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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. I think there should be 3 moral alignments: Paragon Renegade Hentai
  2. The aerial one looks really nice, and I love the name, it just rolls off my tongue..... ssssstyyyyleeeeet
  3. The Red Ring of Ring of Death has cost Microsoft 1 Billion USD. Too lazy to link a source, saw it on the news this morning . I'm on my second unit atm, and thus far no problems yet, with the exception of an occasionally jamming disc tray. My PS2 though celebrates its 8th year anniversary this summer, never had any problems. A lot of fond memories, got it while I was still an undergrad scrapped a lot of pennies for it. I don't think I'll ever sell it, there are still quite a few games I want to play, like finish off Xenosaga part 2/3. The only problem is that it looks like crap on HD screens
  4. I bet a copy of that vid was mysteriously leaked to a certain Shoji Kawamori and became the inspiration for the Chaser-One scene of Macross Plus... minus the Itano Circus.
  5. Although I agree with you 100% on the the huge lore that has been built over the years, I feel that there is still the potential to pen a "jock story" as you so eloquently put it in a rather creative manner without it being a 100% identical rehash of Macross Plus. Will explain this later. In many ways, why I think so highly of Plus is particularly because it was Macross but with many elements turned on its head - like music not necessarily being the weapon used against the invader, but the antagonist using it against UN Spacy (if you can overlook Macross II as being the first one to do that of course ). Also, if you think about it, isn't every Macross series pretty much a rehash of the original? Now before you all start the flamethrower, I don't think that this was a bad thing. Sure, I'm generally opposed to extensive recycling of ideas, but each new series added just a bit of its own "magic" to make it worthwhile. Frontier is probably the most guilty of this, as pretty much every single character is a semi-rehashed version of an earlier character from a previous series. Frontier offered nothing new and revolutionary in its story or its characters, yet most people (myself included) still found it enjoyable because of its polish and attention to detail. So yea, I'm not for remaking Plus with different characters and different valkyries, but more for a story that deviates a bit from the traditional formula... but jock valkyrie duel would be nice of course.
  6. Which Macross Plus is not. There is no "AHMOGAWD GET TO TEH CHOPPA" until the last quarter .
  7. Lol, could you be a bit more specific? I do know people who did not like it because it stands as a radical departure from the whimsical "power of song" formula, and that's fine. But the darker, more mature Plus was a selling point for me. No ridiculous musical weapon (not in the traditional sense anyways), somewhat realistic characters with actual issues as opposed to the messianic super-aces, while maintaining a killer soundtrack. Now, if this is about my post on the transformers thread, I will admit I was drunk when I typed that , but the movie was truly bad. Despite differences in opinion, I can never see Macross Plus being at the same level as that CG Turd movie.
  8. You didn't miss anything. The single-player campaign was pretty trite and had the exact same story as pretty much every AC as far as I could remember . The visuals were pretty though, but for the first next-gen AC imo it was lacking in originality.
  9. I'm all for a Macross Plus II OVA/Movie. Of course that title would be too easy and obvious, so they should name it something avan garde like "Macross +2 " They could set it a few years before Frontier on New Eden, and pit the YF-24 prototype vs some other badass valkyrie. Same concept, same "grittiness", but different characters, now with 21st century CG! Maybe Isamu & Myung make a cameo.
  10. 1) I killed the bug queen 2) I treated the obnoxious fan "badly" 3) My character(s) have successfully courted and banged the consort, Liara, Ashley, and Kaden (note plural on character ) 4) I let the council go to hell, yay humans! Also did the reverse of all the above. Oh boy... it's gonna be interesting how the game starts out for me then It might be hard to factor in every event from ME1 into ME2's progression because some choices were literally epic, like choosing to assist the council or not at the end of the game, but I can see small choices like letting the bug queen live/die affect ME2's story.
  11. So I finally see this flick... wow, it was so bad I don't even know where to start. It's like going to the dentist for the most painful procedure ever, and then have him or her force your mouth open while taking a dump down your throat.
