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Less than Super Ostrich

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Everything posted by Less than Super Ostrich

  1. Sounds great! If you do, mak sure to give some attention to the In-flight stand. I'm not sure if you remember my VF-4 stand, but it worked out pretty well. Here it is in construction mode: http://www.starshipmodeler.com/mecha/bb_vf...kingthebase.jpg
  2. older ones are gone for good, i'm told. I think only his most recent ones are available. This is really too bad since the Elintseeker build-up was particularly good in my opinion.
  3. keep tapping, Jesse, keep tapping.
  4. i use windex to clean out my airbrush. I would assume it would be a good thinner too, but I don't know.
  5. The only time I get is after EVERYONE is asleep. I'll have an hour or so to work... but the problem is that you are sleepy too... which makes for sloppy work!
  6. Didn't mean to make the list exclusive!! Just curious since I see these guys posting alot! I was just curious about all y'all! I'm deleting the list!
  7. I've recently hit a groove on model making and having lots of fun with it. I've moved on the the VF-22S. But there are alot of you have been AWFULLY quiet lately about what's on your craft table. C'mon you know who you are:
  8. Dude... I'm all about customer service. Looking back at my post left me with one big realization... I have too much time on my hands.
  9. 1. What the hell is primer. A primer is a base coat that helps the final coat stick better to the model. It is usually gray or white and comes in various degrees of thickness. You can also use primer to find problem areas such as scuffs, divits, ejector pin marks, etc. Be careful, too much primer can fill in panel lines. 2. What is the putty. Putty is just a filler for cracks, holes, etc. Squadron makes a popular putty line. Most around here have several different kinds of putty depending on the size of the problem area. Some use Tamiya putty or Miliput (a two part putty... have to mix them together so they harden) or Mr. Surfacer 500 or 1000 (actually these are primers, but can be used to fill small areas like putty). 3. Where can you buy all these paints your used. I use my local hobby store. You can also use ehobbies.com, Squadron.com, and a variety of others.... just search on Google. 4. What's an oil wash? This is an oil based paint that has been thinned down to about 8 parts thinner to 1 part oil paint. This is mixed well and dabbed gently into panel lines... the capillary action of the paint will make the paint flow through the panel lines, thus enhancing the panel lines. 5. How do you accent the lines on the plane? An oil wash does this most effectively. You can also use pastel chalks, fine pencils, and shading techniques (only for the best airbrushers!) 6. Any guides online about these newb questions? Keep reading the wm Cheng threads... he has a link to all his old threads in this forum. Also there are tips in FineScale modeler, a modeling magazine. You can check it out online at finescale.com. Personally, I like starshipmodeler.com... those guys over there have been very helpful. Hope this helps.
  10. Hey wmcheng, I'm about to really start my VF-22S and I am using your YF-21 article as a guide. Do you think I could use Tamiya Smoke (a dark clear) acrylic paint for doing a post-shade weathering technique? If not, what did you use? I tried to find it in your thread, but I couldn't. Thanks!
  11. A good ole fashioned "Roof Test". Get up on the roof and let gravity do the rest. It's an awesome test. So far, none of my models have passed.
  12. It looks absolutely GREAT! I'm so impressed!
  13. Do you think we could get Anasazi to do the decals? I'm not sure how hard it is to do. The answer is probably no, I bet. The decals I used for mine look really awkward (I just used Hasegawa ones).
  14. I knew someone would ask this! I glued it shut. Lazy... I know. There would have had to be a TON of scratchbuilding to make the interior look somewhat nice. I just didn't have the time or patience.
  15. ya know... i decided its a little too rich for my blood. I'll leave that for Jesse and Grayson and wwmmww and such! I still have a pile of kits to build!
  16. Thanks guys. It really means alot to have some nice feedback. I've been so inspired by these boards, but I get really frustrated when my stuff doesn't turn out like wm cheng's (I know its an impossible comparison). Seriously, though, thanks again! I'm on to my next project. I've already put most of the VF-22S together. I've masked the canopy (tinted with a little Tamiya Smoke color). In this picture, I've added the first base coat to the plane.
  17. Ok... here are some of the finsihed pics on a new thread in the Model section: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...opic=8619&st=0&
  18. These are the finished pics of my Q-Rau. I did a brief build-up thread in the other model category. Overall, the model was not the best. I didn't spend a lot of time with this one. I scratch built a Milia head and did some custom leg decals, but that's about it. I used a few of the Bandai supplied decals (YES, I KNOW THEY ARE NOT CONSISTENT WITH THE ORIGINAL RED MILIA). The model was attacked by my 2 year old daughter, so you will notice some paint scrapes. Anyway... here are the pics.
  19. well, the 1/4000 Yellow sub is about a foot long.... so I'd anticipate yours is about 6 inches.
  20. Ditto. I'm such a mutt that the only thing I can call myself is American.
  21. Hase all day long. Toys are for kids, silly rabbit! MODELS MODELS MODELS! Just kidding. I have a couple Yammies too!
  22. Just ran across this and found a very rare SHE VF-5000 for sale. I'd love it, but $270 is a little rich for my blood. Anyone know about this place? nugundam.com? http://www.nugundam.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...1261&product=67
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