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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. I don't think politics and fear of offending China was the reason, but rather the fear of not making any cash off the markets in the Sino-sphere was the predominant driver here! And by that I mean not just mainland China, but Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, etc. In the future, I think movies should just come as pre-packaged with random crappy CG's, and scenes with actors just moving their mouths, and then each market can repurpose and rearrange the elements however they want!
  2. HAHA lol I always felt that they put that message to make me not feel bad about being an adult playing with valkyries. It's ok bro.... it's ok, let's swoosh these valkyries together!
  3. Still doesn't explain how some of the ground crew are reporting feeling ill when working on the aircraft. Can't wait to see how many surprises the F-35 has in store for everyone once its fully in service!
  4. My first valk was a second-hand 1/55 hand me down with heavy usage. Arms had fallen off already ... still had a lot of fun hehe.
  5. This is a bit of a necro-response , but I think bubble canopies with nice rearward visibility is a bit overrated (even in real life) from a common sense perspective. I mean yea you can kind of swivel your head to the back for a little bit, but just to catch a glimpse. The human neck is not designed to sustain that position for a long period of time without developing some serious neck injuries (and this is before you factor in all the forces exerted on the pilot). By the way... I love those asymmetrical fighter designs.
  6. I am watching Linebarrels of Iron. For a 2008 anime, the art style seemed very 90's, well except the CG. I've enjoyed the first 2 episodes thus far.
  7. The Viggen looks futuristic even by today's standards. From a purely aesthetic perspective.
  8. Any release date info on the 19P ?
  9. Paul Watson and the Super Ocean Friends of Justice warned us about this years ago, how Aquaman will initiate Operation Poseidon and attack land dwellers after years of destroying the ocean's ecosystems. Humanity has only one hope left to combat the Tuna menace:
  10. Surprisingly FFXI is still doing quite well despite almost pushing 1 decade of action. There is actually a new expansion with 2 new jobs coming out. Sometimes I get the itch to re-activate my account, I seriously wasted nearly 3 years of my life on FFXI, and it was on my mind constantly. I got four jobs to 75 and was a Ranger and Ninja main (before they upped the level cap). Had fairly top-tier gear: Kirin's Osode, Byakko's Haidate, Othinus Bow, Soboro Sukehiro, and the reward ring and earring for finishing the two expansion pack story lines.
  11. Science fiction has just been getting no love lately, I guess people are just more interested in seeing a bunch of over-tanned idiots from New Jersey consume the world's precious oxygen and food.
  12. I was expecting the same thing too! I'm glad they didn't pull an Inception though. There was no smile, but you could clearly see a "well done Master Wayne" expression.
  13. I finally got a chance to get the Edy's Detachment DLC for Valkyria Chronicles. It's just 1 mission... but a bit of a challenging one. They just picked the best characters for this DLC, nothing screams elite military unit like a twin tail panicky Tsundere, a masochist, a pacifist, a big er.... "metro" guy, and a silent sniper... well Marina has always been elite. One of the factors that really made me fall in love with this game is the really high quality English VA, which makes the characters so much more interesting and memorable. The DLC is no exception. Unfortunately, VC seems to have a hit a dead end, and will probably never grace the PS3 again. Damm you Sega.
  14. Colors are pretty! I'm glad that this is the scheme that will be released.
  15. My condolences to all who perished in this senseless act of lunacy. Unfortunately, it's only a matter of time (I give it until Monday) before the political operatives will find some sick and twisted way to turn this tragic incident into talking points for why I should vote for X or Y.
  16. I wonder if Square will ever make toys for the Delta Saber fighters from Project Sylpheed, it's also their own IP. The game's quality was somewhere between mediocre and good, but those fighters looked beautiful.
  17. What happens to Bats is inconsequential I think. The next movie will surely be titled: The Dark Knight Reboots.
  18. I'm still waiting for the DLC where Wrex (or the other guy) embarks on a quest with Shepard to make the best damm Fish sandwich in the Citadel.
  19. I hope Hasegawa takes notice of the VF-19 Active.
  20. I'm not terribly familiar with any of the comics, other than the basics... but did read the Dark Knight Returns, which features a 55 year old Bruce coming out of retirement... struggling at times, but still kicking butt and perhaps 1000x more vicious.
  21. What always made me giggle about Serenity is their attempt to talk in Chinese, which is.... actually not too bad!
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