  12. Well, a valkyrie could mysteriously crash into Mao Nome's village... thus the Galaxy Fairy never came to be, horray!
  13. I hope they revamp the Mako tank segments of the game. I mean I love almost being able to scale vertical walls on that thing, but it could use a bit more of polish. Driving from point A to point B and occasionally letting off a few rounds is boring. On ME1 I just couldn't wait to drive to my destination before getting on foot for the fun to begin. I always tried to fight Geth armatures, and other big mechs on foot rather than on the Mako, much more fun . Also, I hate the cover-art, would prefer a more minimalist approach, and that big handsome lizard better be Wrex .
  14. I thought "Railgun" sounded familiar...I only got into 2 episodes of To Aru Majutsu before putting it on the "to resume at a future date" list. I liked the non-linear storytelling of the 1st episode though, it seemed to throw the viewer right into the thick of things.
  15. Please don't diss The Last Samurai, or Tom Cruise will put on his eyepatch and samurai armor, hop on his F-14, bring goose back from the dead, and destroy your couch.
  16. That is why Emiya "Genius" Shirou occupies #4 in the most wanted enemies of mankind list:
  17. You are standing in the bridge. 1. Talk about the weather. 2. Invite her to eat pineapple cake 3. Invite the whole bridge crew for pineapple cake!
  18. K-On! was too short .... My current weekly anime habit consists of Valkyria Chronicles (damm I wish I had a PS3), and Canaan - which delivers on so many levels of awesomeness.
  19. I also read the Fountainhead when I was 18, I think if I had done so now at 28 I would have thrown it away halfway through... at the time I thought it was great. Atlas Shrugged I never liked even after the first read... while reading through it it felt like IM'ing with Ayn Rand herself TYPING IN ALL CAPS TRYING TO FLAME U OMG. Further derailing the thread, I find that both books really exaggerate and trivialized the problems of the real world when it comes to collective thought and action. Unfortunately the word "emo" was not invented at the time. Both books are akin to a social outcast in high school who decided to vent and write a revenge fantasy... though in her case I can see the mental trauma caused by experiencing the Russian revolution, so can't blame her.
  20. I can already see it, 1 super-class that absolutely pwns everything.... then 1/2 the population decides to level the flavor of the month. Bioware catches up, and nerfs balances the job .... seen it happen so many times already. However, the MMO market is mature enough that I'm fairly certain developers are considering issues like job balance before publishing the game. I still think there will be plenty of PvE content with a healthy dose of PvP, they probably want to grab as many players as they can. Not that I personally dislike PvP, I recently passed the 500 PvP kill mark on EVE and just itching for something new .
  21. I'm guessing the next series will be for 30th anniversary in 2012. In-between might see an OVA, more or less like what happened during this decade. I also hope the fate of the original Macross gang is explored.
  22. I want to see a good attempt at rebooting or sequel for Area 88 as well. The 2005 adaptation was a bit bland and didn't quite stack up to the original imo. More contemporary aircrafts: F-15's, F-16's, SU-30's would also be a plus for me.
  23. The dubbing in Bleach is ok. I actually got interested in Bleach way back in the day when it started airing on CN as well, though I no longer watch the anime, the manga is plenty good for me. In my opinion, the best story arc is still the Soul Society Rescue... the stuff in the middle following that kind of sucked. The current manga arc however is giving it a run for its money but it's yet to conclude .
  24. I can perhaps see a normalized database for valk ownership based on some people's uber-extensive collection. Manufacturer Table {ID, pk ,MfgName} Valkyrie Class Table {ID pk ,MfgName pk, fk ,year pk} Crap_I_Own Table {MyValkyrieID pk ,MfgID pk, fk ,ValkID pk, fk ,MfgName pk, fk ,Retailer ,YearBought , Broken Arm? }
  25. Oooo, it's like animatrix. When I saw the trailer yesterday I thought it was 1 series. No wonder. Well I definitely look forward to this, I'm a big Halo fan and just pre-ordered ODST.
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