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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. CS from generic scifi shooter featuring random space marine with hi-tech assault rifle in a trite forgettable story about being sent in to pacify a random civilization but ends up siding with the local savages - yes.
  2. How about make it a 70's styled Space-ploitation film/spoof - guest starring "Black Dynamite" as Apollo, and Shaft as Starbuck. Samuel L. Jackson as Admiral Adama....
  3. I just reserved a Slim during my lunch break, can't wait .... and I have a 1.5 week vacation coming up, think I'll play MGS first.
  4. One more job class unveiled, though no surprise there: Sith Warrior. The actual Bioware site has not been updated yet apparently. So thus far on the roaster we have for the Republic: Trooper, and Smuggler, and for the Empire: Bounty Hunter and Sith Warrior. Both sides would be missing some sort of healer/medic, the Republic is missing a force practitioner (like it's any surprise what that's going to be). I'm curious as to whether or not the Bounty Hunter is meant to be in the same role as the trooper, or if there will be a smuggler-equivalent for the Empire. ... of course, I'm just assuming there are 4 classes per faction based on how the website is arranged.
  5. By no means do I have precise figures on hand, but like everything else I suspect the cost of special effects has probably gone down considerably since the turn of the century. The blue/green screen is used for all sorts of movies, not just scifi. Or at the least we can say it's more accessible, even for smaller scale projects. That being said, big virtual explosions no longer win over audiences, we're back to basics and things like character & plot, and the overall cohesion of the film is what is paramount now, and I think D9 weaved those 3 concepts well.
  6. I dl Shadow Complex before heading out this morning. It'll be my little celebration after my last exam is over this evening .
  7. Probably the wrong place to post this, but for this movie season, I'd definitely rate Star Trek and D9 as the 2 best, everything else has either failed to live up to my expectations or just failed horribly. T3 in the former category, bayformers in the latter.
  8. I knew it all along... the Qin Dynasty invented valkyries. Maybe when they finally decide to unearth the Q.S.Huangdi's tomb they will find a giant transformable aircraft carrier.
  9. thx for the clarification wolfx . Look forward to seeing it animated. I have watched a few videos here and there of the game's cut scenes, seems like there were quite a few characters who didn't make it into the anime. I would also recommend 08th MS as a good standalone UC series. The last few episodes build up towards a truly epic finale. My only complaint about it is the introduction of the "Ground based Gundams," which given the short timeframe of the one year war seem like rather improbable, but it's anime after all, and supposedly there are like a billion RX-78-X prototypes that are canon but never made it on screen. Would have been better to have an all GM-team with advanced variants like the sniper custom, GM-Command, or Sniper-II.
  10. I just watched Valkyria Chronicles ep 20... just gotta say wow, can't wait for the next episode! I have not played the game yet, so....
  11. They synchronized it pretty well with Madden 10.
  12. So I'm finally getting a PS3. Slim or 80GB? Since both will be priced at 299, and the slim gets you 40 more GB, is there a reason to go with the 80gig? ... Other than potential QC issues with Slim.
  13. There will also be the inevitable MMORPG based on District 9 called "The District" where you select to be part of either the MNU, prawn, or "Nigerian Warlords" faction. In typical grind-fest fashion you will fight random mutated creatures in the occupation zone that will drop alien tech and the oh so precious mysterious fluid discussed in the movie. 1 year into the game's launch, all servers are consolidated due to poor subscription. 3 month later game is canceled.
  14. I had a red ring on my 360... in Microsoft's defense I can say that the replacement process was very streamlined and efficient, got my rep in 1.5 weeks, I mean I'd rather it never broke in the first place but I guess they get kudos for customer service.
  15. Although I agree that it's a leap in logic, in my view it's not inconceivable that the has "genetic properties" as well. I mean even the gasoline we use is merely a mush of hydrocarbons - some of the simplest forms of organic molecules. I mean in theory a turkey in an oven could generate "power" (though it's highly inefficient). Anything organic, like DNA and pretty much any living tissue, with an appreciable amount of Carbon/Hydrogen/Oxygen can undergo combustion. As for the mutation properties, this is my theory, ready? ZOMG!
  16. My drunk buddies singing KTV (karaoke) ... bestest quality evar! Oh, I noticed a problem on my Macross Decision Chart lol. Apparently the durability arrow to Bandai is double sided. I assure everyone this is an error and I wasn't implying anything else.
  17. This time... I think not. /passes the mic
  18. ah.... GI, the civilian-face of the terrorist organization known as Gamestop.
  19. Wow! That looks really cool with the lighting.
  20. In my opinion, the only way this will work and make money is if it is somehow set in the same universe as the Moore version - there is still plenty of unexplored history there to sneak in the events of said film. The issue here is that SyFy's BSG is still really fresh in people's mind (more so with The Plan on the horizon). Hardcore fans of the original Galactica will eat up the film, but viewers only exposed to only the reimagined series will simply interpret this as an attempt to cash in on the Galactica brand.
  21. I wonder if the etymology of the name CHRISTopher sheds some light on the character and perhaps his (or her?) future purpose
  22. Luck happens to be one of his "skills."
  23. In case it's not "obvious" - left is DX . There were a few deliberate mis-transformations with the model - took some "artistic" liberties.
  24. In the original short film, a government guy mentions something about them being captive labor living in poor conditions. Rewatching the short film, I'm not sure if he was just asking a question (to himself) or asserting it as a fact.... If it is true, than the aliens were probably not professional soldiers/warriors. Maybe it was just 1 big ship with "undesirables" ... though the short film is probably not "canon" anymore.
  25. Agreed. A weird sequel in which The only type of sequel that would be good in my opinion would be alien-style news documentary detailing wtf happened and made the ship land on Earth in the first place.... "now click click clack is here with the weather!"
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