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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. I agree. Interesting cast of characters, good hooks for some drama, and some good classic planes. They would need some unique play mechanics to avoid looking like an AC or HAWX clone though.
  2. I remember seeing this movie too... just out of curiosity (not that it matters), I can see that the Tomcat fired a sidewinder at the second zero. How effective would an IR missile be against a prop-plane?
  3. I hope Snoop Lion is in this one, playing the ace pilot of a transforming bag of weed.
  4. Got mine yesterday. None of the photos I've seen do it justice, simply beautiful! ... and what's this talk about a YF-19 V2?
  5. The only thing that could surpass this is Elcor hamlet with pheromones:
  6. I would like whoever is directing to move away from the campy and slightly goofy droid happy elements of Star Wars (i.e. Ewoks, Jar-Jar, cute R2 units, etc.) A dark and cerebral Christopher Nolan SW film would just be incredibly awesome. Perhaps a very character-focused tale of Jedi and Sith by Ang Lee.
  7. This Samuel L. Jackson movie is waiting to be made ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPwVmvqxMeo
  8. Got the email notifications. Hit myself twice in the arm really hard. Confirmed I'm not in Rapid Eye Movement Cycle. State: Awake
  9. Nippon-Yasan VF-4 back in stock! Edit: Hmmm... my order went through, but it now says out of stock. Maybe I got the last one in the batch... hope this wasn't a glitch.
  10. You are incorrect. It has rocket-PUNCH.... the fists are on their way back.
  11. The 0080 and the White Dingo custom. I was just working on it in fact
  12. I know a lot of people like you, they had degrees that didn't translate clearly into a job, but they took less glamorous positions upon graduating, worked hard, got their MBA's and ended up supervising a bunch of technical people. But this is the exception rather than the rule. Kids these days think they are entitled to a nice comfy job just because they invested so much money into schooling. Employers either want demonstrated skills or at least some indication that the individual has an aptitude for whatever job they're applying to.
  13. My extreme theory - Generation Y people who are now "graduating" and entering the job market have found that they acquired absolutely no useful skills and hence are unable to secure employment. Meanwhile they've racked up a mountain of debt to acquire said useless education. Should have studied something useful - Engineering, Computer Science, even Horticulture, etc.... or if you had a useless degree, invest in going to law school or something. Alone, playing video games in their parent's basements they wish that there was some sort of cataclysmic event so they can start anew, free from all the bad choices they made.
  14. It's technically not the year of the snake until the Chinese new year. It's February 10th. Although I subscribe to the new age mythical horoscope system. It is currently the 4th day, of the 18th cycle, of the great year of the flying unicorn.
  15. My PS2 is still alive and kicking after so many year - I bought mine in 2002, that seriously makes it the oldest piece of electronic equipment that I own! Unmatched in quality, NEVER had a problem with it. Can't say the same for my 360, though my PS3 has thankfully been problem-free. May it rest in piece in video game Valhalla where Solid Snake, Jehuty, and Razgriz squadron live forever.
  16. Game image of the YF-30 in 3 modes: And a cleaner shot of the fighter: Note the really unique FAST pack on top of battroid mode. More info here: http://blog.yahoo.co...es/689978/index
  17. LOL ... original thread here, with explanations: http://www.sinodefenceforum.com/air-force/j-20-new-generation-fighter-iii-209-5600.html Though some of these are fairly self explanatory.
  18. Kawamori probably didn't get to use that sharpie/pen he had - Bro, not gonna bother with this.... just start over. Fighter mode looks somewhat acceptable to me though. In my opinion the better way to go would have been to continue making the 1:100 non-transformable fighters like they did with the -25 and -29.
  19. The best FF was XI ! You play a greedy adventurer who grinds and grinds and grinds to max out jobs only to find out that Prostitute Bard is the best job to get friends, parties, and invites to high level Linkshells. The game is pervasive, it never ends! Your main end game activity it to sit around for hours waiting for high level monsters to spawn, defeat it, and find out that whatever item you wanted did not drop. In the rare event that said item does drops, get ready for loads of entertainment as you and your adventuring buddies create an endless stream of drama to determine who gets what loot. Your reward for all this is so that you can stand in a very populated town with your character in full uber-looking gear and have people check you out, while you log onto your other PC and play WoW.
  20. I'll give it a shot, when you suffer from extreme Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (the level requiring medication) some things and places are off-limits - public restrooms, dark room full of strangers (i.e. ye old cinema) . I do a lot of streaming, normally a few months after a flick is released... for Star Trek I might make an exception next year. UPDATE: ...December 22, 2012 now.
  21. Topic. It's about 3:37 AM in Kiribati of December 22nd 2012, most of Asia will cross the date line soon as well. The grays from Zeta Reticuli have not invaded, and thus the UN was not forced to activate the X-COM project. All the super volcanos are still pretty quiet, and Nibiru is nowhere to be seen (I mean we would have most certainly felt the "gravitational effects" of another planet on a collision course by now!) So ... what did you all enjoy in 2012? Toys, animes, movies, models, games? For me Bandai and Yamato delivered big time on some pretty awesome stuff most noticeably the VF-17 and up and coming VF-4. Bandai ups its game with the VF-171, and the usual Gundam fare. Thank you so much for the GM Sniper HGUC's!!! Let's keep those relatively obscure MSV's coming along. The only movie I saw was Prometheus. Games-wise I'm still having a blast with X-Com, definitely my GOTY. Your thoughts? What are you anxiously waiting for in 2013?
  22. The flaming pony @ 2:30 is clear evidence that the game will be entitled: PHANTOM PAIN, FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC.
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