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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. Hollywood in general, is trash in my opinion. It's 1% talent, 50% fake books, and 49% "a kick in the groin is the highest expression of comedy" ... Though I'd say that at one point in time I did find Brittney Spear's pre-rehab antics quite entertaining, especially the part about jousting in a SUV.
  2. A bit off topic, but found this gem in my inbox this morning. It made my day : If you had purchased $1000 of shares in Delta Airlines one year ago, you will have $49.00 today. If you had purchased $1000 of shares in AIG one year ago, you will have $33.00 today. If you had purchased $1000 of shares in Lehman Brothers one year ago, you will have $0.00 today. But---- if you had purchased $1000 worth of beer one year ago, drank all the beer, then turned in the aluminum cans for recycling refund, you will have received $214.00. Based on the above, the best current investment plan is to drink heavily & recycle. It's called the 401-Keg.
  3. I just had an epiphany as to why this flick is on route to epic fail.... the title is too long and descriptive.... long and vague maybe, but as it stands, no.
  4. Technically, going by today's geopolitical map, Marina would be Iranian as Azadistan covers what would be present day Iran (well she would be Persian if we wanted to be 10000% accurate)....XD... sorry I've commited my act of online douchebaggery for the day .
  5. Wow... the body count, the body count, the body count... The invisible hand of Tomino's Killemall spirit is strong at work
  6. Hmmm..... Kentucky ...Fried ......Chiiickin But good eps.
  7. I love that Basara VF-19. Definitely looks different than on the actual show, but the VF100 toy looks better.... and honestly the animation quality of M7 was er.... medium-quality, so this sculpt does the mecha justice in my view.
  8. I share your views. Setsuna has become some sort of weird philosophical, "oreno gundam seek peace through war" troll who flies around in a seemingly invincible machine. I hope in next eps Bushido Bob can knock some reality (and character development) back into Setsuna, but I don't think it will happen... Bushido has devolved into just some weird stalker dude. I would add that Gundam 00 has me interested in anything BUT Setsuna and Bushido lol.
  9. I'm also glad they're not trying to cram this into the OYW either. Unless it's a silly universal century schoolgirl drama with only brief references to Gundam that takes place in some distant colony not touched by the war, then not interested XD. I guess going back to the roots (UC) is fitting for a 30th anniversary gig, so no complaints from me there. And why is that Acguy in the fetal position?
  10. So... managed to finish FSN last evening. Went through 24 episodes in 1 weekend . Bittersweet ending is bittersweet, my big panda heart has been shattered .... lol jk XD. I hope they make new seasons based on the other scenarios. Overall, I found the last episode to be semi-idiotic and overly reliant on anime magic. Gilgamesh and that priest dude get pwnd so easily and with impunity after Avalon is summoned... but yea, the ending scene after that was fitting but sort of sad, but well done imo, much better than the supposedly epic final duel.
  11. Setsuna can take a beating ... must be mutating due to the GN particle infection XD. On the mecha side, I think Anew's Innovator suit is the best of the whole line with that wicked blade and a full complement of fangs. If it weren't for Setsuna doing a boomheadshot with 00 Raiser, Cherudim would have probably bit the dust.
  12. SV-51, VF-2, VF-4... my dreams have been answered
  13. Even as a viewer not knowing any of the FSN backstory and lore I found the anime a bit lacking when developing the other characters and backstory - it seems it's mostly focused on just Shirou/Saber/Rin. But I guess at 20-some episodes it would have been a mess if they tried to do too much so I'm glad they kept it 80% faithful to one scenario only. I did find it interesting enough to do some research on the backstory and the different scenarios (and by that I mean Wikipedia you pervs ) Apparently there is a "clean non-H XD" PS2 version of the original game, that has a final-final episode with a rather happy ending of which is not included in the original game. But I'm biased... as I'm now a Saber fanboy. I wish they made a normal-RPG that had some potential for export outside of Japan that could possibly allow you to explore all the other paths.
  14. In Wings of Honneamise, towards the end, right before the big launch climax, there is a huge battle involving the air forces of both factions. Lots of air to air, air to ground stuff going on. And per your description Zx, I think those might be "fantasy planes" as well . If I recall, the fighters were fairly original, featuring unusual combination of jet engines and props. Alas, I'm not sure if any kits or toys were made of them. ... But Honneamise is one of the greatest anime films I've seen.
  15. I'm finding Fate/Stay Night rather enjoyable, despite the obvious trite and overused moe/harem elements (Shirou is one lucky guy...XD). I actually didn't know that it was originally a H-game either lol, until my gf informed me of this fact....
  16. ... W0T HAPP3nEd to teh Pr3vi0us 6 ??11?!
  17. The real MVP of this episode is Tieria/Seravee. Not only did it pwn the crapdessa Mk. II with its hidden arm h4x... but locking down the pod with Seraphim was just epic XD. Also enjoyed seeing Somarie and Hal both going berserk.
  18. Better pee before putting all that on...
  19. Awesome video, thx for posting. On the same vein, I was watching Children of Men last Friday for the first time... in the final city battle scenes I couldn't stop but wonder whether or not they ripped that scene straight from HL2's city 17. In retrospect, both are so completely different from each other, but I guess because Valve scripted and made the city 17 levels in such an intense way, I can't help but make it the new standard for doing intense contemporary urban guerilla zombie stuff.
  20. I thought about gluing the pieces on permanently because doing so sort of destroys trhe "resale value" as transformation is a somewhat big part of the GFF line... but the flopiness and loose pieces were just really really bad, like if you posed it, armor pieces would fall of on its own or something. And there are a billion RX-78's, but only ONE very modern representation of the Sniper Custom .
  21. Ok, technically this is not gunpra, but I still love it. I've been looking for this Fix Figuration for quite a long time (at a reasonable price), and finally found a decent one. This is the RGM-79SC (Sniper Custom), a somewhat obscure unit from OYW. I've had a fascination with this suit ever since I found out that Amuro was not the top Federation ace of the OYW, but it was in fact Tenneth A. Jung with 149 MS victories (Amuro = 142) who piloted this very suit. Now, the figure itself has the ability to "transform" into a RX-78-2, which looks horrible with the green parts. When I got the this, it was a floppy mess with stuff falling off left and right. I hear that's the nature of GFF's. I don't care much for the RX-78 so I took some cement and made this a permanent RGM-79SC. The GM comes with lots, lots and lots of guns of all shapes and sizes... Lockon would be jealous. Now if only we can get an updated HGUC or MG version of this ...
  22. GP03 dendrobium due to its sheer ability to pwn crap. YF-19 would be my runner up.
  23. Or how I like to call it: The Open Sores Mode
  24. Do they have a massive ACME Memento Mori factory at the end of the "tracks" that just constantly pumps those stations out faster than CB can destroy them lol? It's bordering on ridiculous now. Now we know where 00bama's "stimulus-package" is going towards XD! ... jk, please don't take this seriously. ... and I fell off my chair too. Regarding the Marina cliffhanger, it would be awesome that they all hear the shot, but a Feddie agent bites the dust instead... then another. Boomheadshot!AWPwhore is back... Lockon 1.0 lives. I know I know... he's confirmed KIA by Sunrise.
  25. Bandai needs to make a RGM-79SC (flown by highest scoring Fed ace of OYW)... I would also settle for RGM-79SP GM Sniper II . There are a few conversion kits floating around, but I want a real MG or HGUC dammit XD.
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