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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. I wonder if these new yamato "acquisitions" will be extended to the GNU line.
  2. That's like division by zero.
  3. I say bring it! Loved the original and the sequel (though didn't like the anime series). Though I would like to see a reboot of the series or a sequel taking place in the far future - as the characters were the least memorable parts of the series, with the exception of ADA of course
  4. Let's add "Stealth" to the list. It should have been renamed "Turkish Top Gun."
  5. Blasphemy! /calls the Macross inquisition lol jk, Yep, that massive SAP rail gun would fall apart in atmospheric manuevers ... but I love the non-SAP version of the valk, design wise it's a bit of the old and the new combined.
  6. If the legs on the -22 were just a little bit thicker, I'd so go for it. It looks awkward at the moment, I guess it's the same complaint leveled against the current YF-21 1:60.
  7. I am not too keen on the exact context Scifi denounced the whole genre as being too limiting... but taken on face value I tend to agree. There is only so much of a story you can tell with giant spaceships, androids, and lasers without making every episode be like a 40 minute commercial for toys. The reimagined Galactica was successful in part because they didn't pay too much attention to these elements: - All small arms on the show are models of actual firearms, no futuristic laser rifle. - Nothing on either the Galactica or Pegasus looks particularly state of the art (aside from FTL) - I could go on and on... But did I care? Not in the least, because the human drama > props.
  8. I don't see why there is so much hate towards Caprica. I know fanboys just want to see more capital ships slugging it out and vipers going pew pew, but I for one think that the slice-of-life approach in Caprica will make it an interesting and unique show as opposed to seeing the same sci-fi epic space battle drama.
  9. Battlefield Earth without a doubt.
  10. And regarding Brad Pitt's southern accent, yea it's kind of bad, really bad... but I think in the spirit of the film, they wanted to make Pitt's character a very exaggerated portrayal of a southern guy, which explains the ridiculous accent. God knows what the "burn mark" on his neck is supposed to represent, though I have a pretty good idea.
  11. I was being sarcastic.
  12. On my way out of the cinema last evening I saw a rather interesting poster for this upcoming Tarantino flick. As with Kill Bill it is yet another tale about "Revenge" with a similar whimsical (almost comedic) approach towards violence. The combination of WW2 setting + spaghetti western makes me want to check this out. What do you guy think? Hit or Miss?
  13. Those props look so awesome, I envy the people who build that stuff FOR A LIVING I noticed there is not much clearance on the Mk7 between the control stick on the right side and the wall, which contains its own assortment of knobs, ...slightly poor design there
  14. Even by today's standards, AC3's JP version intro is too awesome:
  15. Latest work complete Slightly non-canon Sniper Custom from the OYW.
  16. Looks beautiful. What is the little wire thing on top, is that an antenna?
  17. All celebrities have had extra-marital affairs... it's like a prerequisite .
  18. Thank goodness I don't have any kids... it would pose a difficult dilemma for me .
  19. Looking good. The COFFIN cockpit is really well done. ... /sigh, I wish they had made a proper release of Ace Combat 3 for the non-JP editions of the game. Factoring in the story, it was easily on par with the later AC games.
  20. I'm almost done with Maria-Holic... omg I can't decide whether or not this show is hilarious, disgusting, or just retarded , but it's good enough to have kept me watching and sad that they only produced so few episodes.
  21. I've been "hearing about" this film forever, it's been supposedly in development for a long time. I'll see it when it gets to the states in some fashion. Also, it's good to see Jackie Chan in a role other than "comedic martial arts."
  22. For Chinese, according to my teacher, about 1,000 characters to be considered literate (though I'd say 600-700 range to be "functional"). Well hopefully, my character investment will give me a leg up for Kanji when I finally decide to seriously study Japanese.
  23. I loved Robotech when I was little... I did eventually learn of the Macross-schism and how -tech came into being. Fast forward many years, and in 1997 I saw Macross Plus. To this day, it's still my favorite Macross OVA/Movie (I like the movie ver a little bit better ). What got my attention was the more mature story - no angsty teenager piloting mecha, the absolutely beautiful mechanical designs, and to this day an example of good merging between CG and traditional hand drawn animation.
  24. Watching Maria-Holic atm. I want to smoke whatever it is the writers of that show do .
  25. Oh, but you have to remember, both South Korea and the exiled Chinese government in Taiwan were our allies a long time before they became democracies. Marriage of convenience because of the cold war? Perhaps. But I think we chose to assist and ally ourselves with these 2 factions because we saw some "friendship" potential in them. I'm not too keen on South Korean history but in the case of China - the US had a long standing relationship with Chiang Kai Shek and was well aware that in terms of morality this guy was only slightly better than Mao. In fact, he is well known for his brutal crackdown of communist disenters prior to WWII. So we chose to be friends with the lesser of two evils. It is of course not known if this ultimately helped foster democracy on the island considering the US switched recognition to the People'S republic in 1973 - but in my opinion, the relationship did have a profound effect. Even looking at this case, opening up relations with China since the Nixon era was absolutely the correct choice, I don't think anyone with a sane mind would argue that it would be better if we had Cold War II with China now that the USSR is gone, and despite China's imperfections and annoyances the world is much better off in this semi-friendly state, than with 2 superpowers pointing nukes at each other. He played only a small part in that conflict. US assistance to the Afghan mujahadeen is well known and documented. Stinger missiles anyone? And it is a fact that a lot of the people our government trained fell into the service of the Taliban. This is progress nonetheless. They can't transform their country's standards of civil justice overnight, but at least less people are starving. That is the fundamental problem with the West's understanding of China. If your only source of data is CNN and Tom Clancy, the only conclusion you will reach is that China is a hegemonic monster trying to conquer the whole world, which couldn't be farther from the truth. For every negative China story in the media, people will not mention the aspects of progress. For example, we are well aware of China's crackdown of Tibetan protesters, but the western media never mentioned that: 1) The whole affair started when in the spring of last year, Tibetan gangs roamed the streets in an ethnic progrom, killing ethnic Chinese living in the area. China had to send troops to restore order, but the media only turned on its camera when the troops arrived. 2) The assertiont that Tibet was an ideal paradise prior to 1950 contrasts with the actual history, which is that the llamas ran a theocratic serfdom in which people had no rights and could be sold like objects. 3) Today Tibet has a basic infrastructure, basic rights to an education, and the ABOLISHMENT of serfdom. Now, the fact that dissenters are treated harshly is unforgivable, but playing it by the numbers, they have it much better under the communists than under the llamas. Ok now back to the defense cuts, and how it affects our deterrence. A few less F-22's is not going to affect this at all. At present we have the most sophisticated, best trained, and experienced fighting force in the world. Yet despite this, countries without a chance of harming the US or its allies have been getting on their soapboxes to preach their anti-america bs. What does this say about hard power? In today's world, it means very little. It is because of of the Bush administration's excessive use of the proverbial stick that we have lost much of the respect we had and has allowed people like Chavez to make a career out of pointing out how evil we supposedly are.
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