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Less than Super Ostrich

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Everything posted by Less than Super Ostrich

  1. LTSO, can you post a link to the FSM thread where this is going on? I looked around but can't seem to find it. 358306[/snapback] Its under the Group Build forum header http://www.finescale.com/FSM/CS/forums/540663/ShowPost.aspx
  2. anyone's interested there is a Macross Group Build over at FSM.
  3. congrats! I saw that! I voted for ya Mech.
  4. Replacement decals for Hasegawa's 1/72d scale SV-51/52 from Macross Zero. Available from Starshipmodler.com here. ALPS-printed by JTGraphics. Markings (including stencil data) are included for 34 aircraft from 10 nations, plus bonus Anti-UN coalition markings in different colors and extra personal/unit insignia. May also be used on any similiar scale models. Nations/organizations represented are: SV-51 Prototypes Russia Germany Israel Czech Republic India Poland Romania Turkey Ukraine Anti-UN Coalition Also includes 9-page full color decal placement/marking guide.
  5. By the way, I love my base!
  6. I agree... that is absolutely amazing for brush work. Wonderful.
  7. I hear what you mean. That is one of the reason I made the stand for this model. I'd do the CA glue quick fix if you can still pop the legs off the hip joint.
  8. One of the hip joints was loose, but I just put a light coat of CA glue on the ball (ball joint), let it dry, and then it was tighter. Other than that, the polycap joints worked well. But as many of you know, I don't "play" with my Valks... so poseability doesn't mean much to me. I let the Toy guys play with themselves... um, I mean, play with their valks.
  9. thanks bertt by the way... you can get those Macross kite bases from Starshipmodeler.com's store
  10. Here is my 1/100 scale Wave kit for the VF-11D Jamming Bird. It was a fairly easy kit. It uses screws on the Sound Energy System Fast Pack Boosters, but other than that it is pretty straight forward. The decals are almost non-existent except for the kite logos. I wanted to spice it up a little with some more decals, but I couldn't find many that would look 1/100 scale. I used Tamiya Acrylics. The base is the 5 inch kite logo base from modelbaseguy. If you don't have one... go order them. They are cheap and nice quality. I think they really add to the model as well. I drilled a hole in the base and inserted a clear acrylic rod that I had bent with a heat gun (around an old coffee can).
  11. I curse any of you who voted for Yamatos.
  12. Will be finishing my VF-11 jamming bird tonight... hopefully will have some pics too.
  13. Mike Mike Mike! Hoooooraaaaay for Mike!
  14. Here are some final photos of my Fine Molds Slave 1. Everything is box stock except the cockpit which I scratchbuilt to look more like what I saw in the Star Wars Chronicles book. I even made a little periscope for Boba. I also closed the small gun doors near the cockpit (didn't see these open in ESB). I also opened the gun barrels on the main guns. Without any further ado... Fine Molds Slave 1 From the top The guns From the side From the front Underside Underside close up
  15. My opinion... that's all. He's a pervert. There's adding flavor and then there's gratuitous. You can't go four pages without a highly descriptive rape of a woman. I'm exaggerating only slightly, but it IS excessive is my opinion.
  16. I was thinking along the same lines as kylwell. I'd hate to have to get putty in the little gap... i'd rather putty and sand the outer surface.
  17. better than the plastic one... but still looks like "poo in space"
  18. Graham... look up the definition of gratuitous and there is your answer. I don't mean to be flip, but if you've read the series then you will know what I mean. He just keeps adding more and more and more. Maybe my point of view has changed since I started having kids. But I think even someone without kids would agree that the use of sex in this book is starting to get a little silly.
  19. I am talking about Feast. Don't get me wrong... I love the series and will buy each book. I'm just saying his perverseness is getting worse with each book. It really detracts from the story lines.
  20. I was a big fan of Song of Ice and Fire series. But this book stinks. This guy is getting more perverted with each book. If you took out all the gratuitous sex... the book would be half as thick. Worst book of the series. Very disappointed.
  21. so... do you mean that the person selling it was a designer for Yamato? The website looks pretty slick.
  22. I found this site that contains a Landmate kit from the new CG Appleseed. Price looks hefty, but it's the only kit I've ever seen. Does anyone know anything about this kit or this website?? http://www.osakasamurai.com/index.html#
  23. They are also selling the modelbaseguy bases at the starshipmodeler.com store. Check it out here!
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