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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. The blue-shirt blonde's totally fake scream @ :40 ruined everything ... I'm wondering what the small craft flying overhead @ :10 seconds were, really sleek shuttles or perhaps fighters. Star Trek pew pew needs some spicing up in my opinion. In one of the DS9 battles, I recall Sisko's CO ordering fighters to flank the dominion fleet, and I was like woahh... cool.
  2. Why that's a nicely colored SU-33 you have there !
  3. Poor "Sunshine," his Viper just got painted with loads of death flags
  4. Would have loved to see 2 more seasons of Caprica with timeskips in between - with Blood and Chrome being the third. The first is about the rise, the second about how cylons integrated into colonial society, ending with their rebellion.
  5. ... that looks amazing!
  6. My employer gives everyone a holiday for election day so I did the patriotic thing- spend my day playing X-Com (and vote). Thanks for the reassurance Mr. March. I didn't know that assaulting the Alien Base decreases the global panic level. My doomsday counter is up to 5, but all my remaining countries are stabilized,green, and with 100% satellite coverage. I might try the base attack soon, my A-Team has everyone running Titan Armors, with supports carrying plasma rifles and assaults carrying Alloy shotguns. Planning to bring at least 3 squad members with arc throwers, want to try and capture the base's commander .
  7. This game is incredible. I'm finally getting the hang of things.... sigh wish I could crank out satellites faster lol, I have lost 3 countries failing to realize this. Well, it'll be more exciting with a high doomsday counter . Despite this I have a fairly good roaster of operatives. I have a colonel of each class all packing plasma. I'm still stuck with using Carapace armor but armor has not been an issue for my troops yet. I dread my future encounter with psionic foes. I have yet to run into Ethereals, and Sectoid Commanders.
  8. It's about time to reigns of SW are turned over to someone else. I, II, III were absolutely horrible in my opinion. Padme: That's exactly what they do, the trouble is that people don't always agree. Anakin: Then they should be made to! Please let them bring in JJ Abrams, so the Death Star rebooted can have some epic lens flare.
  9. Well, reviews for Cloud Atlas are in... and they are mixed at best. There is definitely no groundbreaking material in this one.
  10. Transforming airplane toys... SERIOUS F'ING BUSINESS.
  11. I'm willing to give this a shot if the proportions are nice. I think they did a nice job with the 1:72 VF-25's. I approached the kit with "realistic expectations." No one in their right minds would expect those nice layers of paint and decals to survive repeated transformations. If you are a semi-intelligent person you will realize that you're paying for the option to build it in either one of three modes, despite the fact that it was billed as a transformable model.
  12. Originality is not needed in movies. Films are now meant to be "nice background noise" that people listen to while they tap and swipe away on their tablets and smartphones, while they tweet to the world that they are sitting at a theater watching a movie.
  13. I will be getting this game soon. I loved the original and Terrors of the Deep... took a nice chunk out of my teens. Is there a vehicle research tree or something like that? I loved the Avenger from the original game, when I got it Battleship sized UFO's started dropping like flies .
  14. Not familiar with the "duct tape" mod, but how it works now is that the flashlight is part of your armor. So you can operate any weapon with the light on. There is still a rechargeable battery on the light, but it fills up really quick after a few seconds of inactivity.
  15. DOOM3 BFG Edition is Glooooorious! Yes, it is basically the same game, but the redone flashlight mechanic plus the processing power of current-Gen differences completely made it worth it for me. Brings back memories.
  16. Love the song! Not a big fan of Adele, but please consider the alternatives: Carly Rae J., Lady Gaga, Rihana, etc ....
  17. I've been spending a lot of time with Skyrim. Everything feels much more accessible than Oblivion - which I never bothered to finish. I am maybe 40% done with the main storyline, completed the main Companions quest, and 2 missions shy from finishing the Dark Bros quest. At the moment though I have left all my questing on hold until I can max out my crafts. Got smithing and enchanting to 55, but Alchemy pitifully low in the 20's.
  18. Definitely early 80's. According to wiki, the Walkman first went on sale in 1979 . (Yea I'm aware that said device appears in Peace Walker too) It seems to be a natural progression to Big Boss' story. Snake Eater: 60's Portable Ops/Peace Walker: 70's Zero's: 80's In 1980, Big Boss would have been 45 years old.
  19. It's sad that the computing power of the now ubiquitous smart phone / laptop / or any consumer electronic device is several 1000x more powerful than Apollo 11's flight computer. Yet these guys, without the aid of many modern technological conveniences, traveled and set foot on the FRACKING moon, packed up, and made the return trip home. Imagine what we could accomplish without wasting our bandwidth and CPU on Facebook/Twitter ,documenting details about our life that no ones gives two turds about.
  20. Arnold seems to have gotten in good shape for this. (Or it's that wonderful makeup and special effects!) Anyways, happy he's back doing movies.
  21. Regarding the whole Cuban participation thing in the original film, when I first saw it I thought it was kinda out of place, but after I learned some history: not improbable in either a fictitious or real confrontation between the Soviets and the US. Cubans saw lots of military action in various conflicts during the cold war, to name a few: -Rhodesian Bush War -The Angolan Civil War -US Invasion of Granada (where they came in direct confrontation with US Rangers & Airborne) And there are the tons of covert actions that made that guy Che so famous.
  22. There were definitely aliens, though they were friendly for the most part:
  23. In order to keep the movie politically friendly for all of our global friends, the villain should have been a giant Spagetti and Marinara Monster that attacked the West Coast at dawn, hence the title Red Dawn. The monster represents oppression, and the Wolverines fight for freedom. Then they eat the spagetti.
  24. Hearing someone cheer Allah is great with such enthusiasm as the pilot is probably bursting into flames in a flying coffin makes me think twice about whether these so called democratic revolutions will really bring about any real change in the region. Note that I'm not saying Al-Assad is some sort of saint I like airplanes, puppies, and ice cream.
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