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Less than Super Ostrich

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Everything posted by Less than Super Ostrich

  1. he goes by the handle "Blackaces" on these boards. He's a regular contributor and is affiliated with a toy store in Hong Kong, I believe. Is it Hong Kong? I can't remember.
  2. join the club... my wife thinks resin kits are inherently evil.
  3. fulcy got da skillz to pay da billz
  4. Man. I'm getting a little frustrated. I was hoping this thing would be ready by now. However, I guesss a couple weeks late is nothing compared to the "Tanmen fiasco". I have lots of ideas on how to provide some more detail with some engraved panel lines and other greeblies.
  5. You will when you're not gettin' the kits you want.
  6. I admit to have a moral dilemma about these recasts. I own two, but primarily a result of not being able to find the originals. I know that's not a good excuse. Like Shawn, I'm a little worried about the precedents that these recasting projects are setting. Fortunately, I know that Valkyrie is VERY discriminating about which projects he will take on... he makes sure that the kits are out of production, so as not to upset the creative flow out of the original manufacturing company. Which brings me to my next point. I would encourage people to consider buying the 1/100 scale Monster once SMT puts it out. It is an original creation by Gundamhead. Its not perfect variable, but the cost will be much lower ($150) and you know that SMT makes great stuff. The point is simple... I would imagine Gundamhead is very displeased about the IHP kit recast project because it provides him substantially less incentive to create new product. I want to make sure he knows that we stand behind him and that it would be in his best interest to continue investing time in creating original Macross related resin kits.
  7. often times model companies will sell their molds to each other. i wonder if the bandai is a "reboxing" of this bandai kit or vice versa?
  8. no love for the defender.
  9. i'm considering forgoing the transformation and making it permanent in one mode. I think the quality of the joints may limit how many times someone can transform it anyway. I figure that the paint job could be screwed up as well.
  10. I'll confirm you, big boy... Me confirm you loooong time, soldier boy.
  11. low-vis maybe too plain for this plane (pun intended). But the current paint scheme looks like something Strawberry Shortcake would approve of.
  12. me likey. however, the paint scheme's gotta go... i smell a custom!
  13. we did... and we got a pretty pathetic response from the Macrossworld members. In fact, that post from SMT was exactly the reason why I started that thread. We got some answers, but it would only guarantee about 20 purchases for a kit, which is much lower than what someone would go to the trouble of making a new sculpt and molds for. I forwarded the info to several resin kit manufacturers... who knows maybe we'll hear back.
  14. quality job on the Lancer! i love to see people actually BUILDING their resin kits!
  15. SMT doesnt do recasts. They do it the right way... purchase the rights off of the sculpter. However, I do not think that they purchase the rights from the licenser... that's why they got hit with the Cease and Desist order from Lucasfilm when they were about to go "live" with the Millennium Falcon. Anyway... unless you get Tanmen's permission (which you won't), I doubt SMT will be interested... however, it doesnt hurt to ask.
  16. For those of you who don't know Anasazi37, he makes EXCELLENT decals. I've bought some from him before for the 1/48 Yamatos and they have been wonderful. I highly suggest him for the decal project.
  17. i'd practice on a cheaper kit... maybe the Wave kits before you embark on that kit!
  18. man, this is killing me... when is Collin gonna get the Monster ready? Perhaps he is still finding enough resin to make this Mofo!
  19. I think Valkyrie makes a good point. No need to obscure the fact that this will not be an original.
  20. anyone we know?
  21. i have a feeling this thread will be pinned well into 2054... about the same time that Rocky XXXVI hits the screens.
  22. if you want to keep this project in the family... i'd suggest valk's your man.
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