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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. I like Ray better, it just looks more evolved, it almost has a organic quality to the way it moves. The Shagohod would be second place for me within the MG universe.
  2. So I'm about 1/2 way through RE5 (yea, I'm slow )... in the underground ruins now. My biggest complaint is also the inventory. I've died 4 times total thus far and all of them due to inventory issues (2 to gators & 2 to chainsaw guys). On the one had I feel it's more realistic for you to be vulnerable while switching items, but on the other hand it just also fits in awkwardly into the same paradigm. If they wanted to keep everything real time & continuous, then on the fly inventory switch with hot buttons/d-pad etc would have been preferred. I wouldn't have mind if they just reverted back to old-school inventory where everything pauses while you think and swap stuff out. All in all, the action is solid though... there is just something missing from this game that would make it an epic game, I would say that right now, it's just a "good game."
  3. It's called weathering ... but really nice collection MDP310.
  4. A combination of: Retcon + Anime Magic + Desu + Corn Starch ... subs can't be released soon enough for the latest
  5. Here is an update on my GM Sniper Custom. I did a rough test fit for arms / body / head, so still need to tighten everything into place: This is technically a non-canon beam saber configuration XD. The original SC did not have the single saber tucked in the back, only the inline integrated saber attached on its arm, but I included both. And maiden... that Autobot logo is so well done
  6. I'm working my way through RE5 now. Initial impression for me is that the combat mechanics just feel like an updated version of the RE4 system... so if you liked RE4, you'll probably like this one. The one thing I don't like is the whole stage system. I loved the classic RE games because the environment was like a semi-sandbox in that you were fairly free to walk around and revisit older areas seamlessly (to a certain degree). This one has got more of an arcade-like feel to it. And zombies dropping loot lol... yea, definitely more arcade-style.
  7. I had a feeling we were going to get trolled this episode with a hour long Caprica preview... which I wouldn't have mind, but they tied in those flashbacks rather nicely. I can't believe next week is TEH END. Unless you count "The Plan" which will air in June I think. The grand finale better not be some Evangelion-style philosophical introspection for the last hour with all the Cylons projecting themselves into happy suburban environments, and concluding, "hey! We found earth! It has been here... inside us... all this time!"
  8. There must be something in Article 9 prohibiting the construction of giant 1:1 scale war machine replicas ... lol jk They should brand it like the model kits. Now we have High Grade > Master Grade > Perfect Grade > and "Actual Grade" I think even for 40th and 50th anniversary there will still be ample interest in Gundam (and feel the same way about Macross). Gundam is essentially the "Star Trek" of Japan, and even at 40 years Trek is still a fairly recognizable brand. Assuming we all survive the 2012 cataclysm...
  9. lol... then in that case I would want to pilot Lou Dobbs + (insert other CNN trash)'s worst nightmare:
  10. Here is a grainy photograph of my wip RGM-79SC conversion: Not using all the conversion pieces though, I'm going to retain the original 78-2 backpack with dual sabers... the conversion backpack looks bulky and weird. ... and yea, someone please give Optimus Prime its own thread
  11. I had this really messed up idea about Gundam 00's end and tie it to the 30th anniversary celebration. ... So A-laws, innovators, etc are defeated, and a new tamer Federation government emerges. GN Technology is ordered destroyed and its knowledge sealed. Because Celestial Being / Katharon / Coup Faction still have to "pay for their crimes" so to speak, they are banished from Earth, and start instead to build colonies. Many years pass, and the colonies prosper...The exiled faction (basically what's left over of CB, Katharon, Coup faction) under a new visionary leader unite, and unveil a new flag: The numerous space battles fought during CB's interventions with the 00-Raiser had unknowingly propagated subtle genetic mutations in the thousands of soldiers who were exposed to the GN effects during combat. The mutations were reflected in the germ lining and passed itself to future generations. At around the same time, a scientist stumbles upon the secret files containing blueprints and designs for a machine called the 0-Gundam. It is now Universal Century 0060. Yea I know, I probably violated a thousand lines of Gundam canonicity with my silly story ... but it's fun to dream. So yea... /flame on
  12. Paint it in Azadistan colors, swap the rifle for a giant speaker pod, and rename it to "GN Sound Force Gundam 0" ... give keys to Marina "LISTEEN TO MAH SONG!"
