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Less than Super Ostrich

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Everything posted by Less than Super Ostrich

  1. almost done with my ghost. will post pics soon.
  2. love it! I know nothing about CG rendering, but I am veryvery very intrigued. I'd tone down the size of those bolts. You can imagine that at that scale, those bolts would look more like manhole covers!
  3. Main fuselage looks nice (like always, Mike!). Rotocast? Great stuff, mike.
  4. Perhaps because you told me to shut the F up. Not sure where you got that, but you are entitled to your opinion. Once again... point out where I disagreed with that issue? You've lost it, my friend. Read my sig line... it's been the same for months. We are all nerds. Nerds Nerds Nerds. And frankly I'm proud of it. I do tease about toys vs. models, but I NEVER NEVER NEVER meant it maliciously... just gentle teasing. If I offended, once again I'm sorry. And about Shawn and Graham... c'mon are you kidding me? Tally up all your posts and mine and tell me for a fact that some things you've said have not been much more controversial or antogonizing than mine. EXO... I'm done with you. I'll stay out of your threads.
  5. decorum? You're trying to make fun of people that have different taste than you and you asking me for decorum? I've already warned you in detail about your ignorant posts, if you choose to ignore them then I'll choose not to reiterate myself. This thread is about Yamato toys, not some super expensive, hardly available, and dated piece of non transforming resin. 406430[/snapback] Exo... not sure why you are getting so mad at me for this. Are you thinking that my "you got other problems" line was too offensive? Didn't mean it to be. I'm sorry if it came off that way. I think you might be a little thin skinned if you were offended by that, but once again... if I offended you, I'm sorry. Also, I'm not sure what other threads you warned me about. Regardless, I think that both Shawn and Graham would agree that my behavior on these boards has been exemplary... or at minimum, much nicer than you have been on occassion.
  6. would you disagree that the Ultimate Detail Valkyrie is a much better representation that Yamato? Or do you have issues with it not transforming? And let's show a little decorum EXO... moderators should know better.
  7. if you want a blank one... why not just buy the 1/48th Ultimate Detail Valkyrie resin kit. Much much much much much better than anything Yamato puts out. Unless you are the kind of person that likes to "play" with your toys. Then you got other problems.
  8. Great wife you got there. Hold on to that one, Mike.
  9. take you're time mike! we'll all take turns at calming sean down. we may actually have to have an intervention.
  10. That would be too easy, Grayson. I need a bit of a challenge. Frickin' toys. I'll send that kid to his room without supper.
  11. It's certainly a piece of something!
  12. Hard to get excited about this puppy when you got the Hasegawa, which blows this away, IMHO.
  13. the polystyrene is a little off-white. Doesn't matter since most will paint it anyway, correct?
  14. would be very nice to see this one built. Good luck Valk009! I love your work.
  15. I dremelled out the back to make it a little lighter. Why? Not sure... probably because I can't leave well enough alone. In the process I knicked the insides of where the rear underside airbrakes go. I could just put the airbrakes in a close position, which would solve all my problems, but I think I wanted to do a Ghost just landing on a runway with the rear arrestor extended.
  16. Just thought I'd share some comparison pics. You can see the kit and the nice packaging Some nice detail, eh? See a comparison in size with the Hasegawa Valk Here's a profile Comin' at ya
  17. Ryuji's for sale thread
  18. Got mine yesterday. The detail is exquisite. There are some truly fine details. The panel lines are all crisp... even for this very small size. The walls of certain parts are paper thin (as they should be), yet surprisingly strong. Limited flash and no warped pieces. I haven't had a chance to test fit everything, but I'm optimistic about what I've seen so far. Wonderful project. Expertly cast too. The seam line on the main fuselage is in as good as place as possible. This is my major gripe with most resin kits... not this one! Honneamise is equally good at casting as he is scratchbuilding. By the way, the artwork on the box is a very nice touch. Honneamise painted it himself. You are truly a well rounded artist!!!
  19. i'm just messin' with ya.
  20. dude... and i thought i was a nerd.
  21. So many questions, but I'll throw some tips your way. I've found the replica prop forum to be particularly useful to learn new scratchbuild techniques. Check out this guy's stuff... it's a nice thread to learn a thing or two: Replica Prop Forum Starship build thread
  22. Thanks, Sean. I was making that up as I went along. I used a little Burnt Metal Alclad on the tips of the gun barrels for something to break up the color... doubt it would happen in real life, but hey it's an anime! As for the sheen, I just used Future coat. I was going to add a flat coat, but I kinda liked it the way it was. Finally, instead of my normal dry brushing. I use a silver colored pencil along the edges to give it some definition. Very pleased how it looked.
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