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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. I'm assuming the white powder is some sort of military ration / MRE-alternative? If so, then calories are no problems. "Military Food" is normally designed with a calorie-first / nutrition-second emphasis (making it only slightly better than McD). A typicaly MRE unit can deliver 1200 kCal, the normal semi-active human needs anywhere between 1750-2000 kCal per day, and in combat or other strenous situations, consuming about 4000 kCal is needed to prevent weight loss. Hence the emphasis is maximum calories per unit of area. Thought it could be the case that even the powder supply is stretched.
  2. I have never watched Sky Girls or any of the other Moe-Anthopomorphism related animes (though I find the whole genre amusing), but.... my favorite is Charlotte Yeager My updated anime-list (pretty much unchanged): Kämpfer Kobato Railgun Kämpfer is the greatest show for this fall imo. I think that if anime is degenerating into one extended fan-service/moe cesspool it might as well go all the way which is what this show is about: light on plot, light on character development. As for Railgun, biribiri is awesome XD. She is quickly overtaking Tohsaka Rin as my favorite tsundere.
  3. Of all the choices they could have picked for the next MG they go with a rather dull and unremarkable MS, I would have preferred yet another Zaku milking over this. I'd say that if they wanted to do a 00 non-Gundam MS the Flag would have been a better choice.
  4. I am intrigued by this "new valkyrie" @ end thing I keep reading about >_> .
  5. Well that is very true but minus the magic and orcs/elves/ w/e. I was thinking more in the lines of Roman Legionnaire Captain Price fighting the invading hordes near the collapse of the Roman Empire. Instead of "GET ON TEH HUNTER VICTOR!" it would be "GET ON TEH HUNTER WHISKEY WE R LEAVING LOL" (Horse Wagon)! The mandatory sneaking mission will be implemented via a scoped long-bow with integrated silencer.
  6. I wonder if they will ever do a CoD: ANCIENT WARFARE, with slings, arrows, fire-arrows, and crossbows (ZOMG H4X0R weapon).
  7. I normally use (good) tape to hold the dry transfer in place while I rub away, I do it until my arm hurts ...it is possible to carefully peel the tape just a little back to see if it rubbed if not to carefully drop it back in place.... which the tape should assist with. (Wait, until you try and dry-transfer onto a painted surface, then the frustration fun begins). Look at the bright side, now your Justice is weathered!
  8. My fictitious Army also has a few squadron of Comanches.
  9. Nanase strikes me as a typical animu female character.
  10. Perhaps the new line will blend in more electronics - flashing lights, movable parts, thruster light effects into a 1/100 scale gunpla. Which would be an awesome opponent for my cat... but my cat is like Neu Ziel and the gunpla like a generic cannon-fodder mech.
  11. YEAH TEH YURI!!!! Ming-Na <3
  12. My biggest complaint thus far about MW2 is that I feel that all weapons are equally effective - perhaps this perception will change as I go further into the special ops missions or start multiplayer (which sadly I have not had the chance to ). Like any SMG is about as good as an assault/battle rifle. For instance, in the boneyard level about 1/2 way through you are perched at the top of a large hill with a pretty good view of Makarov and Shepard's men taking each other out. I didn't have to switch to my M-14, and my MP-5!!!! could easily pick off these very very far targets. But it doesn't bother me that much, I treat the game more like an arcade game with FPS characteristics.... I mean what kind of realistic game can have you carry 500+ rounds of ammo for each of your 2 weapons. You will have to carry about 34 CLIPS . + your other gear >_> .
  13. ... you keep valks at work? ... you must really trust your co-workers / nightly cleaning staff.
  14. I have always wondered about the alternate history in which the F-20 was deployed and went through the same evolution the F-16 had gone over the years. I once did a play-through of AC(4?) completely on a tigershark .
  15. After completing #12, he has a secret final boss fight 13. DEFEAT CHUCK NORRIS.
  16. I just placed an order for Vol. 2 .... please there be VF-2SS, please there be VF-2SS, please there be VF-2SS.... also, er... volume 3 confirmed or just speculation?
  17. This movie has the most redundant title ever . We all know a Ninjas job is to flip out and kill all the time! http://www.realultimatepower.net/index4.htm
  18. Sentence: 2.2 million hits on Google proves that the ignorance out there is not discriminatory/racist. 2.2 million hits on Google: The # of hits returned on said search engine. proves: to establish the truth or existence of something by providing evidence or argument that the ignorance out there is not discriminatory/racist: Because of the high number of hits, that people are perhaps ignorant, but calling them racist is a bit too far. Comments: Google is not good evidence to prove that it is not discriminatory, nor does it prove that it is. Please use a better source k? /thread. I got a 29 on my MCAT (medical school admissions tests here in the US, 10 on biological sciences section which has substantial genetics components, which would have gotten me into med school) - but decided upon a different career. Did UG research for a genetics professor researching mtDNA. I can explain terminal dogma. Yes - research > filling gaps with aliens.
