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Less than Super Ostrich

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Everything posted by Less than Super Ostrich

  1. What an opportunity for us MACROSSWORLDers!! Super excited about this. My top 5 list includes: 1. The Macross Kite Logo 2. A VF Pilot Helmet Relief 3. The Skull Squadron Jolly Roger logo 4. A SDF-1 Relief 5. Any of the Designs from past Macross Cons this is just off the top of my head.
  2. This sounds like a great idea. I'd have to go home to measure it out for the dimensions, but 12cm+ sounds right. The obvious choice would be the Macross Logo... or maybe the logo with UN SPacy below. Thanks for pursuing this, Grayson. I'd definitely buy several of these.
  3. Here's a tip... sell all your toys for what anyone will give you for them. And start buying models.
  4. coby... i thought you were right. I remember Hasegawa was doing that with the VF-0 and SV-51. I don't specifically remember seeing it on HLJ, though.
  5. I think you are up to date on the fan projects that have been offered for sale. It's only been recently that fans have really begun scratchbuilding in earnest for further distribution. Alot of this has to do with the success of these boards. Correct me if I'm wrong, people. Honnemaise's Oberth, Cobywan's Lancer, Moscato's Regult and Booster, SSM has that VF-1D conversion (GH designed), and the 1/100 Monster from SMT (also GH designed). I can't think of anything except recasts of garage kits that you've missed out on.
  6. Thanks man... i'd appreciate that.
  7. Grayson... with a variable? ok ok... the fact that you make a variable kit look this kit makes you somewhere between wmcheng and michelangelo. Congrats, Grayson. Excellent job.
  8. Jade, Man, I missed this thread. Thanks for the progress pics. The kit is looking great! Here's a little recommendation on your picture taking... use the Macro button on your digital camera (it's the one with the flower on it)... it will help immensely when photographing small things close up.
  9. I just saw the DVD release. My review sounds like many above. Visually done well with great use of CGI that complements (rather than contrasts) with the traditional animation. The story line and the world he created were very interesting. However, the story dragged in too many parts. This is what happens when you have too many characters that you are trying to empathize with (Grandpa, Dad, and Steamboy)... focus on one to tell your story. Or else call the movie the Steamfamily. As a history major in college, I can only suspend my disbelief for so long. Steam powered flight 36 years before the wright brothers seems a bit of a stretch. Still the contraptions were interesting (and I'd love someone to do some resin cast models!). Anyway, i give it a 5 out of 10.
  10. I've been amazed at the speed that John and Linda have grown their online store. They just received a shipment in of the VF weapon set. Its a good price too and great people to buy from. Also they have the VF-1D conversion that GH mastered. I highly encourage keeping an eye on their store. http://www.starshipmodeler.com/cfstore/ind...&category_id=61
  11. I wish... that's not my kit... just something I found on the net. Thought it was a good guide. I plan to do a similar "paneling" technique. Lots of Tamiya tape!
  12. Awww c'mon... we'd want Hasegawa or Club M. Oh no... I forgot where I am... BACK TO THE MODEL FORUM!!!!!!
  13. Here is the Storm Attacker Mode of the same kit.
  14. I'm working on that kit right now. Decent kit, but the fit isn't that great. Takes some work, but not a hard kit.
  15. Do you mean the Yukikaze FAND II from Platz? I hear those Platz Yukikaze kits are very very very nice.
  16. nightmare... ya know we're just kidding ya. Grayson and I love to bash the Toy-Boys. I own two yamatos, but I don't like to admit that
  17. Thanks! These are really helpful.
  18. mechtech... those pics are great. thanks. i was havin' a hard time with this one.
  19. Mj... that isn't mine. I think I saw it somewhere on MW at one time, but I forget who did it.
  20. Toys are for kiddies, silly rabbit.
  21. This is the look I'm going for (but in cruiser mode):
  22. I've finally refocused my efforts on the Yellow Sub SDF-1 in cruiser mode (well, actually the G-system kit). I've got the main sub-assemblies together and have it primed. I'm about to begin painting and I'm struggling to figure out a good paint scheme. I've seen so many color combinations on the anime that I'm confused how to do it. ANYONE HAVE ANY GOOD PICTURES OF THEIR COMPLETED SDF-1? I think I'm going to do the gray main color and use some paneling technique in different shades of gray. I'll do the burnt metal (goldish) color on the main thrusters/feet. By the way... the fit on the G-Sys kit is pretty bad. Was it this bad on the Yellow sub kit?
  23. Pretty good stuff. Really heavy pre-shading. Another light coat and I think it'll look a little less beaten up, IMHO. Excited to see some more good stuff from you!
  24. I love it. great model. great pre-shading. good wash. nice canopy. It's got it all.
  25. The SSM guys are great. The owners/operators are part of my local hobby club. Top notch people and they run a good website. I was, however, surprised there wasn't much hype on MW about this kit. Personally, I could think of 5,000 more kits I want ahead of that one, but I love to see anyone support Macross and the hobby.
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