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Less than Super Ostrich

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Everything posted by Less than Super Ostrich

  1. Here were some pics I posted here on this project Here was another that someone did on the boards... i think it is much better than the one i did.
  2. awww c'mon... roof test the mutha.
  3. That is my Q-Rau and Super Ostrich. I also had a VF-4G there too. The VF-0 was much much much nicer than my stuff... really high quality.
  4. If you want a modern mecha series (ex-Gundam)... I thought Gasaraki was great Also, if you like air battle scenes... you can't go wrong with Yukikaze
  5. I want a scratchbuild GB-1 Armor add on for the Hasegawa battroid. Those ARII models pale in comparison to the Hasegawa in my view.
  6. i think i saw one of those things at the dentist office.
  7. I can't wait to get my VF-0D too. Side note: Does anyone think it looks like the Super Sylph from Yukikaze? Honest opinion... which do you think is better? The VF-0D or the Yukikaze Super Sylph? Similar styles I think.
  8. You guys crack me up... super posable? Well, more like super Puke-able. It's our third kid, but my first boy. Family is doing very well. Thanks again for all your kind words!
  9. Pop and kid. Oops almost forgot his stats... BORN ON THANKSGIVING. 22.5 inches long. 9 lbs 15 oz. THAT IS HUGE!!
  10. Just want to post you on a brand new kit that just arrived. His name is William Allan and is sure to be a modeler. I promise to teach him the difference between a VF-1A and a Strike Valkyrie. by the way... sorry about announcing this here, but you guys have been kind of a second family to me. Thanks all.
  11. glad that I'm not the only one with the "half done" syndrome.
  12. Great job, Grayson. By the way... I thought you were just a buyer... good to see you are a builder too! Great stuff. Those seams on the VF-0B are very well sealed! And you kept the panel lines!! That's usually my biggest problem.
  13. Grayson... post shading on those VF-1A Cannon Fodders?
  14. You know... you really can't tell the weathering from that last picture... I wonder why its not showing up? Its subtle, but its definitely there. Maybe you'll see some in this one.
  15. Ok... I actually finish a model or two. This is my first Armor Model. I did Tamiya's M1A1 Abrams tank and it was SUPER EASY. Weathering is subtle. The biggest pain were the people. I got the camo right (fine chocolate chip), but the faces suck. I need to invest in some oil paints to do it right. I took it to the Butch Ohare show in Chicago and it was photographed for Fine Scale Modeler... pretty neat for my first armor model.
  16. Ok... I've ventured outside of Sci-Fi for a F-15 in 1/48 scale. I love this big bird. Its made by Academy. I added some seatbelts in the cockpit by cutting strips from the aluminum on a wine bottle. I think they turned out ok. Painting and weathering should be fun on this too...
  17. Next up... non Macross. Yes, there are some non-Macross models out there... one of the best is the Fine Molds Star Wars series. This Slave 1 is a dream to put together. It is dying to be weathered properly... maybe I'll try the salt technique.
  18. Man, I started the Yellow Sub Battle Cruiser Mode for the SDF1 a million years ago. I tabled it since it was frustrating me. I should really get back to making this kit. Its a good one, but a pain in the butt.
  19. Next up the VF-11 Jamming bird. A good little 1/100 scale kit. Overall relatively easy... but I have some spots that still need an appointment with Mr. Surfacer 1000. I will have lots of trouble painting this small kit... but should be fun.
  20. Well... its the calm before the storm. My new baby (our third) is due any day now. And I know all my modeling free time will be sucked away. I have aspirations of going to wonderfest this year and I wanted to bring along some of my stuff. I have a couple half done kits that I'll show below. First up... the Cat's eye recast. Overall a good kit, but some fit problems. Liberal use of Mori Mori putty filled most of the holes in the fuselage, but several of the panel lines will likely have to be rescribed. I plan to pin the wings since the attachments used won't allow you to do the fuselage first and then attach the wings. Also, I thought pins would add to reinforcement of the wings. P.S. Expect an unperfect radome... I expect that is impossible to recast perfectly.
  21. great job... clean paint job... me likey.
  22. I just read that website with the weathering techniques... so you did that with all oil wash? I thought you post-shaded. I didn't know that the liberal application of an oil wash could do that... interesting.
  23. I'd do it, but two things says I shouldn't: First, I suck Second, I can model sporadically at best... could be several months between when I start and when I finish. Maybe I'll give it a try anyway.
  24. i love it... great job... welcome to the boards
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