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Less than Super Ostrich

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Everything posted by Less than Super Ostrich

  1. Wish I could claim credit for this one, but it should give inspiration to those who bought Ken's (ahem) recast. It's from Neil Prentice who I don't believe is a member here, but is a regular at Starshipmodeler.com, I think. Yep... this thing is awesome. Don't know where he got the decals, but it looks like originals. This kit blows away my version:
  2. $100 is my limit on that kit... especially when you can get the Wave kit 1/100 scale for about $40. just my opinion though.
  3. i remember the lyrics from Magic Bus by the Who... "I want it. I want it. I want it. YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!" ok... i admit I was wrong about it being close to finished. SMT monster parts pic
  4. can't believe no one's commented on the Muskrat. I love this thing. Got a pic? I don't know what this is? grayson... just phuckin' with ya. no such thing. you guys come up with the most obscure stuff. i'm a macross fan... but y'all got some major time invested with this stuff.
  5. recast kit or original?
  6. can't believe no one's commented on the Muskrat. I love this thing.
  7. my dream kit is the XF-3A Muskrat
  8. pre-ordered mine from imageanime and hasn't arrived yet.
  9. Here is the link... I voted for the SV-51 Hasegawa kit for Sci-Fi category. http://apps.kalmbach.com/survey/default.as...auth=Zedt5yoUXp
  10. ya really think people read the rulz?
  11. This is a very interesting topic. Can you have a 3-D image fed into a machine that will sculpt the item? It sounds silly, but I've seen a couple of those Motorcylce shows (American Chopper?) on Discovery where they have a machine that carves wheels into certain designs... I would assume you could do the same for kits, but perhaps the models are too delicate to use in that type of machine.
  12. Excellent job on that 1/1 scale hand! Where did you get it?
  13. You're going to recast the Jeffries Station? Wow.
  14. no one would know except Collin and his communication skillz ain't the best.
  15. fun stuff... i remember buyin the gear was one of the fun parts of getting back into the hobby. and it never ends. never ever ends.
  16. you kids go play with your toys
  17. you folks are right... i can't believe i forgot the destroids. I think that Monster would look pretty imposing next to my colleague's Hummer H2
  18. Stupid question, but I'm bored today. Picture myself coming to work in a Q-Rau... and I wouldn't take it off all day. Excuse me, did you get the memo? Where are your TPS reports? Bite on this missile, Lumberg.
  19. yeah... we're pretty awesome, aren't we?
  20. badger 150 anthem... easy to clean easy to use and badger stands by their product
  21. SMT does other things besides models... I hear they were casting stuff for another purpose. Not to mention that Colin was ripped off by a rogue employee this summer. I hear he is back on track now, but that is not confirmed. His timing is VERY long, though... but worth the wait... I have a Y-wing and an AT-AT that I am very pleased with.
  22. Who else is going to buy this? I am surprised there is not more hype about this on these boards. Is it because of the IHP recast project?
  23. Good news everyone... I hear that SMT is getting close to production on its 1/100 scale MONSTER! It is designed by Gundamhead who has recently brought us the Spiderbug. I've pre-ordered my Monster and I can't wait... SMT uses high quality resin for all their products. SMT recently announced that he is reducing the price from $170 to $153. You can see more info here: http://smt.theshoppe.com/Destroid_Monster.html
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