  19. I concede that this was poorly developed on my part. I'm arguing in between study breaks! In the context of this situation (pyramids/stonehenge = aliens), ignorance = racism. I will just quote my original argument: Since there is no historical track record, these internet "historians" automatically assume that there is alien intervention... hmm...? why would they possibly think such a thing? Could it be because they feel that the Mayans, Egyptians, <insert civilization> were incapable of doing this on their own? That is the crux of my theory. There is lack of will to find out the truth and abundance of belief in inaccurate and incorrect facts (ignorance). There is a belief in the inferiority of said civilization (racism). Just to make it clear: I'M NOT STATING THAT THIS IS YOUR OPINION LOL, I'm merely justifying my claim that racism = ignorance in the context of the "who built the pyramids" debate. I am perfectly aware of your stance and am perfectly aware that you are skeptical as I of the ET theory, and that you're not providing these 2.2 million hits in support of that. I was arguing this interesting statement you made: ... by stating that 2.2 million hits on Google DOES NOT PROVE that the claim is not discriminatory against certain cultures. Google returns is just not good evidence for anything, whether you're proving that it is discriminatory, it is not, or that coke is better than Pepsi. I can summarize it like this, when was the last time you have seen hits on Google as solid evidence in either a court of law or serious academic paper? All I'm saying is that if you want to make your point - which is: the wealth of information about this subject proves discrimination is not a factor, (amirite, amirite?) then try and use some better evidence.
  20. Ok... then how do you explain that dogs are different than cats, that a hippo is different than a whale. Is the whole diversity of the planet a result of alien intervention? I think that's a pretty bold claim. In your earlier example you referenced giant modern apes, and the fact that they have 2 extra chromosomes... big deal, my cat has 38 chromosomes and coincidentally so does a pig. Chimps and other great apes (but chimps in particular) are our nearest relative, but that does not mean that they were the direct evolutionary link to humans. There have been many iterations of the homo genus - homo erectus, homo habilis, homo neanderthalensis, etc, we know for a fact that neandertahlensis co-existed with modern humans in Europe up to a few hundred thousands of years ago when they suddenly went extinct. All of these "variations" were closer genetically to modern Homo Sapiens than modern apes. Due to environmental pressure however, only Homo sapiens survived. Therefore, I don't think anyone tweaked the genome of the great apes to get humans. Rather, there was speciation that resulted in many advanced hominids of which only one type survived. Why would the "alien overlords" create such an imperfect plan lol? To have these factions fight one another for fun? 250,000 years is nothing in the scale of evolution, it does not surprise me that we still all have 46 chromosomes.... evolution is a process that takes millions of years through the combination of slow accumulations of germ line mutations (that can contribute to fusion/fission of chromosomes) and environmental pressures - disease, catastrophes, etc. If you look hard enough, you will find chromosomal mutations that caused dinosaurs to evolve into birds, and prokaryotic bacteria acquired eukaryotic characteristics - it's all part of evolution. So the fact that nothing has happened in 250k+ years is pretty normal to me, and indicative that evolution is the correct theory to explain diversity. Mitochondrial Eve is not a BS theory, but it is even less useful when explained incorrectly like you just did (nothing personal). Evolution is not a perfect theory, but because of the work done by geneticists, biologists, and other scientists (who coincidentally studied, research, and work hard for many years vs. getting their degree from google) it sure as hell makes more sense and can stand the lithmus test better than, "OMG IT MUST BE TEH ALIENS". To me it's the same. But my point here is that 2.2 Million hits on a search engine does not constitute as evidence in support or against anything. You fail to answer my original claim that the "number of hits" is independent of whether or not something is discriminatory or not. Tons of Americans supported slavery in the 19th century(quite a few million hits there!), was that not racist? I love a good debate, but please come up with something better than - "you're wrong because Google says so." ...A billion hits does not say that something is non-discriminatory ...A billion hits does not say that something is correct.
  21. Freiflug - Your understanding of mitochondrial Eve is incorrect. She is the Most Recent Common Ancestor of all humans, which is different than "The Female Ancestor of all Humans" or "The only person in the world with 46 chromosomes." She was not the only Homo sapiens sapeins in the world at the time, and most likely mated with other humans with 46 chromosomes as well. Src: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Most_recent_common_ancestor The MRCA is really an artificial construct that geneticists came up with to better track the quirkiness of Mitochondrial DNA. You only get mtDNA from your mother, unlike your nuclear DNA which is a mishmash between the DNA of your parents. As a result, it is possible for MtDNA lines to just die over time. If a family produced only male offspring, there would be no mtDNA passed, or if a female never had children the same would result. Therefore, you can really only go back so much back in time. In other words, the mtDNA of Eve just so happens to be the only surviving line of mtDNA, it does not mean she was the only modern human woman with 46 chromosomes alive at the time! As you already pointed out, under normal circumstances, individuals with +/- 1 chromosomes are subject to illness such as Down Syndrome in the case of +1. Therefore, it makes no logical sense that she mated with males that did not posses 46 chromosomes and spawned a relatively successful offspring that are our ancestors. Furthermore, she could not have been the only the only modern human at the time, as a 1 woman:x male ratio is not a sufficiently diverse enough population gene pool to sustain a species. Therefore, Mitochondrial Eve was just 1 woman in a population of normal humans with lots of females and males with 46 chromosomes. lol, did they ask for child support?
