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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. Having only recently seen Shadow Chronicles (2 nights ago), I can see a small glimmer of potential in HG, still got a while to go before their game is considered top notch... but perhaps if they spent less time: -suing (or threatening to sue) people -sending threatening notes -distorting the truth and more time perfecting their core business they might... OH WAIT, THAT IS THEIR CORE BUSINESS LULZ.
  2. Yea S1 was good. S2 was so incredibly bad that it's good - but taking everything into account, the series ending was pretty decent.
  3. I found this sort of by accident. Probably a troll, but this complaint is funny as hell: http://www.complaints.com/directory/2004/september/29/17.htm "Harmony Gold furthermore failed to pay for damge of goods and moving costs. Harmony Gold's people threatened my wife and my child." lmao, that sounds exactly like what HG would do to have their way.
  4. New photos of "cannon shell" Megahouse Sheryl http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-107306-1-1.html Definitely 2 calibers, /nosebleed.
  5. Code Geass is like off in its own universe. Using the words "good/bad" to describe it is like trying to show different colors to a blind person.
  6. imo Bleach sort of went down hill after the Soul Society Rescue Arc which is what you were referring to. The current arc in the manga though is truly epic, and I can't wait until the anime catches up to that.
  7. Nyan-Nyan Chinese restaurant's head chef won great acclaim for his Gubaba Stew with Leeks.
  8. Partial micronization technique.
  9. I saw Shadow Chronicles on HULU last evening. It wasn't unbelievably awesome, but it was mildly entertaining if treated as a movie you find late at night while surfing channels, suffering from insomnia (which was actually the circumstance).
  10. Lol even Chinese plagiarized bootleg still looks better than US animation.
  11. Yes, even stranger things have flown:
  12. I never saw the "Anime Import" business as being a particularly competitive market with many firms. More like 1 hydra-like shadow conglomerate with multiple heads called "EnglishDub Corporation."
  13. lol wtf at this and the Spiderman 3 thread. Is today necro-post appreciation day?
  14. Two words: Animu Magic
  15. At the minimum I trust Bandai in terms of consistency. The DX VF-25 was chubby and inaccurate both pre and post production !
  16. I interpret the scene in the last episode of Frontier where we finally see who was in Bilrer's locket, to be some indication that the Megaroad issue is still open and perhaps will be addressed in a future series.
  17. Despite a few design discrepancies, both 25's are looking really nice. Wish they can do something about that glossy finish though. Definitely saving up to get a few of those end of year.
  18. 49 episode long parody....
  19. I had this terrifying thought. Given that historically speaking Macross Launch Day has already passed and that Kawamori is a 10th degree master of Troll-Fu, don't be surprised if the whole Macross genre starts to get retconned soon .
  20. I finally get to play MGS4 after getting my slim. It's a good game, but doesn't strike me as the killer-app to end all games. It's like 90% CG movie, 10% game... the CS' at the end of the Europe act literally went on for almost an hour . I also didn't like the game structure, would have been better with 1 big map like the previous MGS'.
  21. Indeed, many people tied it to the Chtulu mythos. But it's still a bit off from the supposed location of Ryleh according to your map... did he get off the couch to get the mail?
  22. The crotch-blocks on the 25's are massive! ... but somehow they look ok.
  23. While searching for something completely unrelated I stumbled upon this: The Bloop . In 1997, a US Navy hydrophone array picked up an unusual sound in the Pacific. The amplitude was such that it could be heard from sensors 5,000 km away from the source. The sound matched the profile of a living creature, but whatever produced it would have been several times larger than a Blue Whale - which has a length of about 33m, and is perhaps the largest animal ever to exist. The sound clip is freely available at the NOAA website as well.
  24. Since there are 17 possible toys with only 12 slots (assuming you buy the full set), the probability that you will get the valkyrie you want is 51.67%. 1) Probability that a Given Slot does not have what you want: 16/17 = .9412 2) Probability that all 12 slots will not give you what you want: (.9412)^12 = .4833 3) Therefore, the "opposite" of step 2 is the probability of getting the valkyrie you want: 1 - .4833 = .5167 Of course I'm making the assumption that there are equal amounts of each model made, and the process of slotting the toys is truly random.... which is a big assumption. And your odds of getting a VF-1 are of course high, as they constitute 50% of the first wave to begin with.
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