collection and the job hunt. If ANYONE thinks they can help please feel free to email me hoff@wt.net and I'll be happy to send you a copy of my resume. I've been a process engineer in the semiconductor industry for 7 years and as so much of that is headed over seas I'm more then ready to jump ship but I don't have much in the way of contacts outside the semiconductor industry and as they say "Its who you know far more then what you know." Here is a direct quote that's stuck in my head. A friend of mine outside the semiconductor industry showed my resume to his boss trying to help me out. After looking at my resume he said "Just about everybody who does what he does has moved to India. There are precious few jobs in his area in the U.S. anymore." I consider myself a bright guy that went to school to learn how to problem solve. I think I could apply my skill in many different fields. In my past job I came in strait out of school and the previous guy had been gone over a year so without anyone to train me I was up and going at full speed on my own in about a month. If any of you have kept up with my TRON art, all that GCI is stuff I've taught myself in the months after losing my job. My mind just refuses to sit still. I'm now up to the point I'm playing with animations. So please if anyone here thinks they can help by all means email me. I'd love to help you get a nice employee referral bonus and I'd be more then happy to help you get any Macross kit your heart desires. Thanks again, Carl Carl, I'm going through the same thing... My firm just got bought and I'm on the job search trail again. Looks like I may be heading back to NYC. The only problem with that is finding a home big enough to house my family AND my hobby!
  20. Excellent work all around. GH... you the man. I hope you get a lil' something something for the effort. I've heard nothing but great things about Collin at SMT as well. And what was that comment about 1/100 scale being too small? Too funny. I don't think you really know how much resin that will actually be!!
  21. I think 1/100. LOTS 'O Resin
  22. SMT said on their website that they are going to build the Monster... I think it was scratchbuiilt by Gundamhead... is that correct? Anyway, I can say that I will be first in line to buy this thing. Thanks SMT!!! Quote from SMT website - News section "In other news the Destroid Monster kit is a go and will be up for pre-order very soon. "
  23. Well, I'm thoroughly disappointed with the number of responses. It doesn't look like we'll get anywhere with a resin manufacturer if we ask for these many kits. I'll pass the data along, but I wouldn't hold my breath for a kit.
  24. nice! thanks for the tips with the magnets.
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