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Less than Super Ostrich

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Everything posted by Less than Super Ostrich

  1. Thanks GH... you the man.
  2. Ever think of switching to the Pro Weld liquid cement from the Testor's orange tube gel? I recently switched and am very pleased. By the way... super excited about you doing this subject. Any plans for which VF-1 it will be?
  3. you the man, wmc.... any decisions on your next kit?
  4. Who knows if the Club-M or the Musasiya is more accurate, but the Club-M sure looks cooler in my opinion.
  5. funny you should say that... i got a pretty horrible recast from Rob on the VF-2SS downgrade parts project. But I heard that he used a different caster for the Booster project. Is that right, Rob?
  6. My bad... you're right Grayson... it is a project, not a one-off sale I think the mods should move this to FOR SALE section.
  7. Thanks, Ghadrack. You are a prince among men.
  8. Any good tips for lining pins up?
  9. Gee. I wonder if you'll get a fair representation since you posted this in the toys forum? I come by this forum about once a month, but I'm in the Models one twice a day. You kids play with your toys... I wanna build something.
  10. because Bandai can't make enough money on them... volumes are super weak.
  11. That's the truth. $100 is very fair for this kit... particularly if you've seen originals go for multiples of this.
  12. Chicago, IL... home of brats, beers, and Da Bears
  13. I'm beginning to work on my Cat's Eye (why? Who knows since I have like 6 other models currently in process). I've decided to focus on getting the top and bottom fuselage halves together nicely. This means that I have to do some major puttying. However, I can't do that with the wings in place. Therefore, I've decided to cut off part of the nobs on the wing halves that hold them in place when you put the two fuselage halves together. In order to reinforce the wings, I think I need to use two pins to keep the wings in place. Does anyone have much experience with this? What do you use for pins? Just cut paper clips? Thanks much. Also, I assume you use epoxy glue (as opposed to a thick CA glue) to use in the pin holes... is that right? I was under the impression epoxy is stronger than CA.
  14. Thanks for the input. I saw a VF-19 second edition go for $350 and I thought that was odd... the $80-$100 sounds right. Not sure if it makes sense for me to sell there. The Low-Vis is interesting. I will post some pics soon. The one thing I forgot to point out was that the Gunstrap on the VF-1A Low Vis is torn slightly, but easily repaired. I'll photo that too. Also, I have the Anasazi waterslide decals for the Low Vis... I'd throw those in free.
  15. I'm a model guy and my hobby is beginning to take up too much space. I have two Yamatos that I was thinking of parting with. Do any of you know what the right market price is to sell these? 1.) A YF-19A (the light blue version) with the box. Stickers are applied and has been transformed twice 2.) Low Visibility VF-1A 1/48th with the box. Stickers are not applied and has been transformed three times. Thanks much, LTSO
  16. My opinion, this is your best bet... easy to use and good control. Handles very small drill bits too. You can vary the speed to your liking. Generally, I use this to drill pin holes for reinforcing heavy parts in resin kits.
  17. The wife came down on you too, MJ?
  18. just thought it might be useful to bump this thread...
  19. I started a thread on the Fine Scale Modeler boards encouraging FSM editors to go to Wonderfest 2005 this year... and actually publish the pictures in a magazine (not an online exclusive). If you feel the same, I encourage you to chime in on FSM's boards http://www.finescale.com/fsm/community/for...?TOPIC_ID=29810 P.S. Mods, before you consider moving this thread, please remember that this is forum is a place where a lot of Macross builders look... please don't bury this post!
  20. unless you have that Tamiya hand drill... that is much more user-friendly than a full sized power drill.
  21. got mine yesterday... very nice kit. exactly what i'd expect from hasegawa. adding it to my pile, but definitely prioritizing this one. can anyone help me out with the japanese instructions? There is an option for an angle for one of the tail fins... one is pointing straight out and one is at an angle downward... do you know what the option is? Is one for in-flight and another for when it lands? does anyone know what i mean.
  22. Anyone going to this? and are you planning to bring any Macross? Just curious. I think I may bring a few to show. Like most model shows... sci-fi/anime will be a small portion, but can't hurt to show more!
  23. David is absolutely right. Great looking model. I really like the scheme. Good inspiration for my unfinished one.
  24. no finemolds has the X-wing, Tie, Intercepter, A-wing, Slave-1 and I think that's it. I'll post some progress pics on starshipmodeler.com (probably not appropriate here!)
  25. ordered my ivanov as well as preordered my vf-0d. Separately, i started that Slave-1 (Fine Molds). Great kit. Tremendous fit. Great detail. I plan to do it for Starshipmodeler's Star Wars contest.
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