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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. According to MSN dictionary: pro·vi·sion·al: (adj) temporary or conditional: temporary or conditional, pending confirmation or validation Translated to Animu Engrish : pro·vi·sion·al: (adj) marketing brand extension technique by which a meganekko character is leveraged to increase the profits of a corporation.
  2. The Inconvenient Truth ..... /flame on
  3. If my understanding of pop-quantum physics correctly, there is actually no such thing as time, but that the universe is constantly expanding and splitting itself into multiple bubble copies of itself, constantly generating multiple copies (universes), hence when traveling in time, you actually didn't go back in time, but just to another universe where that "time period" exists. The other more simple approach is to simply state that the universe is infinite, if it's infinite, then the probability of there being a world exactly like earth is assured. There could also be a world were my VF-0's shoulders didn't self-destruct, but the probability of that would be low.
  4. Would love to see a Mk7 viper myself.
  5. Enginnering was the worst designed set of all imo... it looked like a McDonalds playground. As for the character likeability thing, Kirk came across as a wigga-johncena-wannabe-gangsta... but yea new continuity, so forgiven.
  6. Incredible job prometheum as usual... Tons of news today on NgeeKhiong. To name a few: - MG Exia ! - MG Guntank - Weapons upgrade for 00 S2 gundams - Displays of possible HG Unicorn?
  7. Yea I know, new continuity, but new continuity has to make sense. The only thing different up until the events of the film are: - Kirk's personal history - Kelvin gets blown up by Nero - The Federation hires a robotic Steve Jobs as an interior designer Since both of these events are unlikely to impact ship size, we assume that starfleet ship development pretty much took on a similar course as the original continuity, hence I feel that the larger size (though not improbable) is unusual.
  8. I'm not so sure about the length of the new Enterprise... that would make it longer than a Galaxy class .
  9. You are indeed correct. Perhaps it was a Garfield and not a VF-1.
  10. Slightly off topic, but discovered this tidbit by accident today: According to modeller Rick Sternbach, the fatal shrapnel embedded into Captain Garrett's head was a wing from a VF-1 Valkyrie model kit from the Japanese animated series The Super Dimension Fortress Macross. [1] This is from the episode description of TNG's "Yesterday's Enterprise," imo the best episode of the whole series... but more importantly, we had a mole inside Paramount .... Source: http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Yesterday%27s_Enterprise
  11. I don't think that is an adequate analogy to explain what is going on there. With the exception of the fact that they travel on water, a wood vessel and a modern ship are completely different vehicles, they have different means of propulsion, and different ways to hurt each other. An early steamship or ironed vessel I concede to be a slightly better comparison. In Trek, the main means by which ships blow each other up have essentially remained unchanged from the ToS era. The way in which ships travel and navigate has remained unchanged. They were fine tuned as the years went past, but by the time of the Dominion war, the main weapons of all starships were still basically phasers and torpedoes. The yield of a torpedo has a maximum theoretical yield of 20ish isotons (don't remember exact number ), which is governed more by the laws of physics governing the clash between matter/antimatter - than by technological advancement. The yield was that amount in ToS era and was still amount in TnG. Ships have only become more powerful in the century spread by just adding more guns and launchers. Admittedly, defense could have improved with better shields, but there is no perfect defense, and it would be overrun by superior numbers eventually. Furthermore, ship classes that existed in ToS era like the Miranda and Excelsior class are basically still in service nearly a century after their introduction, and saw action well into the DS9 era. Because the mechanics of warfare have changed so little in between the two eras, there is no reason why starfleet couldn't zerg the Narada with enough ships to pop it. Of course, my initial assertion was just wrong as I was unfamiliar with the nature of the Narada, as pointed out by Chronocidal. On that note, I'm sort of interested now in reading that prequel comic.
  12. It's amazing that in about 1.5 centuries, technology evolved to the point where a mining/industrial ship easily pwnd a small fleet of starfleet ships . Would have been slightly more interesting if Nero's ship was a Scimitar derivative or something.
  13. the trailer is in the Engrish dialect, hence the misspellings.
  14. "All Good Things" Galaxy class is the best and meanest looking... it's the closest thing Federation "battleship"-like from that generation.
  15. It was ok, but not great. The design work was a bit weird. The bridge designs were nice, the whole i-bridge concept didn't bother me at all . But other designs were just plain strange - the Narada looked like a flying junkyard, though I know it was supposed to be an industrial ship, it has like no shape at all . Also, engineering on the Enterprise looked like a McD playground. I'm sort of torn on the new Enterprise, I like the refit-constitution better still. As for characters, I think the whole setting up Kirk to be a hero thing was a bit too trite and expected. I mean in the script, Pike tells him to "enlist," but somehow he ends up in the academy.... and by the end of the film he jumps from Ensign to Captain . It would have been better (since this is a reboot and all) to have had him start off as an enlisted "spaceman" and be given his commission to ensign at the end, or something to that effect. But Simon Pegg was awesome! ... Orion girl at the academy was also awesome ... and funny story, I had to sit next a hardcore trekkie family (a gang of 10+), laughed at every stupid thing on screen. My gf predicted this, and made me sit next to them essentially as a buffer, she is smart.
  16. I wonder why they didn't make the Nanase mousepad... extra protection against carpal tunnel (wouldn't be able to move your wrist at all actually).
  17. I can't believe that I'm seeing a little VF-2SS stuck their hiding in the corner.
  18. What... ? You mean someone watched Macross F for that ugly piece of crap called the "VF-25", and not for teh "boobage"?
  19. I watched the first 2 vols Yukikaze when they released the DVD way back when... I'm surprised you think the CG is dated. Definitely not top of the line by today's standards, but still looks pretty. Let's just put it this way - I still think Macross Zero CG quality is superb also . And other than the "brokeback fighter pilot vibes" the one thing that struck me was that the Engrish was somewhat passable, a great improvement over its contemporaries!
  20. Damm, I can't see this until tomorrow . I'm avoiding reading reviews, as they're all pretty much positive, and as such will make me feel that it's overrated when I actually do watch it.
  21. Anime..... Magic....
  22. What you describe is pretty symptomatic of not just Trek but of the entertainment industry in general. The entertainment MBA credo: 1. Does it Work? Yes, go to step 2 2. Emulate, imitate, and plagiarize. 3. Keep milking it until it's dry So now we have this fresh wave of reboots that is supposedly a good sign that Hollywood is being more creative etc etc, but I strongly disagree. Now rebooting is the thing to milk dry! Take the same story, same characters, change a few things around, and add that beautiful 21st century CG that you couldn't do 10 years ago, and voila... successful reboot. However, in the case of this film, I'd say that it's different enough that it's a bit more than a reboot as it's already been indicated that it's an alternate universe of Trek lore.
  23. thanks ... and those builds are nice. The one on the left is the B-club Spartan, the one on the right is a RGM-79SP2, it might be scratch built or using a 3rd party resin kit, I only say so because the two plates on the upper thigh armor design is wrong. The SP2 has 2 long rectangle slabs for those pieces of armor . Nevertheless... they are nice and I wish I had those skillz. Now, with mine, I'm trying to build a strange hybrid between the spartan and the SP2.
  24. I bet there is probably a trailer for some secret or unexpected film no one's heard about that will air before the flick. Here are some candidates: - Cloverfield2 - LOLHALOMOVIE - some random reboot - ... myster JJA project that finally unites the Alias, LOST, Felicity (yea I'm serious lol) universes - Desu
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