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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. Dollfie = Creepy http://www.moeyo.com/2009/12/dollsparty22_dealer1.html I cringe whenever someone refers to one as their "daughter"...
  2. Making bread is hell.
  3. When you say that in MWF, you instantly feel the little red dots floating across you .
  4. The only name change I approve is Bruno -> Henry Bruno conjures up this (though only in recent times):
  5. Did anyone enjoy Assassins' Creed 2? I loved the first, but I found the repetitive nature of some game elements to be somewhat annoying. This will be my "holiday break" game. I find the usage of historic characters from the Renaissance quite intriguing.
  6. I just saw the latest ep of Railgun... please don't tell me it ends in one more episode or the next I'm quite surprised that the nugi onna turned out to be the final boss.
  7. lol is that a wheelchair in the background to transport her around ?
  8. As a life-long video game player I sort of like the idea of unmanned warfare in general. In fact, I think all future wars should be fought via proxy RC war machines... and after the fighting is done, we can all go the the UN.org's PVP forum and flame each other out.
  9. Well guys, you know, in Hollywood: Tits = acting skills
  10. I got my box today: YF-25 Prophecy VF-27 VF-19 (the blue/white one) VF-22 Gamlin YF-21 VF-2SS RVF-25 VF-25 fodder + (some other assorted VF-1's I don't care about) Despite their size, they all look incredibly sharp.
  11. I love the new Mospeada-Shiva from FFXIII
  12. What ancient 20th century wonders will Shaorin show us next? ... I loved Ninja Combat for the arcade system, I'm assuming they released it for the cartridge as well. Good times.
  13. As a film student project, or just something neat to add to a portfolio of works, this is great... but I just fail to see how you can take this and make it into a full length feature film that has not been done before.
  14. Well, the EVA's have 5 minutes of power without the cord, which is more than enough time to wreck havoc, that' 15 minutes of combat potential for the whole Asuka/Rei/Shinji team. As Gubaba hints, the EVA-01 eventually looses the need for a cord.
  15. Thanks for the info. And yea... I'm going for more of a "serious business" machine, don't care much for entertainment features. (Though a decent media player would be nice, which I think comes standard in most BB anyways). I will definitely check out the Curve.
  16. I decided to (heavily) weather and beat up my Zaku: This is my first serious attempt at weathering and showing battle damage. The paint chipping effect is coming along nicely, but the actual weathering (which are supposed to be more like burn marks) needs just a bit more subtlety.
  17. I agree that Saul Thigh is the best character in the whole show... followed by Six / Baltar. They whole show should just be renamed: "Saul Thigh's drunken rampage through the universe and how I got this eyepatch"
  18. Hey guys... any thoughts on a good Blackberry model for either Verizon / AT&T in the US? I just got offered a full-time position starting next summer at a new company, but I don't get a laptop, so according to this guy I know who works there a BB is almost a must. I only have superficial knowledge on the e-mail push technology that RIM uses, so is there anything I should watch out for? I would hate to buy a device incompatible with my employer's e-mail infrastructure. Please advise. Thanks.
  19. I must be the only Unicorn-hater in Gundam fan-dom. To me it looks awful in all modes, though slightly palatable in Unicorn mode, Destroy mode just looks like a bunch of sores just opened up . Its over-the-top nature is only outdone by the ridiculousness of Strike-Freedom.
  20. Philosophical thread is philosophical ...
  21. I like the end.... where the robots just go "F* this!..." up-down-up-down-left-right-left-right
  22. I think I've been playing too many games... I didn't recognize the actor, but the voice sounded familiar. It turns out Keith David is also "Captain Anderson" (ME) and "Sergeant Foley" (MW2), I wasted a whole 40 seconds looking it up on imdb
  23. Oh... I have seen this fight before, really neat. Capoeira is always fun to watch. It seems to be quite painful and difficult (for the practitioner) though, you're constantly low so it probably hurts the back a lot, and when 99% of movements are kicks it probably requires tons of endurance... perhaps that's why every Capoeira person I've seen looks so incredibly fit.
  24. 1/250 Macross Fighter Collection Volume II otw.
  25. Again, a subjective thread. No one has seen every kung-fu flick ever, but here are my favorites (Honorable Mention) Jet Li vs the Dojo from Fists of Legend: (3) The Bride vs. Crazy 88 from Kill Bill: (2) Spike vs. Viscious Round 2 from Cowboy Bebop: ... I'm pretty sure 99.9% of people have seen this (1) Peter, Samir, and Michael Bolton vs. The Fax Machine from Office Space http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfCYzJAgwrw...feature=related Mike Judge is a genius, loved this and Idiocracy too. It is MAN VS MACHINE, MAN VS SOCIETY, ... and when Michael Bolton looses it, it's MAN VS er... I don't know where I'm going with this. Good night.
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