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Less than Super Ostrich

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Everything posted by Less than Super Ostrich

  1. c'mon 007... you can't just throw those awesome pics up without some description. Tell us how you did it! Give us some meat!
  2. armentage... i laughed so hard at your post. I imagined that commercial with that cat and the spaghetti sauce. The wife comes home and sees him with the cat in his hand covered with red and a knife in his other hand.
  3. they had a similar thread on SSM. imagine very bad things with exacto knives. ouch
  4. My bad model karma usually involves me gluing my finger to my cheek with CA.
  5. Nice job, G72. Really nice.
  6. Honestly... they are kinda tiny.. 6 inches tall at most. I have all of the Wave kits. Pretty good detail for battroids... only option you have for Mac Plus battroids.
  7. Did he say no Hasegawas . MJ, is that possible?
  8. It's like 2 feet long! And almost full of resin. This thing is a HUNK of resin.
  9. Just in case y'all cared about one of the niftiest kits I own now courtesy of Mike: T-65 X-wing
  10. fernando... were you the one doing the gerwalk version?
  11. Ooooh suprises! I'm guess an opening and closing hatch. Or possible a stand? Any chance we can get Anasazi working on decals? He does great work and I bet he'd be up for this project... since it seems demand is so high
  12. If you placed ordnance on the wings... you'd have to have them extended right? Does anyone have a screen shot of a battroid with the ordnance attached?
  13. This looks very creative! I like the progress so far.
  14. i think this one will have better detail. would y'all agree? nothing against that 100 lb. piece of resin that Rob was selling... it just wasn't that good. It was just the only option in 1/72nd for the Monster.
  15. nice pic of the Lovely Elizabeth. Used to get Macho Man Randy Savage all hot and bothered. My wife is named Elizabeth and I call her that. She has no idea of the reference.
  16. Majestic, We just love beating up on the kiddies in the Toy Forum. Grayson and I like to tag team just like in the WWF. Perhaps we are the Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkov of Macrossworld. Remember the Hart brothers? Jim "the Anvil" Neidhart and Bret "the Hitman" Hart? Ahhhhh regressing....
  17. Toy Boyz be gone! Grayson, take this guy out back and get medievel on him.
  18. There he is! Good to hear from you in the Great White North, eh? Glad to hear things are picking up. I've been on a kit hiatus too with my newborn and two older kids needing lots of attention. Momma Ostrich is also been very busy. We'll patienty await your next project, WMC.
  19. yep... looks like a wmcheng model. speaking of wmc... he's been kinda quiet lately.
  20. Hase knows that hlj has a good amount of biz from u.s. While they can't distribute directly here, they know that the U.S. market for their products is very large. Look at the volume on ebay alone. Hase is smarter than that.
  21. That cockpit is amazing. I have the kit, but haven't really dug into it yet. Is there dashboard decals that make it look so nice or was it a custome?
  22. That stinks, Mike. I hope you feel better.
  23. So Say We All.
  24. I think we'd encourage scratchbuilt (even kitbashed) recasting. Aftermarket tires would be great. However, taking a kit you can get for $20 and recasting parts just doesn't smell right to me.
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