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Less than Super Ostrich

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Everything posted by Less than Super Ostrich

  1. is that the Techmages project for Wonderfest, Ken? How has the progress gone on that puppy? I can't wait to see pictures. It'll be quite a thing to see!
  2. ... and the drama continues!
  3. click catalog and then go to the bottom and click on Monster.
  4. I'm a suburb of Chicago at: Latt 41.92 Long 88.25 or 41° 55' 11" 88° 15' 0"
  5. I hear you miss out on all the good Wonderfest only resin kits if you dont go first thing on Saturday morning... is that true? I can't go... its my daughters birthday, but I would LOOOOOOVE it if someone could get some good stuff for me... I'd gladly pay a "finders fee".
  6. Im not sure who this Karakorum Creations is. I thought Gundamhead designed the master and SMT is casting it. SMT's casts for the Star Wars products are great... on the level of G-Systems quality.
  7. I talked to Colin and he told me he has had lots of problems getting the picture uploaded. I'm not a web-tech guy, but that seems like a pretty basic thing. I've actually pre-ordered mine. I can't wait.
  8. im personally drooling right now. i need to track down the Q Rau and the VF-11B to make me happy. I have the VF-4G and the YF-19.
  9. nice, clean model. pristine... cant see a single mess up!
  10. I'm waaaay late with this question WM. when you masked the air intakes to spray them with a metalizer, did you have any problem with masking tape destroying the base white coat? I always have problem with this. i thought if I use a primer or maybe I have to let it cure longer?
  11. Great! I'll watch this anxiously! Looks like your building instead of buying for a change!
  12. Excellent! I love the customs! Besides Fuscia never did it for me. Love the winter camo!
  13. The flash is making it look "pink-er"... but you are right... I think it needs a little more clear red + smoke to make it darker.
  14. sounds like Hasegawa hasn't given up on us!! Next we want...
  15. well here is my attempt at getting the shiny red finish. i made the mistake of not putting a final coat of primer on before I sprayed, which made for some spots here and there. I put a coat of the Alclad lacquer (Polished Aluminum) and then a coat of Clear Red + Smoke Acrylics over the Alclad. I think it looks ok.... what do you guys think?
  16. Here is a close-up on the leg seams and main shoulder seams. I think I did a pretty ok job. Thank God for Mr. Surfacer 500. This model fits together very nicely, but the Mr. Surfacer makes it look like there was never even two pieces. The detail on the pieces are not that impressive. Of course, what do you expect from a small scale, especially from Bandai? (We are spoiled by Hasegawa).
  17. I thought I'd thin my Macross pile out a little, so I grabbed the Bandai 1/144th scale Q-Rau. Did I mention that I hate that scale? Well, at least the Q-Rau is big enough to make this scale somewhat feasible. This build up will be not as detailed as the normal ones. I just thought I would take a few pictures now and then. This first pic includes most of the parts, some of which have been already put together. I added a primer coat to most... primarily to show seams that I missed on the first go around. I'm planning on the Miria red version for this Q-Rau. But I think I may try a shiny red finish. I hear if you use a shiny lacquer (like Alclad) and then use the clear red acrlic over that, then you get a nice finish. We will see!
  18. amen, brother. amen. by the way GH... i'm STILL waitin' for a peak at Colin's offering of your Monster!
  19. Yeah like you're ever gonna build it, LoL... grayson's got a good point, carl. we haven't seen too much of your stuff posted here. time to get the camera out and take some pictures of your "Mother Load of Macross Models".
  20. I second that emotion. We got some good contributors... so lets share the wealth.
  21. John (aka onezero) did this model for the Starshipmodeler.com "model in a month" contest. I thought it looked really nice with an original paint scheme. Way to go John!
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