  22. The treatment of Stonehenge is a prime example of what I'm talking about. (I'm not narrowly framing this whole thing as a Anglo/European vs. the world the debate.) Like the Egyptians and other ancient cultures, their historical record is incomplete, yet people insist that they were incapable of lugging a few stones into a specific formation that align to something in the sky. Since the original inhabitants of the British isles are essentially human with the same basic mental faculties as everyone else in the world, why is it the case that -absent a historical record - ET's are somehow involved? That, is the issue here. So I guess: (A)- Racist (B)- Ignorant lol take your pick, in my opinion they are one of the same or a subset of each other. And please lol stop with the Google count. Based on the amount of sheer trash that is on the internet, the only thing that reflects is the sheer ignorance of internet users who have somehow managed to learn HTML.
  23. Um.... I guess I took the part about "First of all, that's not true. There are plenty of theories involving Area 51 and how many modern day technologies, weapons systems, propulsion, etc...were all reverse engineered tech from the Roswell crash" ... a bit too literally? I fail to comprehend why you brought this up, but... anyways, I'm sorry? Assuming you don't believe in this (so not addressed to Vic, just generally picking this dumb theory apart) - I'm not going to write a 5 paragraph essay on natural selection and speciation which I think clearly explains how the current flora and fauna of this planet came to be. Instead I will use this example: If your car fails to start, do you blame it on some obscure phenomena, on say, the current average rainfall in Europe? No. Sure, by some unusual causality of the butterfly effect this could be a factor, though the probability that both are related is very low. To me, a person with average education and intelligence, the most probable explanation of something there is poor historical record on ie. the construction of the pyramids, is not alien intervention. There are probably many explanations and theories. To just completely write-off something that we don't understand as the work of ET's is anti-intellectual and contrary to the traits that did enable scientists/engineers/scholars figure out important stuff. I think if Newton, who lived in a not so progressive era, would have just written off physics as simply a given from a higher power, we would still be in a much darker age now. I apply the label of racist to any ignorant mofo. Just because there are over 9,000 google results for something does not make it accurate or non-discriminatory. I'm sure quite a few thousands of Americans in the 19th century supported slavery, and quite a few thousands of South Africans who supported apartheid.
  24. There are academic papers, theories (written by humans), designs, blueprints, and a research trail that account for all of the great inventions of the 20th century. There are a few "guys on the internet" that claim that our technology derives from aliens.... who is more credible? Rome was one step away from an industrial revolution. They were advanced to the point of having indoor plumbing, unparalleled knowledge of engineering, and a level of culture whose sophistication rivals our own. If I were ignorant, I could easily claim that "teh aliens" gave Rome its knowledge but I'm not, as there is clear historical evidence to suggest the opposite. Just because the historical trail is not clear for Giza, and other marvels, does not automatically mean that there was alien intervention. Why not exhaust all possible options (like oh say... the Egyptians were good at math and had a substantial labor force) before bringing ET's into the equation? Honestly, building a static object that aligns to the sky requires only an advanced understanding of trigonometry which is one of the most basic forms of math. The Sumerians were not the forefathers of all modern civilization (arguably for the middle east yes). They were the earliest to make significant cultural and technological strides, but by the time that happened humans were already spread across the globe and well into the Americas as the last ice age had ended. The civilizations of Asia, Europe, and the Americas came into being relatively independently. Think about this: First Kittyhawk flight: 1903 Sputnick: 1957 Difference: 54 years In less than a century, humans went from barely flying to finding out a way to break into space, it is not inconceivable for me that people X thousands of years ago figured out a way to build a big structure. Edit: and lol @ Google hits. From the people who brought you this: (Hint: Not everything on the internet is true, or useful)
  25. The biggest sign of intelligent life in the universe is that they have decided for many years to ignore our calls and facebook friend requests. On a more serious note, (and I stated the same thing on the 2012 thread), the whole alien influence thing is a thinly veiled form of racism in my opinion. Anything built by a non-European/Western civilization has supposedly been attributed to aliens since said incredibly works (pyramids, nazca lines, etc.) are supposedly tooooo advanced for the "local people" to do.
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