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Less than Super Ostrich

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Everything posted by Less than Super Ostrich

  1. Ladic, I disagree with you totally. Gary Oldman in Dracula was actually an endearing character. What turned him evil was his love for his wife. You could empathize with his character... but not in The Professional... he was just pure mean.
  2. He was so much scarier in Leon/The Professional. Awww Shiz-nit! YOU BEAT ME TO IT!! Gary Oldman in "The Professional" was amazing. Pure unadulterated evil. Michael Madsen as Mr. Blonde is a close second.
  3. I voted VF-4, but I would change my vote if the YF-19 and YF-21 that are already in 1/48th scale were better quality (e.g., more detailed sculpt).
  4. Man... please avoid the "R" word with kits still in production.
  5. Hmmmm. I think my wife keeps one of those under her bed.
  6. Wooop Woooop Wooop. Toy guy alert! Toy guy alert!
  7. My list is endless: The G-System recast of the Yellow Sub SDF1 Ivanov SV-51 non macross is: Hasegawa JU-87 Stuka Hasegawa JU-88C Night Fighter Academy Blackhawk Finemolds Slave 1 and... just arrived yesterday... THE CAPTAIN CARDBOARD X-WING FIGHTER yes, MJ, there is a Santa Claus... and he molds in resin.
  8. Amen to that! Your fellow model elitist, LTSO
  9. What can I say? I'm finally in. Put me down for one.
  10. An email from Colin... "Brian. Finally some good news. You will be holding yours in your hands by the end of next week!" Needless to say that I am very excited. I'll be doing an in-box preview once I get it.
  11. Fixed. Definitely. We're modelers here... we're not like the kiddies in the Toy Forum.
  12. that comanchero is funny... i like it.
  13. Grayson is right. There is a big preference for either 1/72nd or 1/48th. ONly thing in 1/60 are the toys.... and us Modelers don't get along with those kiddies! just kiddin' y'all.
  14. ahhhh... thanks grayson... somebody remembered my list! Ravenstar... we have a very active community here and very excited to see a caster with interest in this segment. 1) Bigger reproductions of existing pieces. Such as making 1/48th options for things already produced in 1/72nd scale. The toy community is huge on MW... and there is big 1/48th fever courtesy of Yamato. The 1/72nd scale Monster is another example. 2) More accurate builds are also popular. For example, John M. is doing a scratchbuilt Regult pod (he's got 50+ orders) which is already done in 1/72nd scale... he's just making it more accurate and slightly bigger. 3) And finally, new scratchbuilds are doing well too. Once again John M did the booster, which got good response. Tanmen had good demand for his Dragon, Cat's Eye and Fan Racer. But don't get us started on his fulfillment! I agree with Meyersjesse... the Macross Zero would be a great place to start. How about a Cheyenne Destroid? Awesome, baby. Awesome. p.s. you asked about ships... the Yellow sub SDF is great, so we don't need another one. And I can't tell you one person who cares about the Zentreidi ships since they look like flying pieces of poo.
  15. I should take a picture of my basement sometime. We just bought a new house. And the unfinished basement is MINE! She gets what she wants upstairs... but th downstairs is my man cave. Most of my stuff is in cardboard boxes. But I have about a dozen already started kits in a shelving unit bought from Target. I have my main workbench, a table for my spray booth, and a table for the really messy stuff like when I'm building structures from foam and Durham's Water Putty... god, i love that stuff.
  16. HWR MKII, That's why I have been getting my model purchases sent to work. Can't let my wife see more styrene or resin come through the mail box!
  17. I love seeing friend from other boards meeting elsewhere. It's like when your high school friends are hanging out with your college friends.
  18. I know many of you are also frequent posters on that board as well. The forum at Starship Modeler has been hacked and all the data lost. John, the ower and admin, has closed to forum until more secure software can be obtained. He has also said that there is a chance the forum is gone for good! Aaaargh.
  19. I'll sell ya mine for $300... I'll even throw in the Anasazi waterslide decals. Let me know.
  20. Shaaaaaa-weeeeeet! That looks great.
  21. I knew y'all were gonna complain about the wait... and rightly so. As far as the quality of the resin, sculpt, etc. I have not seen much better. The second generation SW cast are crisp and clean, so was the Betty and many of his other stuff. As far as the other folks you mention... you should know that every kit is not the same quality. I wouldn't judge one guy by one product. Take Robm for instance. I did get that VF-2SS upgrade set (I think a B Club recast) from Monkey Nugget and it was pretty poor. Tons of bubbles, bad resin, and very poor fit. No offense, Rob... by the look of the Booster, you either have a much better caster now or it was just a much better mold. Your new guy/process is much better now. I'm a fan of Rob, I'm a fan of Colin, I'm a fan of Valkyrie, and I'm a fan of mslz22 Mike... all nice guys doing an honest job. Prices are fair. I will say that customer service with Monkey Nugget has been the best. But I won't hesitate to support the other guys as well. I think its good for the hobby to have all these guys doing well. ok ok... I'll get down off my soap box. Sheesh, I'm starting to sound like ChristopherB!
  22. SMT website states that: "Destroids - Finally getting out this weekend and next week." I know most of you will say. "well it's about time"... and that is well deserved given the 9 month delay in the project. However, I think we should all be happy that a good quality kit is coming out from a producer like SMT. I know their delivery leaves a little bit to be desired, but when you get the final product, it is usually a Masterpiece. Thanks to Gundamhead for designing this kit. I will post a review when I receive mine.
  23. How about this? I 1/72nd scale USS Enterprise (no not that one), the original aircraft carrier. For a cool $250K, it can be yours. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...=ADME:B:EF:US:1
  24. Thanks Chris. Of course its for increased realism. I didn't know they were hollow... that makes sense.
  25. Can someone tell me why someone would care whether the head lasers are metal or plastic?
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