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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. Our Gaia is not dead, just biding her time. On December 20 2012 she will party her a$$ off, she'll be so drunk and high that there will be a geomagnetic reversal the next day, thus fulfilling the prophetic words of the great sage Ronald Emmerich.
  2. Um... I'm pretty sure that the Romans understood the concept of zero, as the word null is of Latin origin (though its modern meaning is not exactly the same as zero, but the general idea conveyed is) - as it would have been impossible to accomplish all the things that Roman Civilization did without it. There was a zero, it was just represented in a number of ways: Source It is true however that it's not in the standard roman numeral system
  3. I just grinded through Assassin's Creed II the past few days and loved it. Per a few previous threads, I'm not a really big fan of non-evolutionary human origin theories, which plays a heavy role in the plot, but ACII with its colorful cast of Renaissance characters and history presents everything in a tasteful enough manner that I ended up enjoying it. One negative about the game is that combat-wise, Ezio is just too overpowered. Also, the Italian accent English is a bit ridiculous imo, they should have just have Ezio's voice actor speak in the actor's normal voice. Altair never spoke with a strong ME accent in the first game, and although the VA's were different, it conveyed the impression that Altair simply sounded like a more confident and badass version of Desmond... in my next playthrough think I'm going to with Italian/English-subs .
  4. I'd like to think that the award shows are still more artistically inclined, and thus not popularity contests. If they were, you would have seen hot-blooded testosterone fueled action flicks win best movie every single time, yet these have been the academy award winners for the past few years (hardly the "movies of the season"): 2008: Slumdog Millionaire 2007: No Country for Old Men 2006: The Departed 2005: Crash ... Just as a point of contrast, the top grossing blockbuster movie of 2008 was the Dark Knight with 530M USD, the best picture winner is nowhere near the top 10. The most popular movie seldom wins a mainstream prize.
  5. Color line-art for 00 movie gundams: Lock-on's new Gundam looks a lot like the DC-05 Lotto from Unicorn. Quaan Gundam looks sort of silly, I agree that they should have just used the MSV's like the seven sword.
  6. nm = nanometer
  7. ... Black is technically not a color, as it's a description of a state in which a material absorbs all wavelengths from approximately 400 to 700 nm. A color would be defined as the reflection of a wavelength within that range by a given material. Since there is no reflection, and only absorption, it's not a color.
  8. Don't worry guys, Avatar II will come out in 2019, and Avatar III in 2029. By then, everything is CG including the actors. Avatar III will be ground breaking in that once again casts real people for the film and uses puppets for animals and the Navi... the media will hail it as the most innovative thing in the history of acting and theater.
  9. Well that makes perfect sense imo. The word "conforming" as popularized by Victoria's secret should be a good hint on the aerodynamic impact of the new tanks.
  10. This might be a stretch, but have you tested with another cable ? Ideally, you want Cat5 or higher for most networks today. Also, make sure the cable is not a crossover-cable (for PC to PC connections).
  11. The comformal fuel tanks on the Falcons give it a whole new level of awesomeness.
  12. Good start, but the next Robotech saga deserves a proper triumvirate of shows, as one series is not enough to convey the incredible awesomeness of the RT concept. I propose Series II (The peacetime saga): Kona-chan is recast as Max and Miriya's youngest daughter And the Grand Finale (The Robotech Revolutions):
  13. The "You chauvinist" line is a classic that will go on to take its place in the vast arsenal of literary one-liners:
  14. omg, are u trying to rip off poor nugundam with whatever he is complaining about?? (jk) As the year rapidly draws to a close, what are all of y'all predictions on the MG, HGUC, HG, PG, SEED v Astray, <other grade>, etc releases for 2010 - other than the ones already mentioned and in the pipeline? My prediction for HG: - Half of the lineup for the 00-movie gundams HGUC: - RX-0 Banshee MG: - Two more MS from 00 - RGM-96X Jesta: I'm quite surprised that there has been no news on this - the REZEL, Unicorn, and Khatz... (that huge thing), and even the Geara Zulu have been or are on the verge of having a model released, so in the spirit of Ninja-MG choices, I suspect this be next. PG: - Nu-Gundam: ... I just have a gut feeling. What I want: - RGM-79SPII or RGM-79SC in any shape, form, or capacity ... I have been waiting for years now lol.
  15. In the sequel (hypothetical), humans return 10 years later with a fracking fleet and bomb the frack out of Pandora from orbit and an army of Mobile Suits.... fast forward 100 years later and the human colonists are fed up with the Terran Central Government, and then send a shipment of unobtanium straight into the gas giant. This pisses off Earth which sends troops to pacify the region, and BOOM, The Revolutionary Space War I begins. The colonists eventually win with the help of another alien race nicknamed "Teh SPACE FR4NCH." They now start the Republic of Pandora. Meanwhile, 99% of the Navi have been wiped out by human diseases such as H1N1 and ED.
  16. According to the all knowing Google, 54 is the country code for Argentina.
  17. I hope this one doesn't suck.
  18. Cows from around the world cower in fear! As Bandai's war machines relentless milking campaign has begun.... MG Exia Turraaaaaaans-Ahhhhm mode: http://www.toy-world.com.hk/forum/viewthre...;extra=page%3D1
  19. Well, it's not the most "accurate" game in the world.... like the part about Russian troops carrying Israeli, Austrian, and French assault rifles into battle .
  20. This movie was ok all the way up until the middle, where the plot essentially becomes one big generic "TH3Y C4N N3V3R T4k3 0UR FREEEEDOOOOOOOOOOOM!" The final battle was cool though. Overall it wasn't a bad flick, but far from being the best sci-fi movie of the year. I think Star Trek or District 13 clenched it this year.
  21. Going to see this film this evening, most of the reviews I've seen thus far have been "generally positive". (I'm actually more interested in any cool trailers they might slip in on account of avatar being what it is)
  22. I started playing Assassin's Creed II. It's pretty fun for now, but I think the Italian-English language blend is just lol. No offense, but Ezio really sounds and acts like a stereotypical Italian dude from the Jersey Shore. Why couldn't they make him speak the way Desmond normally talks (yes, I know that the voice actors in AC1 were different for Altair/Desmond)... but Altair never spoke his lines in a stereotypical strong Middle-Eastern accent.
  23. For PvE... the nade launcher on the AK/M-4 worked pretty well for me. The key is that you want it to go boom on the side or right behind the enemy so their shield can't protect them. You can also flashbang them, which will knock them off balance and expose themselves to your attacks. ... or last option, is melee-ing them will also cause them to expose themselves, at which point you can just get behind them and attack. If you want good practice with riot-shield dudes you should try the Special Ops mission for the airport, I don't remember the name lol, but it's basically several waves of shielded troops protected by non-shielded troops.
  24. You must be talking about the famous Antikythera Mechanism, the earliest known mechanical "computer".
  25. Looks like another generic-CG movie unfortunately... the only thing that could have saved it is if Leonidas clawed his way out of the grave still covered in arrows and yelled, "AAAAAAAAAGRH I WENT BACK IN TIIIIIIIIME .... "
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