I cannot stand by while you disparage the holy name of Mr. Surfacer. I have a shrine built to my 500 and 1000 Mr. Surfacer bottles in my workshop. All hail Mr. Surfacer.
Seriously though. I have a couple bottles each of Mr. Surfacer and expect that these will last me forever. The stuff is great for those tiny seams... particularly when you are putting two fuselage halves together. Master wm cheng turned me on to this stuff... it is great. Its NOT like thinned Tamiya putty like the above post states... rather it is like a thick primer... in fact it IS a very thick primer. Don't use it like a putty to fill up large gaps... it is meant for little seams and cracks.
just out of curiosity... will it stand with the valk+booster on it? Looks like it would be too top heavy and fall over. or does enough of the booster hang off the end to make it stable?
Oh... if only my "to do" pile wasn't sooo big. Nonetheless, I want to congratulate you on a nice conversion kit. Looks like it's coming along nicely. GH... as always, the quality looks really good.
no... that was a Monkey-Nugget creation. Don't think anyone's even tried to do a scratchbuilt cockpit... not even exactly sure if there was ever a picture of the inside... you'd have to use your imagination.
Love it or hate it, just greed. There's a big discussion in the auction forum. There are no lies in the info that I'm aware of.
Too funny. Judgements are withheld, but I'm still pretty surprised it's Grayson.
You know... you're right. I should just ignore it. Me aculpa. I thought it would just clean up the boards. And you're right, I have no idea why its still on the front page.
are you kidding me? Who even remembers this project anymore? Its dead... its dead. When John rebirths it... he'll tell us. Makes more sense to pin the booster thread than that one.
does anyone have a picture of GUNDAMHEAD's scratchbuilts Monster? I hear SMT is very close to finishing this project, but I'd love to see some comparison shots.