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Less than Super Ostrich

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Everything posted by Less than Super Ostrich

  1. Just checked out the Starshipmodeler.com website and saw their Star Wars contest entries. I'm not sure if these are all of them, but I see they have about 78 entries. Some are really amazing. What do you think? Check it out: http://www.starshipmodeler.com/contest/entries.cfm
  2. I wonder what you have to do to get G-System to do another run. Do you need to say, "Look, we have a list of 50 guys who want the model and they will prepay." Do you think that would work?
  3. The model does look GREAT... I just thought I'd add some constructive criticism since you asked. You didn't over do it, but it looks a little inconsistent. I'd focus on the joints and heavy wear parts like the feet, hatches, etc. Ya know what I mean? Also a little chipped paint technique could be a nice touch too. Once again GREAT MODEL!
  4. Me too... big man is going to the front of the line. Mr. Salzo's X-wing was supposed to be first, but the guy with big guns wins. I am finishing my Fine Molds Slave 1, which is turning out pretty good (for me at least). I'll share pics soon.
  5. I think you mean... does SMT do decals well. The answer... they are fine. Usually the decals on the Star Wars kits were decent quality (didn't fall apart on ya), but not too thick.
  6. Transform ? Thats the Monster MkII not the later VB-6 Koenig Monster. It isn't capable of transformation. He's right. Besides I have a pet peeve against the transforming toys... eh, I mean "models".
  7. Yes! Love the Yukikaze! The Platz models are great... did they have more from Platz or is it just the Yellow Sub wee small ones?
  8. THOR, Ya know if felt hollow, but I wasn't sure how it could be (I didn't see any openings on first glance. I thought it might be solid with a core made out of something light.
  9. I believe they are tubes that help connect the plastic gunbarrels to the resin gun barrel parts
  10. Ahhhh... the 1/100 scale Monster from SMT finally arrived today. Next to the FMMF, this is one of my most anticipated kit releases. Masters designed by our own Gundamhead and brilliantly cast by the folks at SMT. Colin rushed the kit off to me before the instructions, photo image and decals were completed. He promises to send those along when they arrive from the printers. (I'd like to keep this thread focused on the kit... I'd prefer we don't use this thread to complain about the wait or compare it to the 1/72nd project... use the other threads for that) The pieces The bigger pieces with a 1/72nd scale Valkyrie by Hasegawa as a size reference. What's your shoe size? "Devil's in the details." "Comin' right at ya" ... or "You'll poke your eye out!" _________________
  11. Ken has brought bits and pieces of the model to our monthly modeling club meeting. He has gotten a fair way along in the process. I've seen a couple complex pieces he's casted last month, so the molds appear to be working. He also seemed pretty optimistic about all the hardware to make it articulate/transform. Other than that, I can't comment.
  12. oh so happy. i'm skipping home from work today.
  13. Oops... I guess I should've read the whole article before I posted. My bad! My foot has been shoved into my mouth! I want to retitle this thread... WOULD SOMEBODY SET ME STRAIGHT!
  14. For all those interested... check this out: http://www.starshipmodeler.net/cgi-bin/php...pic.php?t=26335
  15. **EDIT** awwww... never mind... my mistake.
  16. great job. I'm working frantically on my Fine Molds Slave 1 too! However, I am doing the ESB version. I'm redoing the cockpit and closing the doors on the sides for the small guns as well as the doors on either side of the cockpit window.
  17. That's not entierly true. Hobby Base Retppu did a 1/72 VF-11B battroid. B-Club released 1/100 scale (IIRC) YF-19 & YF-21 battroids. And TECT released 1 1/144 scale YF-19 battroid. Graham Perhaps, I meant to say... the only reasonable chance to get a Mac Plus battroid at a non-astronomical cost.
  18. looks great G72... i'll never tease you about buying and not building ever again... well, maybe.
  19. The excuses he had were 1) He had an employee who was skimming money from the operation. 2) He casts other things too (not just models) and that business ramped up and he couldn't handle the volume of both. Regardless, he should've pro-actively provided some info about timing without us having to bug him all the time. It's a crappy way to run a business. I'm sure he's lost tons of business from people on these boards because of this. He has to keep this in mind when he promises something he can't deliver. On a side note, mslz22 runs a great out of his house business. Mike, I think you do an awesome job. Keep up the great work.
  20. aw man, ya guys are making me nostalgic. My first apartment was on 96th and Columbus, then to 11th and Third Ave, then to Grammercy Park (19th and Irving Place). Now I'm in Chicago... in the burbs... minivan, lawnmower, 3 kids, the whole burbs shabang.
  21. I found a great place for miniature magnets that could be used to attach armor to our models. This will not work for toys... because, well, toys are silly. Models, however, are cool, and thus these cool magnets will work for models only. Anyway... here it is: Amazing Magnets website
  22. An email from Colin came this morning... "Thanks Brian. I'll clear this up. I have five sitting here so there is no reason you shouldn't be holding one!!!!!!! Sincerely, Colin Omilusik Scale Model Technologies"
  23. I pre-ordered the Monster when he said it would be out in July. That was July of 2004 if anyone was keeping track. Delays delays delays and then after one of my notes he said I would get it next week. That was April 2 of 2005. That's over a month ago in case anyone is still keeping track. Frankly, I hate to bash Colin because the guy has a good heart, but clearly little business sense. I also don't want to bash this kit because: A.) I don't have it yet, so it might be freeeeekin' awesome B.) Our own Gundamhead did the master... need I say more?
  24. And a month goes by... nothing. I shot ANOTHER note out to Colin. I'm officially pissed.
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