  13. You're welcome I just provided some basic application steps. As MechTech pointed out, there is actually a whole science behind applying decals... it all depends on how thorough you want to be. I am as thorough as possible with model kits, but Yamato valks are too expensive imo to be "prepping" it like I would a kit just for decals But for you want to do, it sounds like basic steps will suffice.
  14. -First, have a cup or container of warm water prepared (not too hot though). -Use an x-acto or other precise cutting tool to cut off the portion of the decal sheet containing the decal you want to apply. -Use some tweezers to hold the edge of the decal sheet you just cut out and soak it in the warm water (I normally do 5 to 10 seconds, but closer to 5). -Now, with great caution, use a Q-tip (or other cotton swab) to gently push the decal (which should now be loose) onto the spot in your valkyrie you want it at. -Let it dry and set in for about 5 minutes. -Use Q-tip again to dab off some of the excess water. Done
  15. Holy smokes.... that looks insane, yet unbelievably well done
  16. I've been eagerly anticipating Caprica, a unique take on scifi traditionally dominated by space pew pew and ships slugging it out. Galactica was so successful because of this "realistic science fiction" showing the worst aspects of human nature, and I love it. Caprica seems to be an extension of this formula. Although I would love to see some of those epic fleet battles of the first cylon wars, I have a feeling that those will take a back seat to the slice of life approach of the new series.
  17. F-15E Strike Eagle: 14,300 kg F-15C Eagle: 12,700 kg Difference: 1,600 kg
  18. Galactica will gattai with the rebel base star to form "Battlestar Cylon Custom Galactica DX" and transform into a giant centurion . Awww... so Adama is going to leeroy Galactica after all, I thought that plugging in Anders would jump start and save the ship. I'm still intrigued by the rumors of the final scene of the series supposedly being . The finale seems to be shaping up just to be one epic confrontation in space at Cavill's base. If the rumors are true, it'd be interesting to see how they tie it in.
  19. ah.. "classic" harem anime I watched the original OVA, the series, and a few of the movies. Really liked it back then, but never watched any of the follow-up/spin off series. I particularly liked the first movie... it was really touching and sad.
  20. I had 2 time frames where I was a big "rasslin" fan. First, when I was a kid in the late 80's: Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Randy Savage era.... then again in early 2000ish: The Rock, Mankind, etc era. It was cool when WCW was absorbed and they scripted a whole story for it lol. I no longer watch though... I think it's permanent this time XD.
  21. It is a cute little love story with mecha elements . I watched it many years ago. It's impressive because the whole thing (everything) was done by one person on his mac... I think his girlfriend provided the voice for the female lead.
  22. If I remember correctly from my Molecular Biology course, Telomeres are basically buffers on DNA strand. To make a long story short every time DNA is copied, the process is imperfect, and the copying misses some nucleotide sequences at the end. Although the genetic code has built in redundancy (ie. more than one sequence can code for one amino acid), after a while, DNA will no longer code correctly for the amino acid a sequence is intended to produce. As a result, most eukaryotes (humans, dogs, plants, macross toy collectors, etc) have a buffer of DNA that can be used up to cope with the fact that some of this genetic data is lost... however, this buffer eventually gets used up, which is why cells can only divide so many times before the whole line in unviable. It is also one of the reasons why eukaryotes age over time. Now, it's interesting that in 00 there are nanomachines that can repair these, as it essentially means that lifespans can be extended way beyond the current average, and could serve as an explanation as to the supposed longevity that Innovators posses. Side effects seem to be the creation of TRAP tendencies... meh, a fair trade off for longer lives XD
  23. Another thing to have in mind is that the part in S1 where the nurse/doctor says that regeneration treatment won't work on Louise, happened at a time where knowledge of the effects of GN particles were non-existent. She might very well be suffering from extreme GN contamination, it just didn't set in during the last episodes of S1. And doctors might not know to look for signs of GN contamination as knowledge of it was scarce. I personally agree with the pills being anti-anxiety drugs, as its symptomatic of her on-screen behaviour. More than likely, some other treatment done by Ribbons et al was responsible for halting or slowing the GN contamination, and the pills are for depression, anxiety, (insert some other mental trauma).
  24. I think "mutation" is a better way to describe Setsuna's condition than "evolution." Evolution implies that said mutation is also reflected in his germ lining so that it can be passed on to the next generation which might or might not be the case... but since Setsuna only has the hots for his Gundam I don't see this happening XD
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