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Less than Super Ostrich

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Everything posted by Less than Super Ostrich

  1. I have one, but I'd hate to sell it to you. The casting job on that recast from Samurai Monkey is one of the worst I've seen.
  2. [beavis voice] heh heh... he said hummers. [/beavis voice]
  3. Only little kiddies play with toys. Real men build models. Hasegawa > Yamato
  4. I'd love a kit... put me on the list! just kidding. I love resurrecting old threads.
  5. No one... i repeat NO ONE is making real money in kitting garage kits. No one is going to litigate them (besides sending them a Cease and Desist order) because they just won't get any money... the copyright owner would be entitled to profits, which are just waaaay too small to justify the legal expense.
  6. Grayson Grayson Grayson... I hope Yamato does make a toy of this... then all the little Toy Boys will have something to talk about for the next year. I can see it now. "This joint is really loose... oh my gosh, we gotta sign a petition to Yamato and voice our serious distress" "I hope they come out with 36 different color variants, so I can line them up to fight against my Playmobile army" " There was a krinkle in the box art... and I forgot to refill my hypertension meds... aaaaarrrrgh!" Go play with your toys.
  7. Did someone say bump?
  8. change my mind... this guy needs a BIG BROTHER
  9. did i accidentally wander into the toy forum?
  10. whoops my bad... didn't see that other thread.
  11. Anyone know ANYTHING about this? Just curious... I'd love to see it produced. GBP resin kit info at Hobbyfan.com
  12. onezero said that he has a couple cases of these on order... so we should see them in the starshipmodeler.com shop soon.
  13. Generally, I like the design, but it does REEK of Gundam. Blech! Did I just say Gundam?!? Blech again.
  14. please consider ordering this item from Starshipmodeler.com. They do an excellent job with customer service. I think they are anticipating getting this one for their shop.
  15. Behold... in ALL its glory! Hasegawa 1/72 Reactive Armored VF-0S Macross Zero
  16. Recasting it would be wrong. Glad to see you got the kit the right way. Congrats Carl
  17. it's my personal mission to bump this one every now and then. LOVE IT!!
  18. If you wet sand (use wet/dry sand paper) it will limit the amount of dust created. The resin dust is what is really bad for you if you breathe it. I dunk a part in a bucket of water before I start to sand it or Dremel it.
  19. John and Linda at SSM just mailed me a little "My Daddy is a Starship Modeler" onesie. Absolutely adorable. I love advertising that Dad is a nerd when I take my kid out.
  20. Congrats William! We just had new Ostrich... her name is Anna Katherine. 8 lbs. 3 oz. She was born on 7/18
  21. looks real nice, shawn. that was quick!
  22. What are the major differences between the 1/72nd scale and the 1/100 GH one (Obviously the size!)? The "arm" cannons are shorter and fatter. The engine bay is much more detailed. The feet are more rounded (more in line with the lineart). More panel lines. What about the detail around the main cannons?
  23. I was pretty far along on this great kit (THANKS AGAIN HONNEAMISE) when it took a spill. Perhaps the AI that was controlling this drone had a flawed program. Or perhaps it was the excessively tired father of 3 (soon to be 4) that can only find time to model at the wee hours of the morning. Either way the model crashed into the ground and incurred some major damage. I tried to fix most of it, but I had to sacrifice what was turning out to be an ok paint job. The underbelly shows most of the damage thankfully. I still have lots of touchups, panel line oil wash, drybrushing, decals, and pastel weathering to do before I'm done. Without futher ado... the 1/72nd scale Ghost:
  24. start a new thread for the dragon discussion. back to the ghost. Major catastrophe with my ghost. had it painted and was doing a little touch up work... dropped it and snapped off a rear stabilizer and one of the dorsal wings. Landing gear got hosed too. Don't want to start over with the paint job. Not enough expletives out there to reflect my frustrations. will post pics of my band aided ghost soon.
  25. I think what it boils down to is that people just don't know your work. Everyone jumped on Mike's project because he's been doing great casting for years. They know he's a good guy and can be trusted. I just don't think you are going to get 20 people to jump on to a project without something solid to look at. Personally, I'd recommend you start with a smaller, and less ambitious project (kinda what honneamise did with the Oberth). As you can see, after he did that project, the orders rolled in for the Ghost kit. This is a small network of die hard fans. It's based on a lot of trust. Reputation means a ton. You've been a valuable member to these boards. You've got a good reputation, but not as a caster. I'm sure you will do a great job. I hope your projects go very well.
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