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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. Anew Returner: And farewell Katharon leader ; ; :
  2. I don't feel I have enough time to comment on best/worse anime stuff. This year I only kept track of Bleach, M. Frontier, Geass, and Gundam 00. I'd say Code Geass deserves either the Best or Worst award simply because the story progression is so wacky... or at least a mention somewhere. The one category where I disagree with you is Cloverfield. I think the viral campaign really over-hyped it, but attempting to do something semi-novel (yea yea blair witch, but Cloverfield is much more refined) gets points on my book. I wouldn't rate this as the best movie either though. My top film picks are either Dark Night or Bond.
  3. That thing looks so awesome, it's turning out to be my favorite design yet in 00. I see a strong Zone of Enders inspiration/similarity from the suit design:
  4. Although it's true that there is a certain small percentage of disgruntled employees who purposely mishandle things that are labeled as fragile, at the worse it gets ignored and not purposely mangled. Baggage handlers are busy, and they don't really have time to purposely take 5 minutes of their time and piss all over your bag. But then why stop the reasoning there? -Why call the cops when you're in trouble.... they might be corrupt -Why put a roof on your head... it might cave -Why go out for a walk... when you can get hit by lightning I am a platinum elite on NWA (the worse airline in America btw), and have never had issues when I've asked someone to put a fragile sticker. That being said, I do agree that cushioning the package is the more important aspect of this... sticker / no-sticker is a minor issue.
  5. Actually there is some info out on the next Ace Combat game to be released, not a lot of details but here is what we know: Country A is a small peaceful country, that gets attacked by Country B. You play some unnamed pilot in A whose squadron does a good job with the initial counterattack... and then OMG Country B uses its super h4x weapon (built by some Belkan dude) to pwn all the planes of country A, so A's military falls back. Then you fly some random missions, and devise a plan to take down the h4x weapon... yea wohooo! Country B's trump card is down... then A's forces advances all the way to B's capital, and then: "CRAP OMG WTF" ... yep, another super weapon, which A's elite squadron promptly destroys by flying inside it. Finally, you fly into the sunset and AWACS goes like, "War is bad... mmmkay?" The end.
  6. Can't speak for the YF-19 package (don't own one), but the boxes for my SV-51 and VF-1A (60) are quite sturdy - even with nothing in them they won't "compress" if I push the sides. If you want to minimize the risk, you can ask them to put a Fragile sticker on your check-in bag. Another suggestion would be to take a thin layer of bubble paper (lol, forgot what it's called), wrap it around the plastic trays and then slide the trays back in the box. However... If I were you, I'd just ship them via a package service (UPS, Fedex, etc) if you need to transport them.
  7. I hope it'll let you free roam through the city. This brings back memories, I used to play the GB megadrive game when I was little.
  8. I was just kidding, said fateful meeting in the woods probably never took place . The Norris internet meme is a bit old now, been hearing dumb Chuck Norris jokes for about 3 years now, so thought I decided to make one and put it on my sig. I had other ideas, like: "Shoji Kawamori was once camping in the woods ... <insert ending> " but the bear suit one seem funnier, at least mildly. Now, to re-rail this thread before the Naz mods get me in trouble, I got some time off coming up soon, so going to start on 1:144 Seravee soon.
  9. It is absolutely true. Explanation: Link
  10. Quick snap-together, picked this up at liquidation prices: Didn't paint completely, was without the use of my airbrush at that time. Drybrushed some minor details like the fins and the red chin, though hardly noticeable. Just paneled with GM. I loved the out of box colors though, it's what Trans-am should have looked like XD. And pardon the crappy quality of the pic, old camera .
  11. I recently discovered how easy it was to panel with GM fine tips. I tested it on a few non painted kits and loved it, now I'm planning on using it on my future projects. I have read that sometimes marker lines will run or <insert other bad effects> when interacting with acrylic. Anyways, this is the paint order I had envisioned: 1. prime 2. coat # 1 3. coat # 2 4. decal & panel with GM 5. topcoat (12 hr+ drying between each step) I'm using Modelmaster acrylic paints (flat clear for top coat) and primers via airbrush (Tamiya not that available around here, and too lazy to order over internet ). This concern stems from the impression that I get that GM's are lacquer-based... which I'm not too sure if it's true.
  12. /yawn... haven't we beaten this mule to death yet?
  13. Yep, it's a kit. I believe it's this one: HLJ listing.
  14. What appears to be Mistah Biushido's MS in the preview looks wicked. I hope they roll out a HG 1:144 soon for that as well ^^.
  15. Gadessa h4x cannon is an imitation VF-27 beam rifle XD.
  16. That is a really beautiful Sinanju! Considering getting the kit for myself for xmas. It was between this and Unicorn, but the whole idea of the sliding panels to expose the internal psycho-frame reminds me of sores spontaneously opening up. XD
  17. Any relation to Lee(eee)roy?
  18. lol @ pg.36 Bandai work uniforms.
  19. On that note... Sumeragi seems a bit saggier in season 2, still HOT though, but just not as plump and juicy
  20. Somewhere a few hundred meters underwater... Sumeragi (who concocted the plan) is probably laughing her a$$ off
  21. The pose IS A SPOILER. It shows Luca paralyzed in the upcoming movie, when giant Ranka is swapped out for giant Nanase.
  22. I was hoping Patrick popped out of nowhere in the last eps and punched that A-laws Major's , lights out (don't remember name... guy with purple bowl cut) for trying to press his beloved Colonel's buttons, but alas it didn't happen. Any ideas on who will pilot the O-rizer (or O-riser)? I think it'll be Saji, as he serves no other purpose then being a piece of fail XD.
  23. My 25F arrived today, but I missed the UPS guy ... but going to pickup it up at UPS center tonight, THAT'S HOW COMMITTED I am lol.
  24. In before topic lock.
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