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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. lol the white man has an obsession with anything that's Asian (not all, but a good 50% do). Part of this is because of Hollywood and the media's portrayal of Asians as either: 1) Mystical kung-fu <insert other martial art> masters 2) Asian women as merely sexual objects 3) Asian men as oppressors, tyrants, who mistreat #2 They take anything they see on film on face value, which leads them to think they have some in depth knowledge of any Asian culture by watching The Last Samurai. By getting tattoos, they think they are integrating themselves into Asian culture in order to save it with their "righteousness." Now, that is not to say I hate on anyone for being that way, it's all preconditioning, and thus I can't blame someone for acting the way they do. There are non-Asians with a legitimate scholarly interested in Eastern civilizations that have taken the time to take courses, learn the language(s), and visit the locale. Way back in the day, I had a Caucasian Chinese literature professor.... despite having a lisp, this guy's Chinese is better than most native speakers.
  2. I wish to see some of the legal proceedings & documents related to something around the lines of what was just discussed: "WAAAAA! Someone took my name! MOOOOOM! SOME1 Took mah naaame!"
  3. I would say that Japan has a rather unhealthy obsession with the English language: http://engrish.com/ It goes way beyond the fact that English is a pseudo-global language of business. As for how frequently it shows up in anime, it's great when it's proper English, makes the work look more polished and refined. Works like Gundam 00 and DYRL did a mighty fine job with that. It's an eye (or ear) sore when it's butchered - the first 30 seconds of Macross Frontier is a good example . I'm just from the thought process that if you're going to incorporate a language other than that of your native audience it would be good to invest the time to get it right! It adds much more polish and refinement to the finished product.
  4. Doubt he's dead... he's probably in a hidden island right in the middle of the Bermuda triangle playing poker with JFK, Tupak, a gray alien, and Lelouch.
  5. Yes, apparently there is : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romeo_x_Juliet ... though loosely (very loosely) based, been wanting to watch it myself. I am personally waiting for an animu version of Hamlet with lots of mecha, nekkomaidos, moe, and a tsundere Ophelia.
  6. I raise your nyan nyan moe with ... er... another form of nyan nyan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WUcRcuqQKM...lated&pos=5
  7. Robot Damashii 00 Seven Swords otw too! Glad the 00-MSV's are getting some love. Holding my breadth that someday they'll release Cherudim Saga too.
  8. If it's real, and the op's photo is legit (and those are 2 big if's lol), I'm hoping this means we get to play the role of a stereotypical pseudo-eastern european (ie. yuktobania, estovakia, and other multisyllabic country) against the evil greedy Osean Federation lulz. /sarcasm off
  9. I hope they do something interesting with the plot this time, I'm sick and tired of playing the same story but with different characters & countries if you know what I mean . Also, an AC set in the Corporate Wars timeframe of AC3 would be a plus.
  10. Somewhere... a baby seal has been clubbed to death.
  11. Perhaps the era of UCAV with a2a capabilities is fast approaching. Soon war will be one big videogame OMGLOL WTF, stop ganking my plane!
  12. I actually like the original Tunak Tunak (and I'm not Indian ).
  13. aaaw... one more eps of K-on left . I really enjoyed this week's eps though, especially Azunyan's attempt to "defuse the tension XD". And apparently, Mio is everyone's dream anime waifu: http://that.animeblogger.net/2009/06/13/ja...-and-husbandos/ ... rather strange list, Rukia Kuchiki #4 ? .
  14. Bebop vid was A++++ . Eh.... the second one, they need to recast .
  15. 2 words came to mind: SOOOOUL PLAAANE
  16. They are releasing a 30th anniversary RX-78-2 HGUC kit to coincide with the display of the 1:1 model. http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2009/06/hg-...undam-30th.html Actually, it doesn't really say it's styled after the giant RX-78-2 in Shiokaze, but the events are tied together!
  17. Well, they are releasing a HGUC version of the 1:1 Gundam.... talk about milking.
  18. Yep... apparently to the point of learning what a sunfish is...
  19. Semi-old news, but the 1:1 Actual Grade (note, I made this term up myself ) Gundam is complete! http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2009/06/11-...red-on-bbc.html And holy frack it looks amazing...
  20. I still like Mio the best! Azunyan despite her incredible cuteness is like a pseudo-Mio clone... minus the irrational fears towards gross stuff . But we shall see...
  21. Went through 8 eps of K-on! this weekend. My IQ has dropped precipitously. I shall let Ranka explain: ... maybe moeblobbing is JP's strategy for world domination. (But I love the show )
  22. In my opinion, the A-10 was perfect for the post-apocalyptic battlefields of the movie! It is just a traditional no frills, rugged, highly armored aircraft that pops ground targets like no other. The more advanced 4.5+ generation jets would have quickly run out of spare parts and qualified maintenance personnel to take care of them.
  23. /accent on The line must be drawn here!
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